The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Turkey Planned Shootdown Of Russian Plane Weeks Ahead - Wikileaks

The global political situation gets worse each day it seems for those of us who hold no stake in the industries that profit from war and simply want to liive quiet and moderately enjoyable lives.

Via Wikileaks, it is revealed that Turkish President (and wannabe Sultan) Recep Erdogan made plans to shoot down a Russian warplane deployed in Moscow's anti - Islamic State campaign in Syria six weeks before the shooting down of a Russian Su-24 bomber in Syrian airspace near the Turkish border, a whistleblower apparently in Turkey said on Twitter.

Erdogan is worried about the outcome of the upcoming elections and is contemplating bringing down a Russian aircraft, the anonymous Twitter user, who goes by the name of Fuat Avni, posted on October 11.

See more of the conversation on Twitter Unfortunately for us English and American leaders many of the tweets are in Turkish

Fuat Avni (probably not a real name), a whistleblower well known to Wikileaks, who has, according to the website, provided accurate insider information exposing the malfeasance of the Erdogan regime, is reported to have revealed that Erdogan personally gave the order to shoot down the Russian bomber, claiming as justification that the aircraft violated Turkish airspace.

According to information published on Twitter by Wikileaks, Erdogan had been trying to mobilize voters prior to a general election, (held on November 1), by dramatically escalating tensions with Russia. Interesting fact: Amid accusations of vote rigging and electoral fraud the Edrogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP), managed to regain parliamentary majority, which it lost five months earlier in an election it was widely expected to lose.

Following AKP's victory, Erdogan, who as a president has limited powers, has pushed for a new constitution, which would grant the president significantly more powers on a par with those enjoyed by an autocrat. However, the AKP still needs 13 more votes in the Turkish national assembly to be able to hold a referendum on this issue.

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