Sunday, October 06, 2024

All You Need To Know About Why Britain Must Leave The European Convention On Human Rights
ECHR building in Strasbourg (no luxury is too great for those who shit in judgement on us.)


 In a case dragged up from nearly 20 years ago due to the debate about the UK leaving the terrorist - living, criminal - friendly European Convention on Human Rights, a vicious Ugandan career criminal over here presumably to seek asylum from justice for his crimes in Uganda, joined a group of Romanian thugs in an attack on a rival gang in north London. One of the victims of the mass assault climbed into an ambulance in an attempt to get away from the gang. The attacking group simply went in after him and clubbed him to death amongst the life-saving equipment.

Caught, sentenced to life and recently released after serving over 16 years for his part in the murder, the Ugandan was understandably served with a deportation order. An immigration judge however blocked the deportation. 


The reason cited was that the scumbag suffers from a mental health condition which could not be treated in Uganda, and to send him back there would amount to torture or inhuman treatment. To add insult to injury, the press were told they could not even name him since this would invade his privacy (despite his having been named in reports of the original trial): he had to be called ZM. That judgment was later   upheld on appeal.

"He had a mental health condition which could not be treated in Uganda, and to send him back there would amount to torture or inhuman treatment." What kind of cupid stunt would a judge have to be to spout that bunch of 'woke' verbal diorrhea?

Does the far left lunatic of a judge who came up with this pathetic excuse for allowing a dangertous criminal who has no right to be here, to stay in this country and inevitably commit other crimes? Perhaps there is no treatment in Uganda for Mr ZM (M for 'murderer' presumably) because Ugandan culture does not recognise the same mental health conditions as we do in the UK. Perhaps Ugandans would consider Mr M to be psychologically healthy and capable of facing trial or at least to be within normal bounds of criminal responsibility.

Perhaps Mr M might be a nutter in the UK, but a normal man by the standards of Uganda. In which case deportation would be a cure for him as he would instantly become culturally sane as soon as he stepped off the plane in Kampala.

What 'treatment' has Mr M enjoyed in prison that he could not have in Uganda? Whatever it is, it has been proven not to work as, after sixteen years inside, Mr M is considered by the judge still to be mentally ill. Is that a treatment then, if it goes on for sixteen years and has no effect? Presumably this 'treatment' that has been going on is simply some kind of suppressant pill that makes Mr M easier to handle and less dangerous towards fellow inmates and prison officers, in which case it is not a 'treatment for his mental health condition' in the sense that it might effect a cure or an amelioration, but simply a drug to prevent the social harms consequent on its free expression.

What is 'treatment' in the judge's mind? Is it 'restoration to health' or is it 'suppression of social consequences'? It could well be the case that, were Mr M deported to Uganda, he might suddenly feel himself far more at home and find that his mental health problem, whatever it is, rapidly diminished and disappeared once back among the embrace of his own people. Perhaps it has been a strain for Mr M to live in the UK among all the white 'raysists' and the impossible demands of European civilisation, and this has taken a toll on his mental health.

Perhaps the best route to restoring Mr M the Murderer's sanity is to send him back to Uganda as soon as possible, for his own good. Perhaps when he gets back to Uganda, it won't matter that there is no European-style 'mental health treatment' because he won't need it and no-one will consider it necessary and he will be regarded as not mentally ill. If he wants, Mr M can happily join a gang of Ugandan murdering thugs and live out his life as he pleases, for as long as it may last. Or perhaps he will settle down in Ugandan culture as a good Ugandan citizen. Who knows? The judge certainly does not. What the judge knows is that Mr M is incapable of functioning as a non-criminal in the UK, and that life in the UK makes him mentally ill, and that life in the UK has not prevented him from becoming a murderer and has turned him into a prisoner. But despite all these negatives for Mr M, the judge has decided to keep him here. Does that not 'amount to inhuman treatment'?

Apart from the fact that we now apparently required to accept and give succour to the criminal scum of the earth in spite of the danger they present to our people, for fear that the justice meted out in their homelands for crimes such as murder, rape, torture, arson, terrorism and violent robbery might contravene what some slimy perv of a judge considers to be their 'human rights', to treat them, house them, pay them at the public expence, and protect their delicate sensibilities by concealing their crimes behind a wall of anonmyity? What is doubly depressing is that this decision is correct as a matter of human rights law according to the Terrorist Loving, Criminal Friendly European Convention On Human Rights. Which in turn ought to convince anyone of decent sensibilities that there is something seriously rotten in the European Convention on Human Rights when it protects the rights of scumbags to violate the rights of law abiding citizens.


Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial

Press freedom groups have warned Assange’s prosecution is a grave threat. The Biden DOJ ignored them, and today won a major victory toward permanently silencing the pioneering transparency activist. In a London courtroom on Friday morning, Julian Assange suffered a devastating blow to his quest for freedom. A two-judge appellate panel of the United Kingdom’s High Court ruled that the U.S.’s request to extradite Assange to the U.S. to stand trial on espionage charges is legally valid.

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nt of candour disgraced former Labour Member Of Parliament for Rotherham, Dennis MacShane admitted he could have done more to protect the victims of sex abuse gangs in his constituency who preyed on young girls in the local authority care system. While maintaing he knew of no specific allegations MacShane said he could have investigated rumours circulating in the town.

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Whether Tom Chivers Is A Science Writer, A Hack Journalist Or A Cunt Is A Matter Of Semantics
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Are we all racist now?
As a survey of British social attitudes reveals a shocking upturn in prejudice, Allison Pearson argues that the political elite’s desire to advance multiculturalism with mass immigration has backfired. Four years ago in Rochdale, when Gillian Duffy challenged Gordon Brown on immigration as he campaigned for the General Election, the affronted prime minister shied away and muttered darkly about that 'bigoted woman'. It is quite clear now who was the bigot.

We all have racist thoughts. But it's how we act on them that matters.
What’s happening to Britain?sks black writer Stephen Bush. UKIP finishes first in the European elections. Nothing to worry about, you might say. But the latest British Social Attitudes Survey finds that, actually, three in 10 of us admit to harbouring some degree of racial prejudice; a 5 per cent increase in the last decade (though those who are "very" and "a little" prejudiced have been lumped together). Has Britain gone backwards? Are we more racist, more prejudiced, more close-minded than we were at the start of the century? Are three in 10 of us really racist? The answer to that last question is, of course, no...
Humanitas - Who we are, how we live

28 May

29 May

Are we all racist now?
As a survey of British social attitudes reveals a shocking upturn in prejudice, Allison Pearson argues that the political elite’s desire to advance multiculturalism with mass immigration has backfired. Four years ago in Rochdale, when Gillian Duffy challenged Gordon Brown on immigration as he campaigned for the General Election, the affronted prime minister shied away and muttered darkly about that 'bigoted woman'. It is quite clear now who was the bigot.

We all have racist thoughts. But it's how we act on them that matters.
What’s happening to Britain?sks black writer Stephen Bush. UKIP finishes first in the European elections. Nothing to worry about, you might say. But the latest British Social Attitudes Survey finds that, actually, three in 10 of us admit to harbouring some degree of racial prejudice; a 5 per cent increase in the last decade (though those who are "very" and "a little" prejudiced have been lumped together). Has Britain gone backwards? Are we more racist, more prejudiced, more close-minded than we were at the start of the century? Are three in 10 of us really racist? The answer to that last question is, of course, no...
Humanitas - Who we are, how we live

28 May

Young people on the internet are really, really cross that people voted UKIP
Ukip's unprecedented success at the local and European elections is baffling younger people and telling them one of the most powerful things a democracy can say: that a huge number of their fellow countrymen don't actually agree with them.
The reaction is a mixture of horror and sanctimonious revulsion; one individual says she is "genuinely a little disgusted to live in a country where 27% of voters voted for UKIP". In that case, my advice for her would be to take advantage of the freedom of movement within the EU and vote with her feet.

Young people on the internet are really, really cross that people voted UKIP
Ukip's unprecedented success at the local and European elections is baffling younger people and telling them one of the most powerful things a democracy can say: that a huge number of their fellow countrymen don't actually agree with them.
The reaction is a mixture of horror and sanctimonious revulsion; one individual says she is "genuinely a little disgusted to live in a country where 27% of voters voted for UKIP". In that case, my advice for her would be to take advantage of the freedom of movement within the EU and vote with her feet.

Racism And The Left: According To Many (White) Left Wind Idiots, For A White Person To Breathe Is Racist
We have posted many articles on the intellectual bankruptcy and reliance on fascist tactics of the supporters of left wing politics. This came to a festering, supperating head in the campaign for the European Parliament elections when anybody who opposed the left's politically correct, globalist agenda was smeared as a racist. It was a shick to the left to find voters did not agree with them and in fact considered the lefties bigots and bullies. Now the soul searching begins

Here's How Working Class Organisations Out Of Which the Labour Movement Grew Were Hijacked By Elitist Control Freaks.
A while ago I posted an article on the new elite, the meritocracy they like to call themselves although they are of no more merit than the old aristocracy whose role they have tried to usurp. The the aristocrats they thing they are a higher order of being than the masses. The evidence (and these science fans love evidence) suggests otherwise

Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left

by Arthur Foxake
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.

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