The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Sweden's Ministry of Truth to ‘Gender-Adjust' History Books

the Swedish school system was traditionally one of the best in the world. Recently however it seems to be in a tail spin that will bring it to rest next to the Baltic Anomaly, the strange Millennium Falcon shaped thing that rests on the seabed.
baltic anomaly
The Baltic Anomaly (image source)

The probem is the education system has been taken over by the left wing lunatics of The Politically Correct Thought Police. After last September's election which returned the left to power, new education minister Gustav Fridolin made a solemn vow to the voters that he would fix the Swedish schools in his first 100 days in office.

Those 100 days are now passed, and he failed miserably.

But he doesn't want to talk about that, because now he believes that he has found the key issue that is to blame for all of Sweden's educational problems: There are not enough female historical figures in the school books! Yes! It is the endless parade of kings, male inventors and social leaders that are corrupting the poor childrens' brains and making them drop like rocks in the annual PISA rankings!

Now, of course historical figures like the Swedish equivalents of Boudicca, Queen Elizabeth 1, Joan of Arc, Catherine The Great, Marie Curie, and so on should get their well-earned place in history. But since society has been a largely male-dominated setup since men first stood erect, there happen to be more males in the ranks of people who have done noteworthy things, leading armies, writing Hamlet, taking up pitchforks and cudgels against tyranny and generally getting themselves noticed (and killed) than women.

Go back to Joan of Arc, who challenged the norm and the male stereotyp and got burned at the stake for the trouble. Stuff like that kind of discourages others from making waves.

So, even if every person in the book got the exact same allotted amount of text, the males would still come out ahead because we are testosterone driven. Think of little David challenging Goliath to "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."

Or, as history should deal with facts, think of the men at Rourke's drift. Historical facts are kind of troublesome that way, they're full of men, because girls, dickheads that we are, we've always been willing to take the bullet (or arrow or spear) for you. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Fortunately, the truth is not an issue for a determined politician. So education Gauleiter Fridolin summoned representatives from the leading publishers of school books to his office, where he made it clear that future books will be "gender balanced”. Erik the Red will be Erica who is having the monthlies, King Rollo will be reinvented as Queen Rowena, Alfred Nobel will become Annafried and Bjorn Borg will become Bjork.

The education department is the primary customer of text book publishers, so the salesmen were bending over backwards to accommodate Fridolin's bold new vision.

"The gender issue is very important and we want to establish a productive dialogue with the National Agency for Education about this!” quipped Åsa Steholt, CEO of publishing house Gleerup after the meeting.

What strikes me as odd however is that the politically motivated rewriting of history is usually associated with very different forms of government than the liberal democracy Sweden's deluded socialists think they preside over. Yet another political elite so propagandized while in the university system they are now totally and irrevocably divorced from reality? Source: Sweden rewrites history - not politically correct enough


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