The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, September 06, 2015

If You Want To Help Refugees Stop Helping To Kill Them

As The Daily Stirrer predicted, the tide of illegal entrants streaming through Europe's porous southern and eastern borders is increasing. Italy, Greece and Hungary now have major problems and even non EU states in the Balkans are affected. This crisis will not be resolved until the EU leaders politically correct OCD is replaced and we resolve the Merkels, Camerons and Hollandes with people of resolve who will stand up to American bullying and say, we owe you nothing Sidi Obama, we owe Africa nothing, we did not meddle in the affairs of the states from which migrants are now flowing.

we did not start wars that are displacing millions.

(OK, I know some idiot is going to remind me of colonialism - but Libya, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and the rest did not exist as nation states in the pre - colonial era. That is not to say colonialism was unequivocally good, simply that having demanded an end to colonial rule, the former colonies cannot now hack it as modern democratic nations.

Another Humanitarian Crisis Looms In Africa
US Provides Additional $20million in Response to Refugee Crisis in Europe

“The United States announces $20 million to support efforts by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent (IFRC) to provide increased protection, shelter, and lifesaving assistance throughout Europe, including in Greece, Western Turkey, and the Balkans,” the release said.

Pentagon Admits US Ground Troops Involved in Somalia Raid
Pentagon officials confirmed that US ground troops were involved in a raid against a town in Somalia held by fighters of the ISIS afilliated al-Shabaab terror group. The US troops arrived by helicopter to engage the terrorists in a raid which also involved Somali forces, and which they say killed “more than 10? fighters.

If You Want To Help Refugees Stop Helping To Kill Them
As The Daily Stirrer predicted, the tide of illegal entrants streaming through Europe's porous southern and eastern borders is increasing. Italy, Greece and Hungary now have major problems and even non EU states in the Balkans are affected. This crisis will not be resolved until the EU leaders politically correct OCD is replaced and we resolve the Merkels, Camerons and Hollandes with people of resolve who will stand up to American bullying.

German Government Admits it Got Refugee Figures Wrong… Revises Upwards to 750,000 Migrants Expected This Year
The number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean and making their way (illegally) through the Balkans to Germany has passed the government’s worst casse estimates. The unprecedented influx has now forced Berlin to hastily revise the figure upwards. Although the German government had already acknowledged the need to revise estimates, the latest number is beyond all expectations ...

Christianophobic’ Hate Crimes Treble in Five Years in Multicultural Paradise Sweden
Religious, racist, and xenophobic “hate crimes” are at their highest ever level in Sweden, with “Christianophobic” crimes seeing the fastest growth.A new report from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reveals 2014 was a record year for so-called hate crime in Sweden. The Scandinavian 'multicultural paradise' experienced the highest level of hate crimes in recorded history.

Warring Migrant Tribes, Street Shootouts, Grenade Attacks, Government Says Its Multiculturalism? WTF Is Going On In Sweden?
"Sweden, that's where they commit suicide and the king rides a bicycle," a character in an Alan Bennet play famously said back in the 1980s, a reference to Sweden's reputation as the most boring country in the world. That reputation has long gone, the elegant streets of Sweden's gothic styled cities are now more like Chicago in the Al Capone era. Scandinavia's biggest nation state is in the grip of a terrifying crime wave instead ...
Sham Marriages To Beat Immigration Laws Are Out Of Control
With main immigration news on being dominated by the Mediterranean boat people crisis and the masses at Calais hoping to stow away in a freight container, we forget that another way of getting somebody into the country is the sham marriage. Numbers involved may be small, but it is another indication of our governments' failure to address the immigration problem.

Sweden: The Destruction Of A Great Nation

The headline may seem dramatic but when you read of what is happening to Swedish society due to the authoritarian leadership of a politically correct metropolitan elite, and the social engineering projects of left wing intellectuals, the attacks on free speech by corporate media and the effects of unmanaged imigration, you will understand we are being quite restriained in our description of the situation.

A Swedish Voter Loses It With The Politically Correct Idiots Running His Country
The problems caused by government created immigrant ghettoes in Swedish cities have turned the once safe streets into war zones as rival gangs from various immigrant communities vie for control of the drugs, prostitution and illegal gambling trades.

Elderly Sweedish Residents Evicted to Make Way for Asylum Seekers
The latest outrage from Sweden's Politically Correct Fascists is a report about elderly residents of the Millmark center in Sörmark, being served with eviction notices on last week because their group retirement home declared was due to be transformed into a government asylum shelter for 'refugees' (aka illegal immigrants).

Brexit - The End Of The European Superstate Dream?
David Cameron, having won the election with a wafer thin majority is now under the cosh from eurosceptics in his own party as well as party managers panicked by the rise of UKIP. He has promised an early in-out referendum on Britain's future membership of the EU but can he win the concessions he needs to secure a yes vote from the punters

The West Is Always To Blame For Africa's Troubles
It seems to us that according to the the political left of European and north American nation, we in the west are responsible for all of Africa's racial, economic and it was even the 'evil white man' who instigated tribal wars and genocides that took place before and parts of the continent was colonised. But excusing Africa's endemic problems is a parh to self destruction.

The Immigration Problem (part 1)
As Britain, its voters divided between pragmatism and politically correct thinking, heads for political chaos in an election likely to produce and inconclusive result, the big issue that none of the established parties want to talk about looks set to dominate the political debate through the next government's term in office.
The Mediterranean Boat People Crisis - How Does Europe Deal With The Mediterranean Migrant Crisis
The numbers of migrants trying to cross from the Libya on the coast of north Africa to one of the EU's southern nations is increasing. Europe's impoverished southern nations can't cope. And in the better off nations of northern Europe immigration is a toxic issue which is fuelling the rise of anti EU parties from France to Finnland in the north and Hungary in the east. What can be done?

Immigration Omnibus page

Immigration Problem Moves Swedish Politics To The Right

Rape Horror In Swedish Muslim Ghetto

AK47 Assault Rifles Used in Sweden Pub Attack, Death Toll Expected to Rise

More Swedish PC Madness. Art treasures declared pornographic and offensive to women and Muslims

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Another Humanitarian Crisis Looms In Africa

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