The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Scientific Publishing Giant Wiley shuts down 19 journals and retracts 11,000 gobbledygook papers

 This blog has often been called anti - science (and much less polite things,) because of our habit of questioning the latest scientific research, particularly the kind of research that relies on output from mathematical models rather than observation, experiment, empirical data and double blind testing. In reality we, and though none of us would claim to be scientists we are familiar with the method, are behaving as a true scientist should, by questioning everything, rather that simply accepting the established truths of the academic community.

Recently it has become increasingly clear that we are right to question, not only has the world or scientific research been corrupted by corporate money, it has been politicised too.

The latest evidence in the growing mountain of revelations that show we Boggart Bloggers and thousands more sceptics in the alt_journalism community have been right all along comes from Australian molecular biologists Jo Nova who has published a report on the meaninglessness of the peer review process, once the bechmark validation for any research, now a fraudulent and discredited 'old pals' network.

Ms. Nova writes:

So much for “peer review” — Wiley shuts down 19 science journals and retracts 11,000 gobbledygook papers

By Jo Nova

Proving that unpaid anonymous review is worth every cent, the 217 year old Wiley science publisher “peer reviewed” 11,300 papers that were fake, and didn’t even notice. It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry. Naked “gobbledygook sandwiches” got past peer review, and the expert reviewers didn’t so much as blink.

Big Government and Big Money has captured science and strangled it. The more money they pour in, the worse it gets. John Wiley and Sons is a US $2 billion dollar machine, but they got used by criminal gangs to launder fake “science” as something real.

Things are so bad, fake scientists pay professional cheating services who use AI to create papers and torture the words so they look “original”. Thus a paper on  ‘breast cancer’ becomes a discovery about “bosom peril” and a ‘naïve Bayes’ classifier became a ‘gullible Bayes’. An ant colony was labeled an ‘underground creepy crawly state’.

And what do we make of the flag to clamor ratio? Well, old fashioned scientists might call it ‘signal to noise’. The nonsense never ends.

A ‘random forest’ is not always the same thing as an ‘irregular backwoods’ or an ‘arbitrary timberland’ — especially if you’re writing a paper on machine learning and decision trees.

The most shocking thing is that no human brain even ran a late-night Friday-eye over the words before they passed the hallowed peer review and entered the sacred halls of scientific literature. Even a wine-soaked third year undergrad on work experience would surely have raised an eyebrow when local average energy became “territorial normal vitality”. And when a random value became an ‘irregular esteem’. Let me just generate some irregular esteem for you in Python?

If there was such a thing as scientific stand-up comedy, we could get plenty of material, not by asking ChatGPT to be funny, but by asking it to cheat. Where else could you talk about a mean square mistake?  

READ The Full Article HERE

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