This image was chosen out of sensitivity to our more gentle readers. The search for 'Indonesia genocide' included a table set with severed head, a shot of corpses hanging from trees with their intestines spilling out, an piles of rotting corpses that soldiers of the Muslim government would not permit to be buried or burned. Hey, hand wringers, are you still going to tel me it's a religion of peace?
The solidly Muslim government of Indonesia has attacked former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott after he said that Islam needs to be reformed. Sources in Indonesian capital Jakarta dismissed Abbott's comments as “unhelpful” and “divisive”. Ambassador to Austrialia, Nadjib Riphat Kesoema, delivered his response to Mr Abbott’s critique by adding that violent extremism is “common in all faiths.” (He's never heard of Buddhism then?)
“This is a time when all nations must unite to defeat the scourge of terrorism,” Mr. Kesoema said. “A rhetoric boasting of cultural and religious superiority over other cultures and religions is unhelpful to the cause and divisive.” The representative of the country with the world’s largest population of Muslims called for strong cooperation with Australia against terrorism.
"It is important for us including the multicultural societies of Australia and Indonesia to keep our focus on efforts to creating a long-term solution to the common challenges of violent extremism that we face," Mr. Kesoema continued, “Violent extremism is the common challenges of all religions: Christianity, Hindu, Islam and all faiths."
As Reuters, AP and Sky News reported, Mr. Abbott made his comments in an interview on Australian network Sky News and repeated them in newspaper opinion column to argue for a "religious revolution".
"We’ve got to work closely with live-and-let-live Muslims because there needs to be, as president [Abdel Fattah] Al-Sisi of Egypt has said, a religious revolution inside Islam, all of those things that Islam has never had — a reformation, an enlightenment, a well-developed concept of the separation of church and state — that needs to happen" Mr Abbott said.
Abbott’s time as prime minister was notable for his strong stance against Islamic State and other terrorist organisations like Boko Haram. He was deposed by his own conservative coalition in a leadership coup in September.
One hopes Mr. Abbot is sufficiently on top of his game to remind Indonesia's Muslim government of the genocidal persecution by their predecessors (also Muslim) of Hindus in East Timor and against Christians in west Papua New Guinea which began after independence in 1974, continued sporadically until the government escalated the violence in 1999 to purge other faiths and only ended the genocide a few years ago following international intervention. If the extremists in Jakarta want to be taken seriously about opposing extremism, surely they must first vote themselves out of office.
Christians Are Not Safe In Europe, European Parliament President Says
In a meeting on religious tensions in Europe today (3 December, 2015), European Parrliament (EP) President Martin Schulz said that the persecution of Christians in Europe is under - reported and does not receive enough media attention, which has also meant that it "has not been properly addressed".
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?
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