2020 34th out of the last 50 years for mortality as a % of the population. ONS figures.
The economy: worst dip in 300 years and that was months ago.
Welcome to a new version of the fourteenth century coming our way.
An academic who sits on the British government’s influential scientific advisory panelwarned thatther wave of coronavirus is “likely” this year, possibly within weeks. Europe’s alleged third wave which has prompted the French government to put swathes of the country, including capital city Paris, back into lockdown, could threaten Britons’ ability to go on holiday abroad this summer.
Government scientists reportedly fear that a rising number of coronavirus cases on mainland Europe, dubbed the third wave, could hit the UK within weeks, according to The Times. Professor Andrew Hayward of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) also told Times Radio on Saturday that another wave is “still likely” despite the success of the vaccine rollout, but it would, however, be less deadly. There is no evidence for this of course, it is pure speculation, yet while we are expected to believe that COVID vaccines are safe in spite of hundreds dying and thousands needing hospital treatment shortly after receiving their shot of vaccine, because scientists (science tits) say there is no evidence of a link between the vaccine and the deaths. These science tits need to be reminded of that old scientific principlethat absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. And if you don'#t look for evidence you are unlikely to find any. University College London scientist Hayward, whose employer has benefitted greatly from the largesse of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, said, according to YorkshireLive: “I think another wave is possible, likely even. “I guess the difference is that another wave will cause substantially fewer deaths and hospitalisations because of high levels of vaccination across the sorts of people who would have ended up in hospital or unfortunately dying if they haven’t been vaccinated." Pure scaremongering of course, I am over 70 and therefore supposedly in a high vulnerability group, I have not observed social distancing, only worn a mask in order to avoid giving low paid shop workers a pain in the arse, I have travelled where I wanted to as far as circumstances would allow, (no point driving to a tourist spot knowing it is closed,) and not only am I not dead, but according to a report from my doctor this week I am in remarkably good health for someone of my age. The Daily Gazette reported this week that contradictory to recent upbeat talk of coming out of lockdown and life getting back to normal The Prime Minister at one of hios daily press briefings did say the roadmap to freedom rests on the continued success of the jabs programme, but it sounds like it would take something pretty major to make adifference now. It appears he doesn't want to say anything ahead of the big Commons vote on COVID-19 lockdown restrictions next Thursday that might fan the flames of the expected Tory rebellion. So it all comes down to politics and once Boris had brought his party to heel, the science tits of SAGE will be free to continue implementing their fascistic agenda. No wonder Hitler, Stalin and MaoTse Tung treated scientists like demi - gods.
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