The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

People Are Waking Up To The Fact That The European Union Is On The Fast Track To Fascism.

Greece has a General Election and it looks as if the anti - EU, extreme left Syriza party will win comfortably. In previous elections that went against the Euronazis in Brussels, the democracy hating bureaucrats simply told the sovereign government of the member nation that the vote was not acceptable. If their try to overturn the Greek result in the same way it will trigger massive civil unrest. People Are Waking Up To The Fact That The European Union Is On The Fast Track To Fascism. RELATED POSTS:

Ten Truths You Can't Tell In Britain Without Being Accused Of Racism.
So Trevor Phillips. former head of the race relations commission tries to initiate a sensible discussion of race relation in Britain today with some very fair and balanced talking points. Immediately left wing extremist writer Dan Hodges screeches that anyone (including Trevor Phillips) who expresses an opinion the left do not agree with is a racist bigot. There is no point trying to talk to the left, maybe we should just dump them all on one of our antarctic territories

EU Cuts Growth Forecasts as Big Economies Falter
The EU has cut its optimistic forecasts of economic growth for all member states in 2014 and 2015 to less than 1% of GDP per annum. No surprise there to those of us who understand all the positive economic data we are fed is fake, and even if the figures meant anything at all, growth of less than one per cent when inflation is running at four to five per cent according to the most cautious estimates. In real terms the EU economy is contracting. Here's why.

If There Is An Anti EU Surge Across Europe What Should Cameron Do?
There is a solar storm of anti European Union feeling surging across the EU, from Finland to Greece. The integrationist bureaucratic dictatorship in Brussels has devivered economic disaster, political chaos and foreign policy humiliation and yet they march on toward the abyss proclaiming theirs is the only way. As the UK Independence Party are one of the largest and best organised anti - EU parties, the shock waves of a protest vote will be felt more acutely in Britain.

So what can our government do if (when) the Greek vote triggers a rush for the EU exit? All three major parties in the UK are pro European integreation, pro - Globalism and anti - democracy, only the upstart United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) has maintained the importance of national sovereignty. but with incresingly powerful anti EU movements not only in Greece (sic) but in France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Hungary and Denmark the future for political shills for a Federal European Superstate are looking bleak.

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