The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, May 24, 2024

The Contaminated Blood Scandal and The COVID Cover Up: Twins Separated At Birth?

Picture: copyright free web source

General rejoicing greeted release of the report on the infected blood scandal, and the government’s grovelling shame and promises of amends this week, somewhat illogically in my view because we should all be horrified that it has taken thirty years for government and the medical professions to admit they knowingly when ahead with a plan to treat people needing blood transfusions with contaminated blood products. The depth of this scandal which, coming as it does on the heels of the COVID debacle shows that corruption in medicine is not a new thing.

 It occured to me as I read and watched news reports on the contaminated blood disaster that this was a template for the eventual revelation that the ‘covid pandemic’ was a massive fraud, which has to date cost many lives and will cost many more as the true nature of the mRNA gene editing experiment unfolds.

There are significant difference s between the two events which make it unlikely that we who spent a litle time researching the mRNA technology will ever have our day in the court of public opinion. First, the blood scandal involved only an unfortunate small minority of the public, but the majority were involved in the covid scam. All were free to say, as some of us did, ‘This stinks and I want no part of it.’ Most, threatened with job loss and social exclusion took the much simpler way of accepting the government narrative despite decades of proven government lies and obfuscation, including covering up the blood scandal.

As it seeps out, bit by bit, that those who took the jab (whether because they believed they were doing the right thing or because they fancied a week in Benidorm but would not be allowed to travel if unjabbed,  have been fooled, they will resist it with all the force they can muster. It is the hardest thing in the world to convince someone that they have been well and truly shafted up the arse with a baseball bat wrappped in barbed wire. When the truth that there was never any significant risk to 95% of the population and those at risk were easily identifiable, is laid out incontrovertibly, there will still be those insisting ‘It would have been much worse if I hadn’t had the vaccine.’

The blood 'scandal' appears to have resulted from a narrative to push the notion that HIV and  other viruses exist. One need not be a scientists in medical research follow how the pseudo-scientists we call virologists pull off the scam by scaremongering and demonising certain groups of people.  Whether or not viruses exist in, to paraphrase medieval religious philosopher Thomas Aquinas, "any meaningful sense of the word," is up for debate. I do not know much about medical science but I do know a lot about electron microscopes and digitisation technologies in general, and I could give our sciency buddies lessons in computer programming. And those images of purple balls covered in nasty looking spikes are not pictures of 'viruses' they are images created by software from data derived from digitising the electro - magnetic frequencies given off when atoms are excited through being bombarded with electrons (to put it simply.)

As many researchers have pointed out below, it isn't HIV that has killed these people. it is the treatment offered to them by the 'experts'. Will people ever wake up to these scams? Allopathic medicine is entirely corrupt and its functions are to engneer the transfer of sovereign powers from national government to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and to shovel taxpayers money for members of the Big Pharma cartel and the hedge funds that own them, and has little to do with trying to cure you of any disease. 

Further to the parallels being drawn between the contaminated blood injuries and the Covid vaccine injuries, it is apparent that there is a scandal from an even greater folly waiting to impact world society than the Covid hoax pandemic responses did and are still doing. That threat is Net Zero and the policies being progressed to apparently mitigate the mathematical models of environmental damage being done to mathematical models of the climate by mathematical models of Carbon Dioxide emitted from human activities.

The story being advanced is CO2 from fossil fuel use in this country and all countries will negatively destabilise world climate. No one has managed to present any real, verifiable evidence that CO2 and particularly the tiny amount of CO2 human activity generates compared to that pumped out by natural processes will have any negative outcomes.

Natural CO2 from soil activity, outgassing from warming oceans and all other issuing sources such as volcanoes plate boundary spreading accounts for 97% of annual CO2 into the atmosphere.
Human outputs make up the balance 3%.

With CO2 rising, NASA has confirmed the benefits to plant growth since 1980 has been equal to adding an area roughly twice the size of the USA to the planet. The annual ever increasing, crop yields we have enjoyed, ensures the world is a long way from starvation despite huge increases  in population over that same period.

Despite these very positive CO2 induced outcomes the abandonment of secure low cost energy sources including hydro and nuclear mandated by international pressures will drive poverty and hunger into a world that had risen above those problems in the last half century. 

