The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Five Suicide Bombings Target Chad, Killing Over 40 People - Boko Haram Blamed.

Boko Haram cell in Chad

With all the attention focused on Syria, Yemen and Ukraine we tend to overlook that nasty little war against Islamic Extremists Boko Haram in central Africa. But if you are a gambler we'd suggest that now Vladimir Putin has tired of Saudi Arabian puppet Barack Obama pussyfooting around in Syria and has taken it upon himself to kick the collective arse of ISIS, Al Nusra and Al Qaeda, the min theatre of the war against extremism will move to Africa.

Could this be the beginning?

Chad (sources: Associated Press, Agencie Presse France) — A village in Chad, one of the world's poorest nations, was targeted by terrorists on Saturday. The village in a region of Chad that is home to thousands of Nigerian refugees forced to flee from their homes by the brutal violence of Islamic extremist group Boko Haram, was devastated by at leat five sucicide bombing attacks which killed at least 36 people and left about 50 others wounded. Officials said the attacks appeared to be coordinated.

Authorities in Chad have blamed extremists from neighboring Nigeria for staging the attacks in the western village of Baga Sola. A communique from government spokesman Hassan Sylla Bakari claimed at least 41 people had died, including the five suicide bombers who were identified as two women, two children and a man. Some of the wounded are in a critical condition and are not expected to survive.

A group of suicide bombers, all thought to be female, hit the market in Baga Sola at its busiest time on Saturday, killing at least 16 people, the head of Chad's gendarmerie, Gen. Banyaman Cossingar said. A second group of suicide bombers killed at least 22 people at a nearby refugee camp, he said, although the final death toll from that attack is not known.

There were conflicting reports on the number of wounded. The government's official count was 48, while UNICEF said at least 53 people were wounded, including 14 children. Police spokesman Paul Manka said the attackers staged five bombings, adding that two were near the refugee camp but not in it. News agencies in Africa, prinicipally associated Press and Agencie Presse France said it was not immediately possible to independently verify the differing claims due to the extremely remote location of the attacks.

For months, Baga Sola has been home to thousands of people who already had fled deadly Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria. The U.N. says the Dar-es-Salam camp now has just over 3,000 refugees, and can house up to 15,000. The village is in the Lake Chad region near the border with Nigeria, where Boko Haram first launched its insurgency six years ago. Amnesty International says the uprising has killed 20,000 people. While Boko Haram has attacked Chad's capital before, the bombings on Saturday appear to be the largest and most elaborate staged yet in the country's lake region.


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