The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Liberal Democrat Defects To UKIP At His Own Election Count

As someone who had the usual 'racist' smears hurled as be by the illiberal bigots of the 'profressive left' during the European Parliament election campaign, I loved this story. And my support for UKIP was based on my belief  as a libertarian (a belief I have a right to express under the Geneva Convention on human rights -funny how the political faction who scream most loudly about human rights forget they extend to people who disagree with them) that we need to get out of the EU because the Brussles bureaucracy is marching us towards Naziism. We also need to control immigration of course but that will come with regaining our sovereignty, it is nothing to do with racism.
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Liberal Democrat Defects To UKIP At His Own Election Count

Voter Backlash against Media UKIP Smears Is Good For Democracy
 Pontificating celebrities and media luvvies, don't you hate them. What gives these mostly has been the idea that their opinion is worth more than the opinion of everyman and woman. What makes these people who might have been talented before theiy disapeared up their own arses (yes I'm talking about you Eddie Izzard, Lenny Henry, Ben Elton, J K Rowling, just about every Mocker on Mock The Week. Even if you were still funny guys, nobody gives a fuck what you think about politics.
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Voter Backlash against Media UKIP Smears Is Good For Democracy

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