The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, January 01, 2015

2015 - The year Of The Great Immigration Debate?

In the dying days of 2014 and on the first day of 2015, the big news is immigration and the growing anger among working and middle class people at the way their ruling elites seem determined to destroy national communities and cultures by encouraging mass immigration from societies with very different social values. Here's a link to a report on Angela Merkel's unpatriotic attack on Germans who are protesting about the accelerating Islmisation of their country:

 German Chancellor Lashes Out at Anti-Islamification Marches as Support Grows

 As the tide of anti - Islamic feeling grows among the German working class has gained huge momentum since the day in October 2014 when in the city of Dresden two hundred 'like minded people' gathered to launch PEDIGA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of Europe), a movement to defend the nationality and culture of European nations and regions. German Chancellor Lashes Out at Anti-Islamification Marches as Support Grows

 And the situation in Italy is getting quite ugly:

As Italy's poor struggle to come to terms with a lack of job prospects and the challenges of a globalized world, some are blaming asylum-seekers. 

  We have reported on immigration related problems in Britain, France, Germany, Denmark, Germany and Sweden. Now it is Italy's turn. Obviously mass immigration is seen as a problem all around Europle. So why do the elite and their bourgeois sycophants insist it isn't? In the latest reports from Italy we learn that some working class suburbs which the authorities have turned into ghettos for migrant communities, violence is breaking out between the newcomers and working class Italians who have not been able to move away from the areas. As Italy's poor struggle to come t o terms with a lack of job prospects and the challenges of a globalized world, some are blaming asylum-seekers. RELATED POSTS:

Spain's new migrant law upsets E U Thought Police
Spanish police have been accused of violating human rights conventions by beating African migrants who climb the fences between Morocco and Spanish African territories and deporting them on the spot (so-called "pushbacks"), ignoring asylum procedures.

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