The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Days Are Here Again: Potential New Eurozone Crisis Threatens EU Recovery

The old song "Happy Days Are Here Again" comes to mind as financial news feeds report "Eurozone market wobbles, bank and sovereign jitters. Seems like deja - vu all over again as an old Hollywood tycoon is reputed to have said, or at least it seems like 2012 and 2008 all over again. Yesterday a "mild global sell-off" in the far eastern bond markets  was triggered by fear that the liquidity woes at Portugal's Banco EspĂ­rito Santo "could spark another sustained bout of eurozone debt angst,

I have been warning you at all my sites, mainly Boggartt Blog and The Daily Stirrer that the European Single Currency System, being based on political ideology (and a deepy flawed ideology at that, combining the authoritarianism of hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union with the paternalistic liberalism of Aldous Huxley's brave New World.

Read more on the latest gaping wound the European Union finance ministers are trying to cover with a cut finger sized band aid.

Read more:  Happy Days Are Here Again: Potential New Eurozone Crisis Threatens EU Recovery

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