The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's Anti Corporatism Week

It wasn't planned (nothing on this or my other blogs ever is) but this has turned out to be anti - corporatism week - really folks, it has never been more clearly demonstated than over the past few days that the corpoate state and the corporate banking cartel are collaborating to crate a global government:

One day we posted a long article on how the corporate cartel is taking over the world, the next we read very credible information showing the corporate businesses that make up the cartel are being bought up by the central banks. Now nominally the central banks are owned by government, i.e. we the people. In reality however most central banks are controlled by the Rothschild banking dynasty which hold jaw dropping amounts of government debt. WTF is going on?
Read more:
If Free Market Capitalism Is The Global Economic System, WTF Is This All About?

While the left wail and gnash their teeth over the evils of capitalism and when they need a change scream and shout accusations of 'racist' and 'bigot' at those who try to enlighten them, the problem in the world is not capitalism but corporatism. And as Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini said, corporatism is fascism. Learn how the dupes who think they are left wing are helping fascim succeed in the article below.
Read more:
Corporatism: Government of The People By The Technocrats For The Monopoly Men Of The Global Elite

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