The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, May 26, 2014

How Can Mainstream Politics Respond To The Anti EU Surge Across Europe?

As the hysteria intensifies following the enormous anti EU swing in elections for the European Parliament, we look at what options are available to the mostly pro EU, pro federalisation leaders of the main European Union nations, that will not result in the citizens if Europe becoming further alienated from the political and technocratic classes.

The BBC have been annoying me all day by talking about the "swing to the far right". What utter bollocks, UKIP and the Danish Peoples Party are Libertarian, the big winners in Greece are communists as are the Spanish Eurosceptic party and the True Finns are anarchists.
Its the BBC and the rest of mainstream media who are swinging to the right, as I keep telling people, "right" means authoritarian government and the media while claiming politically correct credibility are lining up with the authoritarian bureaucratic dictators of Brussels.

Read more on the fight against creeping authoritarianism in Europe
 How Can Mainstream Politics Respond To The Anti EU Surge Across Europe?

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