The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, February 27, 2015

We Predicted An Orwellian Nightmare. Now Obama's Ministry Of Love Is Identified

Obama's Ministry Of Love
Is this Obama's Orwellian 'Ministry Of Love' that has featured in a report in The Guardian? (Image source, Zero Hedge)

Back in 2008 we predicted pretty accurately how things would turn out under Presdident Barack Obama. We were not totally correct (well we are a British site) but where we erred it was on the side of caution. For example while it was easy enough to be aware that the egomaniacal former rent boy would become an authoritarian and imperialistic ruler who would turn the USA into a racially, religiously, financially divided Orwellian dystopia, we considered it would be going too far to actually say; "This clown will create a Ministry of Love where dissidents can be 're-educated' in politically correct, stoner philosophy.

In '1984', George Orwell's novel of life in a brutal, authoritarian dictatorship, The Ministry Of Love, housed in a black walled, windowless building, is where those suspected of 'Thought Crimes' against the regime. In the total surveillance society, where telecreens moniored what happened in every home while broadcasting propaganda constantly, and when family members were rewarded for spying on each other and no neighbour could ever be trusted, guilt of Thought Crime was established by evidence of people acting, speaking or thinking against the regime, but also if they did not show sufficient enthusiasm in their support of it or their hatred of its fictional enemies, the manufactured hate objects which the regime used to keep the population in a state of fear.

The Ministry Of Love awaited all those accused of Thought Crime; to be accused was to be proved guilty. Housed within The Ministry Of Love was the notorious Room 101

Now the Obama regime has brought the Ministry Of Love and very probably a version of Room 101 out of the realm of fiction and into reality.

A Secret "Black Site" Revealed In Chicago: "When You Go In, You Just Disappear"

from Zero Hedge:
Located in a nondescript warehouse on Chicago’s west side is where, according to the Guardian, one can find the domestic equivalent of a CIA "black site" - an illegal, off-the-books interrogation compound used by Chicago special police units, one which renders "Americans unable to be found by family or attorneys while locked inside"; a place whose former occupants say is where you end up when you are "disappeared"; a place which confirms that when it comes to the eternal "who is better - us or them" debate, there really is no difference: "It brings to mind the interrogation facilities they use in the Middle East. The CIA calls them black sites. It’s a domestic black site. When you go in, no one knows what’s happened to you.” It's a Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib rolled into one. In short: it is a place where the US constitution and basic human rights have absolutely no access ... [Read more]

As you can see from the picture, Obama's Ministry Of Love does not quite fit Orwell's description (a windowless. black building might attract too much attention on a suburban business park,) and we don't know what name it has been given, but we can easily guess what goes on in there.

Back to Contents table
New Book Exposes GMO Corporate Fraud
An Orwellian Paradox
Obama the real danger to the west Latest Posts
The Two Minutes Hate
The Thought Police
Oh Brave New World (not Huxley's but Obama's)
The Orwell, Huxley, Dick index of technological dystopia
Obama's oppressive regime
Surveillance and the totalitarian state
American paranoia

Elsewhere: [Boggart Blog]...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]...[Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [Boggart Abroad]

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