The millions and possibly billions, who will die, due to these faux climate anxieties will be a whole new scale of pain forced onto humanity by national and international treaty mistakes.

These examples plus many more clearly illustrate that the State cares little for the 'small people'. Never, ever trust them. Inflation down, migrants down.....where do their lies and deception end?
Lesson. Always use the intelligence you were given to make your own decisions.



A Lot Of People Are Angry About Their Bevaviour In The Pandemic Being Compared To Germans In The Nazi Era
Let’s recapitulate. A fifth of the population was legally classified as unclean. They were barred from most public spaces, including theatres, restaurants, movies, pubs, clubs, swimming pools, sporting events, concerts, conventions, etc. To access public facilities, people had to carry a digital mark with them so authorities could confirm they weren’t unclean ... Continue reading >>>

Vaccine Safety: Germany Unleashes Spike Protein Bombshell
A new report from Germany has launched this bombshell at the parties stil promoting the vaccine in spite of the fact that almost every day new evidence emerges that this untested and experimental medication, (which is not truly a vaccine as it does not make recipents immune to the virus,) should never have been approved for use on humans or animals. [...]  A review of autopsy reports revealed "The existence of highly unusual tissue inflammation in individuals who died soon after receiving the vaccine" ...

Will Swiss court action over vaccine injuries turn the worldwide tide?
CRIMINAL charges have been filed against the Swiss drugs authority on behalf of six people allegedly injured by the Covid vaccination. A team of lawyers and scientists have compiled a comprehensive evidence report and have made publicly available around 1,200 items of evidence, arguing that Swissmedic has created a risk to public health which significantly exceeds that of SARS-CoV-2.
They assert that the authority approved the new gene therapeutics, although the minimum standards required by law were never met ... Continue reading >>>

Rishi Sunak Reveals How Boris Sold Us Out To Big Pharma and Globalism
it seems most people in Boris Johnson's cabinet during the run up to lockdowns were kept in the dark about many things, including the fact that 'The Science' on which lockdown policy was based was not science at all. Government was effectively reduced to a “quad” of ministers and their 'scientific advisers' deciding on Britain’s future. Rishi Sunak, at that time Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance secretary) was one of them. There were rumours at the time that Sunak repeatedly warned that lockdowns would inflict economic damage that was likely to endure for decades.

Britain is Breaking Down; The Economy Is Struggling, Living Standards Are Falling, Institutions Are Failing
Successive governments have brought Britain to its knees.This article will focus on Britain as representative of the general malaise that is afflicting almost all the developed world. Our current crop of politicians have discarded the resources that brought the country out of the post war decline ... In spite of being rich in energy resources Britain is now in an energy crisis, our leaders have sacrificed prosperity on the altar of Net Zero, committing the nation to our reducing our 1% contribution to harmful emissions still further ...

The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right Again: UK Gov. report admits 19.2 million people in England have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine,
For two years this blog has insisted that the published data on COVID cases and deaths were fabricated, an essential part of a massive campaign of scaremongering propaganda. There were numerous attempts to make those of us wise enough to refuse the killer vaccines feel as if we are oddballs or freaks. In November 2021 the government's Chief Scientific Advser, back by the chief medical adviser announced that just 5 million people in the United Kingdom were unvaccinated for COVID, having declined the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine.

Bill Gates Developing Virus and Vaccine For Next Pandemic, Wants Global Surveillance Pact with W.H.O. to Track Vaccine Refusniks
Even though the efforts of politicians, the health industries and media doom mongers to keep up the fear factor over COVID looking increasingly desperate in the face of public scepticism, billionaire psychopath and wannabe vaccine messiah Bill Gates, whose 'charitable' foundation owns several for-profit biotech companies and who made $£€billions out of COVID, is already planning his next pandemic scam ...

