The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Oxford University Introduces Mandatory ‘Cultural Appropriation’ Classes

One of the oldest and most respected colleges, Magdalen, at Oxford, Britain's oldest university has become the first to introduce the currenly fashinable idiocy from Ameroca's west coast, compulsory racial awareness classes to ensure ethnic minorities are not offended by anything, ever.

Magdalen College students have voted to require all first-years to attend sessions which will cover racism, ‘institutional racism’, ‘cultural appropriation,’ and implicit bias.

According to a report in The Telegraph, students will learn about how to "participate effectively in fighting racism for both BME [Black and Minority Ethnic] and non-BME students". Well, we supose expecting such morons to lean anything useful is just unreasonable

Farheen Ahmed, Oxford Student Union’s Vice President for Welfare and Equal Opportunities, said she welcomed the move as "an important part of bringing the conversation about race and ethnicity into the wider consciousness". Well yes, that's very nice fereed, but WTF are you studying that involves the conversation about race and ethnicity? Or do you plan to get your degree in Politically Correct bullshite and take a job in some QUANGO where being from a minority counts for far more than abilty to contribute anything.

The student paper Cherwell notes: "The University is becoming increasingly aware of the need to prioritise student voices on issues of race, as seen in the establishment of various groups to handle such concerns".

Implicit bias, apparently, is when people are accidentally or unknowingly discriminatory or racist to minority groups, or when they are influenced by stereotypes. Cultural appropriation is the adoption of the customs, practices, or ideas of a culture, which is not said to be authentic or sensitive enough to minority groups. OK, so blacks will abandon cutlery and crockery and eat food with their fingers from banana leaves? All ethnic minorities will eschew electrical goods, vehicular transport, modern heating and plumbing and western style clothing and these all belong to European and north American culture. Oh sorry I forgot, they're students and therefore far too stupid and sheep like to have thought that through.

In some of last year's more idiotic examples of student intelligence fails, Magdalen College was criticised for a 1920s-themed ball after complaints that it could cause offense to female and ethnic minority students on the basis that "people of colour and women were entirely absent from college spaces" during the time period.

Oxford’s Lincoln college was accused of "cultural appropriation" over its New Orleans-themed ball, with students claiming it promotes "nostalgia for an era steeped in racism."

Oxford students voted to create a "Class Liberation Officer" to protect the working classes from “microaggressions” such as being called a "chav".

Obviously Magdelen is determined to preserve its reputation for elitism, the offsping of working class families would never put up with this kind of bullshit.


The STEM Education and Scientism - the curse of modern education.

Education, education, education, said Tony Blair. He meant indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination of course. The thing the Politically Correct intellectual bullies of the new left fear most is an educated working class capable of questioning the dogmas of the scientific dictatorship ...

Students censored – An Academic Community In A Crisis Of Collectivism.

Intellectual freedom in our universities is under threat from ... intellectuals. So overbearing have the left wing screechers of bourgeois politically correct leftism now become that even the universities have surrendered to the intellectual control freakery of cultural Marxism. But if universities are now dedicated to turning out dull minded conformists, what hope is there for western society?

Black characters put parents off books, new Children's Laureate says

It seems very strange to me the new children' laureate is a person descended from the dark skinned races and the first thing she does in her new role is make children's literature a race issue.Isn't that erm, you know ... a tad racist.
Marjorie Blackman (no pun there, that's her name)also said that when ...

Education Is Out, Indoctrination Is In.

This is about a teacher in america who has quit the profession in disgust at the way left wing indoctrination is replacing neutral education in schools. Many British teachers have said similar things and Daily stirrer occasional contributor Sally Redfern quit the teaching profession for the same reason.

In Scotland's Brave New World Every Child Will Have A State Nanny

The putative government of Scotland is trying to push tough laws which will appoint to every child a Nanny State nanny to ensure parents and not abusing their kids. If we think in terms of beating and neglect that seems reasonable but when you remember social workers have yelled abuse because parents kept children off school, let them ...

Captive Minds And Cowardly Intellectuals

The pose intellectuals and academics like to strike is that of detatched, independent minded individuals who reject materialism and devote their lives to the expansion of knowledge and understanding and a quest for truth.In reality…

Its Nineteen Eighty Effing Four In The Education System/b>
Over in the USA or The Peoples Republic Of Obamaland to give it the new official title the government is trying to implement a new education system named Common Core that guarantees to strip children of their individual personalities and turn out identical konformists. It is based on the same principle as the "No Child left behind" nonsense here in the UK…

Whistle-blowing dinner lady wins compensation after school sacks her for behaving like a decent human being.
A whistleblower in the education system was sacked when she reported an incident of bullying to the victim's parents after a school had tried to cover it up, was sacked by the school and then refused reinstatement or compensation by the education authority because she spoke to the press.

Some reality on employment prospects for young graduates.

