The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Boris’ Blue SShirts Break Up “Illegal” Gathering In London – It Was An Easter Church Service


from Zero Hedge

Shocking footage has emerged showing the absurd lengths authorities are willing to go to enforce ‘Covid rules’ even after vaccines have been made more widely available, with tens of millions having received the jab.

UK police invaded a church in southwest London during a Good Friday service and shut it down because “too many people” were in attendance. Local reports identified that clergy and congregants at Christ the King Roman Catholic Church in Balham, at what’s a predominantly Polish neighborhood church, were threatened with a fine equivalent to multiple hundreds of dollars, or possible arrest if they didn’t leave.

The police appeared to literally burst in mid-service and acknowledged it was among the most important Christian holy days of the year before ordering people to disperse.

“I appreciate that it is Good Friday, and you’d like to worship, but this gathering is unlawful,” an officer is heard announcing.

The church is accusing Metropolitan police of “brutally exceeding their powers”:


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