The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Corporate Banker's $1.5 Quadrillion Conspiracy: EU Accuses 13 Banks Of Operating A Derivative Trading Cartel

The banks have pulled off a Quadrillion Dollar scam )

Debt, how much of a threat to ordinary people is it? The truth might frighten you which is why bank bosses, government leaders and media pundits are not eager to tell the truth. What can we do? Not much in the short term, in the long term, reclaim the sovereignty of our nations and our individual sovereignty and tell the world view thinkers their crazy ideas have maxed out their credit.

Few people know what the financial markets mean by OTC trades. Over The Counter seems self explanatory but trading debt derivatives, how can those be sold over the counter? Well over the counter in this case really mean under the counter. The trades are made outside the regulated markets of recognised financial centres and therefore do not show up in the dealers books.

Nobody really knows how big the market is and therefore how exposed our leading banks are.

nobody knows how fucked we really are.

But this article might answer a few questions
Corporate Banker's $1.5 Quadrillion Conspiracy: EU Accuses 13 Banks Of Operating A Derivative Trading Cartel


Secret ECB Docs Warn Of More Financial Mayhem on the Horizon

A recent agreement between the European Central Bank (ECB) and the central banks of the Eurozone member nations raises the prospect of EU taxpayers being forced to pay for more bailouts, German newspaper Die Welt reports.

Corporate banks control money
Naked finance and the debt crisis
How banks rig the markets
How banks create money out of nothing
Why printing money was bound to fail
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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Climate Predictions, Economics and Realities

As another blatant to the point of idiocy climate science fraud, the manipulation of temperature data to make real world observations agree with climate change predictions made by science is exposed we look at how over reliance on statistical projections and mathematical models has put scientists on a par with clowns in the public's estimation. Unfortunately scientists are more dangerous.

Follow the link to read an analysis of how statistics are presented to make a far more dramatic statement than the real world observed data could ever warrant.

Climate Predictions, Economics and Realities

RELATED POSTS:br /> The Climate Lies Industry

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Biofuels - The Great Green Folly

As the promises that wind and solar power could meet all our energy needs is exposed as pseudo - scientific twaddle by the wind's refusal to blow steadily all the time and the sun's refusal to shine at night, few of the alternative energy sources hyped as a replacement for fossil fuels. Of those, biofuel looks the next most likely to say, "If you hadn't over hyped me I coulda been somebody, 'stead of a bum. I coulda been a contender.

Unfortunately the latest business analysis of the case for biofuels suggests not only are they expensive and wasteful to produce but the impact of food growing land and their inefficiency  suggests they never were likely to be a contender.

Read full article:
Biofuels - The Great Green Folly

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Technowanks for technowankers with Google Glass?

I have warned about the relentless march of technology many times before. Not that I am against technology you understand, I'm quite a fan of stuff that truly makes my life better. What worries me is the trend for gadgets and technology that invites us to surrender our individuality and become slaves of the machine.

Virtual sex with robots or online porn rather than life enriching relationships with real people for example. 

Remember when Google Goggles ( Google Glass ) was released, the marketing hype told is its potential for improving our lives (i.e. getting Google in our faces every minute of the day, every day,) was unlimited.
One of the unlimited opportunities the new digital visual medium has opened up is the unlimited ability to consume porn. This is worrying because since the advent of ...

Read all:
Technowanks for technowankers with Google Glass

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Major Disaster Neeeded To Save The New World Order? What!

A member of the new elite publicly calling for a major distaster to get the push for the so - called "New World Order" and global government back on track? Could there be any more blatant warning that a false flag event or man made catastrophe that will shock the world is coming our way? Read the article and learn that those crazy conspiracy theorists have been telling the truth all along.

Yep, us swivel eyed loons who doubted the government and the scientists actually had it right (not completely right as we did not have access to ALL the data. but common sense enabled us to see through the lies. And the biggest lie of all was denial of plans for a New World Order. yes, those absolutely are the words the globalist control freaks used to describe their plans to abolish democracy and sovereign nations and create a global totalitarian government run by unelected bureaucrats.

But they kept slipping up, proving they are not as smart as they think or would have us believe.

Read this article for the latest story:
Major Disaster Needed To Save The New World Order?

And then read what the global elite have said about their plans, in their own words
New World Order - quotes

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Google buys Nest for $3.2 billion: Does this home automation acquisition point to ‘the internet of things

The Internet Of Things is coming, science and technology geeks tell us. These dysfunctional misfits whose only friends are machines long for the day when we finally surrender our humanity and freedom and become slaves to the machine. but how realistic are their claims, is it mostly just hype?.

And even when web enabled domestic appliances are available how much of a market will exist for them when people understand the privacy issues. Do you want Google to know when you go for a dump, do you want creepy Bill Gates informed when you have a wank? Do you want your television reporting to the government on the shit you watch?

Have more than one shot or beer, eat a medium pepperoni pizza yourself, or smoke a cigarette and you will have an agent of Nanny State's Politically Correct Police banging on your door, warning about the dangers of obeseity, alcoholism or cancer.

All the questions can be summed up in one. Are we prepared to hand control of our lives to technology and surrender everything that makes us human for the sake of convenience? Are we ready to volunteer for a kind of slavery.

Read more:

Does this home automation acquisition point to ‘the internet of things


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Thursday, January 09, 2014

Have Humans Turned The World Into A Technological Monster We Cannot Control?

An insightful article from which questions the uses new technology is being put to and questions the wisdom of forcing such rapid technological change on human societies which cannot possibly adapt as such a pace led us to review some of our posts on technology. 

We are handing control of decision making, social planning and environmental controls to machines but at what stage do we admit that we can no longer control the machines.

Read all: Have Humans Turned The World Into A Technological Monster We Cannot Control? with redicecreations article embedded in the page. 

Are we being brainwashed to accept transhumanism 

Monday, January 06, 2014

Cowfarts The Biggest Climate Threat Say Scientists

A group of leading environmental scientists have tabled a report blaming cow farts for global warming and demanding punitive taxes on meat. Is there anything solid in their theory or are they all piss and wind? Or are they perhaps, like all the other pseudo scientific scaremongers who predict the apocalypse in the hope of catching a few research grants, using mathematical models. a mathematical model of a cow fart, now that would be worth seeing.

Meat Will Only Be For The Elite If Leftie Scientists Get Their Way
Global Warming Scientists Abandon Ice Melt Stud - Their Ship Got Stuck In Ice
Climate crisis