The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Miss Whiplash Call Girl Agency Owner has compromising picture of Cameron and Osborned, People's voice alleges

David Icke's People's Voice internet radio and television channel has quite an exclusive on another massive cover up my the media and the establishment of a scandal that should have derailed the careers of several top politicians long ago.
The allegations of senior members of the coalition government having been involved in activities involving drugs, prostitutes, gay sado masochism and sniffing bicycle seats while members of the elitist Bullingdon Club at Oxfor University should have been enough to consign them to obscurity. But the new ruling elite seem to think such degeneracy is a qualification for leadership.

Read all and see video of People's Voice contributor Sonia Poulton interviewing "Miss Whiplash" Natalie Rowe. 

 The Daily Stirrer - coalition politicians whiplash injury

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