The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

SWEDISH POLICE arrest, harass, intimidate Swedish professor for publicly exposing the horrific crimes of Muslim migrants and criticizing radical left wing Muslim sympathizer on Twitter

SWEDISH POLICE arrest, harass, intimidate Swedish professor for publicly exposing the horrific crimes of Muslim migrants and criticizing radical left wing Muslim sympathizer on Twitter

Professor Bilyana Martinovsky has sensationally claimed she was arressted and intimidated by Sweden's police force for straying from the far - left governments narrative on the wonderfully wonderful wonderfullness of Muslim migrants to the country. Readers of this page will know of the wonderfully enriching cultural experience of being brutally gang raped that gangs of migrant m,ales have bestowed on many Swedish women and of the "no go zones" for Europeans set up by migrat organized crime gangs in many Swedish cities and towns.

That the Swedish government are aiding and abetting such criminality is appalling enough, but when the state police start harrassing people for trying to tell the truth about what is going on in that "woke" country, we had a duty to get the news out.

Prof. Martinovsky claims: “I was brutally arrested in Sweden, had DNA taken from my mouth, was searched and surrounded by armed police, and after 3 hours, was finally told that I was suspected of hurting Kajsa Klein’s feelings Jagarhar. se on Twitter. I was interrogated without a lawyer, not released until 1:00 AM, and left outside in the cold in the street with no phone.”

See and hear her description of the experience in this YouTube video:


The BBC is panicking at the public’s rejection of its arrogant Left-liberal worldview

This is nearly over – this weird disconnect between what most of us understand as reality and the world as seen through the eyes of an all pervasive Authority that was apparently appointed (although we never knew by whom) to establish the limits of public discourse. The crisis of confidence at the BBC – and make no mistake, it is a full blown, all alarm bells ringing, catastrophic crisis ...

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