'Work experience' and unpaid internships have created a moneyless vacuum between education and pa employiment that only the rich are able to fill. For others a degree only means a masive debt without any improvement in earning prospects

The Triumphs Of Higher Education
Who says education is going down the pan (well we do for a start). Higher education is still the portal to great success, fame and wealth as these examples show … The PPE student who who believes ?Urban Guerillas? are primates trained to murder people. The girl with a Desmond* in Travel & Tourism who …

Trendy left wing education policies accused of inhibiting ambition in school pupils

Shocking new revelations about the state of the education system show that trendy education policiesz are not only dumbing puypils down, they are trampling on ambition and aspiration as well.

Left elite's determination to dum down now bars bright pupils from University

Latest plans put forward by elitist lefties to make university access 'more equal' can only lead to higher education being dumbed down as skin colour, sexuality or being from a single parent family will count for more than intelligence.

Eleven year olds progress to higher school unable to read, write and do sums

Around 25% of the 135,000 pupils who left primary school this summer will take with them to their higher school an inadequate grasp of the basic skills, reading, language and arithmetic. This is in contrast to a claimed sharp improvement in national results, demonstrating once more that ...

Maths Fascism

Recent headlines shrieked that "top brains" were demanding this over lurid stories describing the decay of our education system. If these "top brains" truly represent the most intelligent people in our national community it puts a new meaning on the phrase ...

Parents treat us like NHS staff on a Saturday night, says headteacher attacked in his office

A headmaster has complained that parents treat teachers like "NHS staff on a Saturday night" after he was attacked in his study by an angry father. Kieran Heakin, 60, was grabbed around the throat after being confronted by the man who believed his son was being bullied by fellow pupils. As other teachers tried to intervene, the angry father also tried to ...

We Told You So. Education overrated – official.

Boggart Blog has said it before and we’ll say it again. Education is overrated. How much do we poor taxpayers stump up to put little no marks through higher education only for them to make a career of claiming benefits> (Mind you, you need a PhD to hay your way through the claim forms these …

The GCSE has never worked, because no one-size-fits-all exam can test every child.

The news that Education Secretary Michael Gove plans to dump the abysmally dumbed down GCSE exam and bring back an examination closer to the old and much tougher GCE O level for more academically gifted pupils and a qualification based more on practical skills and knowledge for school leavers whose gifts lie in other directions will be welcomed by many who feel the education sysytem has failed ...

The Failure Of Education, The Subversion Of BureaucracyGovernment plans to toughen up the penalties that can be imposed on parents guilty of 'bad parenting' and tolerating truancy do not signal determination to deal with the problems in the education system but are an admission that progressive and ideological ideas in education havre failed generations of bored and disengaged pupils.

Back To basics Policy To Save Education?
Coalition Ministers revealed their proposals for a back-to-basics curriculum for state schools, with the focus shifting away from soft subjects and abstract studies back to basic arithmetic, times-tables, spelling, grammar, reading and history. Predictably Teachers' Union leaders warned it would lead to an unexciting "uniform education" for children. Maybe so, butonce pupils are equipped with those basics they can go on to study whatever they finmd interesting. There is little point talking about Shakespeare to kids who can't ...

Banning Words Like "Fatty" Is Not Being Caring And Nice, It's Fascism By Stealth
The more desperate the Thought Police get because they see the tide in society not just tuining against their stupid, politically correct agenda but becoming a torrent, the more loony their ideas get. The latest Loonytoons notion is to ban the use of terms like fatty and speccy-four-eyes and introduce body image and self esteem classes in schools. Pupils who offend can then join the 80,000 kids, some as young as four, who are on the racism register for crimes as serious as calling a black child velcro - head.

If We Want Social Mobility We Need Selective Education

Every so often the question of social mobility is raised and when it does come up then inevitably the question of selective education follows on it's heels. It is entirely typical of the hypocrisy and politically correct stupidity of the left that while they bemoan the fact that the social mobility (mostly upward from working class to middle class or from "the great unwashed" to the "aspirational working class" which occurred in the ...

We told you so, University Degrees Are Worthless
The Daily Stirrer has been saying it for years, now a leading British businessman has come out and said it too. University Degrees are worthless.Self-made multimillionaire Simon Dolan left school at the age of 16 and went on to form a business empire which now turns over close to £100m a year, putting him 703rd on the Sunday Times Rich List. Mr. Dolan also criticised the designer degree business that is responsible for creating such oddball courses as waste management with dance. He described these and even the less insane courses like ...

If Your Kids Are Crap At School It Probably Means ...

... they are smarter than the average chav.

Children whose minds wander might have sharper brains, some new scientific research suggests. Now we at Boggart Blog are not keen on crap science or the science of stating the effing obvious which this study.

Education and Work Omnibus
Our posts on modern education, both private and in state schools, higher education, university, the politicisation of schooling and some of the craziest idead left wing activist teachers have brought into the curriculum ...

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