The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Syriza Official Vows to Kill EU-US Trade Deal as 'Gift to All European People'

An official with Greece's newly elected Syriza party may have killed a proposed EU-U.S. trade deal that has faced opposition from civil society. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), now facing its eighth round of talks between negotiators this week in Brussels. The TTIP, which would be the biggest trade deal ever, has been criticized as a corporate-friendly deal that threatens food and environmental safety under the guise of "harmonization" of regulations.

Click Here to read full post: Syriza Official Vows to Kill EU-US Trade Deal as 'Gift to All European People'


‘Greek revolution spreads 'like wildfire’ across Europe
The poularity of Anti - EU political movements has surged all around Europe in the wake of the Syriza victory in the recent Greek general election. It seems that prior to the European Parliament election las may most European voters had been resigned to their political elites dragging them closer to a ferderal European single state, with the progressive loss of civil liberties, cultural homogenization and losst of national sovereignty and identity that would entail.

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