Leaked Documents suggest Moderna created its Coronavirus Vaccine BEFORE Covid-19 was known to exist
A confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 causing virus in Wuhan, China.And now further evidence suggests the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of said experimental injection, is actually responsible for creating the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

How COVID Corrupted Science
Politicians who criticised AstraZeneca vaccine 'probably killed hundreds of thousands', says Oxford scientist in an outburst that reveals how the science acedemy have been totally owned by corporate money and thus have been guilty of lying, scaremongering, fabricating evidence, publishing fake statisics and spreadsing misinformation. And the politicians who told us to 'trust The Science' are just as guilty. ...
Continue reading >>>

Common Sense Prevails: Germany Is Dismantling Wind Turbines To Make Room For Coal Mining
We have learned vial a piece in that turbines at a wind farm in western Germany are being dismantled to allow for the expansion of open cast coal mining operations at an adjacent site. The propsal to increase output at the Garzweiler open-pit lignite coal mine has been described as a “paradoxical” situation given that in recent years the German government has been pushing ahead with the closure of coal and nuclear generating plant to appease its nutty but powerful Green party ... Continue reading >>>

1,200 Scientists and Professionals Go Public With: “There is No Climate Emergency”
As it happens the narrative promoting the risible idea that "The Science Is Settled," and a few other trains of misinformation to keep ramping up the fear level among the general public have been rocked by the publication of The World Climate Declaration (WCD) a study and report signed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals. The authors, meteorologists, physicists, biologists, naturalists and well qualified people drawn from a host of other professions and academic disciplines and from all around the world conclude there is no climate emergency.

Majority of Conservative Voters want Net Zero Plan Halted
Despite sycophantic support from the party elites, recent polling has found that the majority of Conservative Party voters want the government’s Net Zero agenda halted. The Conservative Party base has had enough of their party’s sycophantic support for climate crazy policies, with recent polling suggesting that a significant majority of individuals who vote for the party want the government’s current Net Zero regime halted. ...

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs:

New UN Report on Climate Change – Nothing New, Nothing True
The latest United Nations (“UN”) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report, published this week, once again, in scaremongering tone and the language of the panic stricken, claims that the planet is in peril (we are facing climate disaster, the clock is at one minute to midnight, we must take urgent action to destroy civilisation if we are to save the planet, the usual over - dramatised guff designed to spread fear and panic,) basically the same claim as they have been making at least twice a month for the past 20 years.

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

Common Sense Prevails: Germany Is Dismantling Wind Turbines To Make Room For Coal Mining
We have learned vial a piece in that turbines at a wind farm in western Germany are being dismantled to allow for the expansion of open cast coal mining operations at an adjacent site. The propsal to increase output at the Garzweiler open-pit lignite coal mine has been described as a “paradoxical” situation given that in recent years the German government has been pushing ahead with the closure of coal and nuclear generating plant to appease its nutty but powerful Green party ... Continue reading >>>

1,200 Scientists and Professionals Go Public With: “There is No Climate Emergency”
As it happens the narrative promoting the risible idea that "The Science Is Settled," and a few other trains of misinformation to keep ramping up the fear level among the general public have been rocked by the publication of The World Climate Declaration (WCD) a study and report signed by over 1,100 scientists and professionals. The authors, meteorologists, physicists, biologists, naturalists and well qualified people drawn from a host of other professions and academic disciplines and from all around the world conclude there is no climate emergency.

Majority of Conservative Voters want Net Zero Plan Halted
Despite sycophantic support from the party elites, recent polling has found that the majority of Conservative Party voters want the government’s Net Zero agenda halted. The Conservative Party base has had enough of their party’s sycophantic support for climate crazy policies, with recent polling suggesting that a significant majority of individuals who vote for the party want the government’s current Net Zero regime halted. ...

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs:

New UN Report on Climate Change – Nothing New, Nothing True
The latest United Nations (“UN”) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report, published this week, once again, in scaremongering tone and the language of the panic stricken, claims that the planet is in peril (we are facing climate disaster, the clock is at one minute to midnight, we must take urgent action to destroy civilisation if we are to save the planet, the usual over - dramatised guff designed to spread fear and panic,) basically the same claim as they have been making at least twice a month for the past 20 years.

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

The International Elite's Contempt For National Sovereignty
One of our themes in The Daily Stirrer has been the new elise and their push for global government. Here in a cross post with Philo and Sophia we look at the political philosophy behind multiculturalism global view thinking and the push to abolish national sovereignty and hand power to supranational bureaucrats

Everything has been corrupted.
We've been telling you for years that government and the entire public sector is corrupt. The courts, the civil service, police service etc. Your doctor and the people who will tread you if you have to go to hospital really work for Big Pharma even though their wages are paid out of taxes collected from you. The scientists who dutifully write reports that offer ...

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