Dumb and Dumber, Hillary Clinton and her supporter and fellow warmonger Mad. Allbright have a good giggle (about how many innocent third world peasants they each killed perhaps?)
Academy Award-winning movie director Oliver Stone criticized former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for contributing to almost every major conflict of recent decades and for refusing to accept the fact that “the Cold War” era is over.
Mr. Stone spoke in support of Bernie Sanders, U S Senator and Democratic candidate for President of the United States, arguing that he is the one who will not involve the USA in more wars, but will instead focus on dealing with internal problems.
Although the Oscar-winning director admitted results in the prmaries campaign to date favour Clinton, he denounced the front-runner's ‘corrupt' policy.
"He [Sanders] is the only one who has raised his voice against the corruption in our politics," Mr. Stone asserted. "Clinton has embraced this corruption."
He added that Clinton's presidency would bring peace and prosperity, citing the ex-Secretary of State's unflattering record which includes supporting multiple conflicts like "the barbaric ‘contras'" against the Nicaraguan people in the 1980s, bombing of the former Yugoslavia in 1999, the never-ending Iraq War, the "Afghan mess", "the destruction of the secular state of Libya" and most recently the failed attempt attempt at "regime change" in Syria.
"Every one of these situations has resulted in more extremism, more chaos in the world, and more danger to our country," he warned.
The top director went on criticizing Clinton's Cold War-era mindset which focuses on a "NATO-domination of the universe" an only further promotes war.
"Clinton has been brainwashed by the neoconservatives to believe it's about ‘Russian aggression' when it's the United States that's ensuring the greatest build-up on the European borders of Russia since Hitler did it in World War II," Stone wrote.
Oliver Stone is famed for movies that deal with acute political topics with different US Presidents as main characters. In 2014 he announced that he wants to make a documentary about Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Trump, Sanders: The Anti-Globalists
While most candidates for the US Presidency are political hacks guaranteed to follow the party line, the success of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump reflects how angry American voters are with the ruling elite, and how dangerous a situation the USA is in
We've been chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton, from her seemingly unassailable position as the anointed successor to Barack Obama, whose path to first the Democratic Party nomination and then the Presidency itself had been carefully planned and all obstacles removed. The fixers and deal makers had reckoned without two factors however, Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton's poor image with voters, a result of her spoiled little rich girl arrogance and the incompetence she showed in office as Secretary of State.
With Hillary Clinton’s Email Lies Unravelling, 147 FBI Agents Are On Her Heels
The Final Curtain For Hillary's Presidential Dream
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
Mac Slavo of SHTFplan.com Discovers Real Reason Why Trump Scares The Establishment
Servergate: Hillary Clinton, Arrogant, Ignorant or both?
Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
Hillary Should Be Terrified After Judge Grants Staffer Immunity On Email Scandal
If You Are An American Voter Thinking Of Voting For Hillary You Need To Read This.
Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Exposes Clinton Foundation Fraud
The woman is a phoney, a self interested, self aggrandizing elitist with a sense of entitlement the size of a galaxy. Whatever Hillary does, and whatever minority group the claims she is acting in the interests of, you can bet the main beneficiaries are Hillary Clinton, her family and her cronies.
No surprise then that a whistleblower has exposed Hillary's charity, 'The Clinton Foundation as a fraud.
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