The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

WHO are you? A Bunch Of F***ing Useless W***ers That's Who

Vetran rocker Roger Daltrey let's fly at EU bureaucratic dictatorship as he supports Brexit.

Daltrey, front man of sixties shock rockers the Who, famously sang "Won't Get Fooled Again" a few decades ago, has now thrown his weight behind the campaign to make sure that we don't. In an outburst possibly prompted by the scaremongering of world leaders like Barack Obama, his bum chum David Cameron and Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel, the singer labeled membership of the European Union (EU) a “disaster”, saying he supports Brexit from the “undemocratic, highly dysfunctional” politico-trading bloc.

Echoing comments made by Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, and most recently Ian Duncan Smith who perceptively observed the EU is a friend to big business and the rich rather than ordinary workers, he spoke about the “systematic campaign of subterfuge” pro-EU campaigners have employed the seventy - two year old criticised Brussels bureaucrats for the way they expanded the remit of the EU commission, saying "they kind of sneakily crept in on us."

The Who (for millennials, Roger Daltry is the one on the right of picture) Image Source

In an interview with The Sun newspaper, The Who frontman claimed the European superstate project was “set up by a bunch of crooks”, elaborating: “But that’s how they did this, we all thought we were voting for a common trade area. We voted for an apple and they gave us a bunch of bloody grapes!”

Mr. Daltrey said the EU is a “wonderful idea” but the only way to get a Europe people want is to “get rid of this bunch of fucking useless wankers that are running it.”

In other comments Roger expressed a belief in British sovereignty (“What it’s done to our Parliament is put them down to level of Parish Council.”) and in small government, lashing out at unnecessary bureaucratic interference in the private lives of British people that EU bureaucracy has manadated, “because there are so many politicians we get so much useless fucking law.”

Moving on to  immigration, which he described as “a big issue for our country because we are an island”, he rejected the politically correct dogma that mass immigration brings social and economic benefits and said he had asked people to consider the other aspect of the immigration issue: “But no one talks about that side immigration issue, which is the fact that southern European countries have been robbed of their youth, those countries have been raped.

“Their youth have had to leave to get work, so how are they going to rebuild their futures?”

Identifying a revolutionary spirit on the streets, the singer said that as increasing numbers of the rich and powerful and business people “with real big vested interests in Europe” come out in favour of remaining, the average man on the street becomes “even more angry”.

 He noted: “You’re hardly going to get the civil servants to talk against it are you? It’s going to put them out of work!”

Mr. Daltrey did concede that the path to independence from the EU would not be plain sailing, referring to the trade deals that some say would need to be done, he said: “It probably will put the cat among the pigeons for a while but it’s not the end of our country and it’s not the end of Europe. To say that they’ll stop trading with us is absolute bullshit.”

Another legendary rock frontman, Sir Mick Jagger, made a similar comments in more measured terms in April 2016. When asked about Brexit by a Sky News interviewer he said:
“I think to the country in the short term, it will be detrimental if we get out. In the longer term, in say a 20 year term, it might turn out to be beneficial.”

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