The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Time To Rename Democrat Party The Hypocrite Party


As I read the news this morning, British news mark you, I wanted to puke every time I encountered a (false) assertion that there is no substance to the claims of massive and organised fraud in the US presidential election made by Donald Trump and his supporters. As there is considerable substance to these claims, evidenced by the refusal of the General Services Administration, a non partisan US Government agency tasked with managing the transfer of power after election, to sanction funds for Joe Biden and the Democrats on the basis that several states are still counting votes, there must be recounts in severl more and in still more, the results are subject to legal challenges.

The Biden campaign and left leaning media are pressuring Trump to concede. Concession by the likely loser, based on results projected by news media  organisations is a peculiarly American and completely undemocratic tradition. It could not happen in Britain or any of the truly democratic nations in ther world where all the diverse systems of voting and vote counting do not allow results to be "called" by outside agencies, and the winner is announced only after all votes are counted, any issues are settleed and the final outcome has been agreed by agents for all candidates.

But the hypocrisy of Democrats in the US and the left is astounding.

At this point in the 2016 election, the incumbent president, Obama, had already weaponized the federal government into a sprawling covert-spy operation against the man who had just been elected  (according to certified results) the next president (the handover of power does not take place until January, a detail which Dementia Jo, Willy Brown's Ho.and the rest seem to be unaware of  as the Biden team are acting as if he is already the president. 

Throughout Trump's term in office Democrats have claimed Hillary clinton won because she gathered more individual votes, which only proves that emocrats and diehard Hillary supporters do not understand how the US election system works to elects its presidents. I'm not saying I approve of the current system, only that it is how electoal laws stands now. And let#s not forget uring the Obama administration the Democrats had eight years to change things and did not do so because they theough the current system would benefit them.

Not only did the democrats try to claim Trump had stolen the election, they even spent the first two years of his presidency claiming, ridiculously, that the Russian government had collaborated with the Trump campaign team to steal the election. When this was shown to be untrue the Democrats did not cease to claim Russia helped Trump steal the election while continuing to insist Hillary Clinton was the real winnner, they launched a bid to impeach Trump and have him legally removed from office. The allegations behind this action, driven by Nancy (Vinegar Tits) Pelosi, speaker of the Democrat controlled House of Representatives, and Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat leader in the Senate, were proved to be without sunstance yet Pelosi and Schumer are now among the loudest voices screeching that Republican claims of electoral fraud have no substance even though threre is a mountain of evidence that organised fraud took place in several key states.

 So lets have an end to the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Trump's refusal to concede, those castigating Trump's refusal to accept that Biden won, a few days after the election, is nothing to the FOUR YEARS the Democrats spent complaining that the 2016 election was stolen from them by Vladimir Putin and Russia. President Trump and 70 million American citizens who voted for him are rightly suspicious about whether the 2020 election was stolen, given the sworn witness statements, the video of vans delivering boxes of votes all for Biden after the deadline had passed, the districts in which more votes were cast that there were people entitled to vote and incontrovertible evidence of Republican observers were prevented from watching the counting, (as in Britain it is a legal requirement that representatives of ALL candidates be present during the count.

All the experts on television and political commentators in the press were absolutely certain — with mountains of polling “evidence” — that Trump was heading for a humiliating defeat in this election, a double-digit landslide for Biden was widely predicted. The experts and polling companies (and the hapless, hopeless and now thoroughly discredited statistics hustlet Nate Silver,) insisted The President would take the Republican Party down with him, leaving the Democrats controller The White House, Senate and House of Representatives..

That did NOT happen, in fact they were even more wrong this time than they were in 2016.

So please Democrat hypocrites and Trump haters, shove it where your heads back up the orifice it has resided in for the past four years and accept that not only have your narrrow victory, assuming it is eventually confirmed, has not only put a demented idiot and serial sex pest in The White House, it has given power to an administration that will prove even more divisive, ineffectual and warmongering than Barack Obama's.

Well done guys.





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Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking "I wouldn't mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) - picture credit

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Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting U.S. Congresswoman refuses to condemn stoning of gays.
Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking "I wouldn't mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) - picture credit

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March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

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Why Is The Scandal Of The Awan Brothers Being Ignored?
You have probably never heard of the Awan brothers, a couple of dodgy foreigners with very strong links to the US Democrat National Committee. Given the noise the Democrats have been making about collaboration with non Americans during the 2016 campaign, it is surprising that neither Trump nor any of his supporters have responded to the fact that they have been handed a baseball bat with nails through the end, with which to beat his leading detractors.

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