The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Politically Unbiased BBC Launches Left Wing Attack On Donald Trump For Illegal Immigrants Stance

Illegal immigrants threaten to overwhelm police as they try to get to Germany (Picture source)

No doubt some brainwashed left wing idiots will try to claim I am a Trump supporter for saying this, but the BBC are well out of order here. Mr. Trump is a contender for the chance to be Republican Party candidate in the United States Presidential election, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is required by its (now rarely observed) charter to avoid political partisanship.

To publish partisan views on the democratic process of another nation is doubly out of order. OK, everybody is entitled to an opinion but the BBC is rather different to UK only publishers or broadcasters; not only because of its status as Britain's publicly funded official broadcaster, but because as well as having the highly regarded World Service radio channel, it also has a US TV channel, BBC America.

So clearly, involving a British QANGO (Quasi - Autonomous Non Governmental Organisation in US Presidential elections is wrong or the democratic process of any nation other than Britain (where BBC Programmes are not officially allowed to take sides, although the left wing bias is acknowledged by BBC bosses).

Only Yesterday, Swedish MP Kent Ekeroth, told Breitbart London the poll - topping Swedish party intended to protest to the UK regulator over the BBC's alleged political bias in portraying his party, which is opposed to the integration of EU member states into a single political entity, as a "Neo Nazi” party. On the same day a BBC News reporter covering the EU Malta summit said (untruthfully) that all EU leaders agreed in an era of globalism, mass migration is a fact and cannot be reversed, so the debate should be about how to manage it.

Now the publicly funded broadcaster, which is often said to be the most influential news broadcaster in the world, has turned its guns on U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, in an article entitled: "Donald Trump wants to deport every single illegal immigrant – could he?

Viewers of the Republican presidential debate on Tuesday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be aware of the heated exchange with Gov. Jeb Bush, who ostensibly wants to do very little about the "12 million” illegal immigrants in the United States (mainly because the Bush clan's big business buddies benefit hugely from the cheap labour of illegal immigrants), and Donald Trump, who wants to see a policy of repatriation, and a preference for legal immigrants.

But the BBC's report – which coincided with a Newsnight video hit job – begins: "US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to deport every illegal immigrant from the United States. The other Republican candidates say it can't be done – one called it a "silly argument”.”

The corporation, which has also been the subject of investigations for anti-Israel bias, as well as on the receiving end of accusations of left-wing political bias in the United Kingdom, leans heavily on the testimony of the ‘Center For American Progress' – avowedly left wing, pro-mass migration organisation run by a former Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton employee. The organisation enjoys the financial support of the left-leaning Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as the the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates.

Where the BBC really loses the plot as it has over Europe's illegal immigrant crisis, is if they're illegal immigrants (or bogus refugees and asylum seekers) then surely they should be deported. Only ultra-marxists Labour Party supporters and BBC media luvvies could see a problem with that.

Read any of the stories about German or Scandinavian towns undergoing social breakdown and on the verge of economic collapse because they have neither the money nor the infrastructure to support the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants arriving.

From enthusiastically encouraging immigrants just a few weeks ago, the governments of Sweden and Germany have no realised their societies cannot cope with the numbers arriving and with the lawlessness those arrivals bring with them. Sweden, not long ago one of the safest nations in the world, is now the rape capital of Europe, while Germany is close to civil unrest as migrant gangs simply refuse to be bound by German law. Both governments are now appealing to the EU to save them, yet the Bureaucrats of Brussels are making deals with African tyrants that will bring more immigrant to Europe.

I guess these self righteous, guilt - junkie elitists just feel so good about themselves, having been seen by the brainwashed left to be caring, sharing, join-hands-and-sing-Kumbayaing 'progressives that they are willing to accept consequences that will inevitably result in the fall of western civilization. There really is no cure for stupid.

That's the lovely irony in the moral relativism of the left however.

We have a self - styled elite that claims to be enlightened, educated, and civilized, and who happen to live in societies where the highest legal power is not a person, but the rule of law (Marcus Tullius Cicero, in 70BC defined civilization as "When our ancestors came out of the hills and forests and learned to live under the rule of law.) Then these enlightened paragons of greatness simply state that the law should be ignored if a person doesn't like that law in the name of diversity and multiculturalism.

This is the basis of civil disobedience, a hallmark of leftist protests. They think that because they are a (self-declared) intellectual elite (smarter than everyone else), that they get to choose which laws should be followed and which are "racist, sexist, homophobic and regressive" and should be willfully broken.

In essence, they reject the rule of law, and go back to the individual person making the law, and each one of them is their own king.

Thus when the BBC attacks Donald Trump's position on illegal immigrants, it is really attacking his defence of the rule of law, the foundation of our civilized world.


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