The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Flowers For Political Chancers?

 Some readers might think this post is a waste of time (and some, we are sure, think Boggart Abroad is a
waste of space in general) but while the main task we set ourselves is to raise awareness of the crookedness and self - interest that twisted together forms the thread of corruption that runs through every aspect of modern life, some things like friendship are more important than secular or material considerations.

And so this post is a favour to our friend Evie Thompson, a florist in London who, when the blog platform she was part of along with our original Boggart Blog and Little Nicky Machivelli though she was looking at the ten years of work she has put into building her her online floristry course. Not everyone is as experience in internet idiosyncracies as I am, nor do they have as much free time. So having helped Evie move her blog to Wordpress I am using this and other opportunities to set up the inward links needed to get the new blog indexed and traffic flowing. Not asking you to visit of course, but if you are, or if you know anyone who is interested in learning how to make professional quality flower displays, the site is a must.



Evieflorist said...

Much appreciated thankyou

Boggart Blogger said...

You're welcome Evie. Are you on Facebook? There's a group I'm in, it's for ex member of (a writers' site) really but as the majority of members are women I'm sure if I asked they'd let you join and I know your lessons would be very well received. It's gonna be hard work building our traffic again, what Populis could have done is put a divert on everyone's sub domain so of search engine juice would be passed on, but they were not interested in doing that.

If I'm not in touch again have a good Christmas, The wine was excellent BTW