The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Six Months On From Cologne Outrage: Government Admits Sex Attackers WERE ‘Refugees’

by Arthur Foxake

Members of the lying left have been cruicified on the cross of truth once again.

Image source: Inquisitor

Pro immigration and pro - Euronazi federalisation of Europe left wing activists have always strenuously denied that the mass orgy of rape and sexual abuse that took place in Cologne, Germany last New Year was the work of immigrants, most of the muslim. Neo Nazi lefties first tried to claim the story was a fabrication, then said the attacks had been carried out by German men. Now the allegations that recently arrived migrants were behind the Cologne mass sexual assaults have been proved.

In the wake of sexual violence Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015, hundreds of witnesses and people claiming to be victims of assault identified their attackers, with over 1,500 complaints in all received by police in the weeks following the night. Most of the victoims described the men who had assaulted them as “North African or Arab origin”.

The German government propaganda machine went into overdrive and the needy, emotionally retarded 'liberals' and 'progressives' went on the attack, decribing the rape victims are racists and right wing extremists. One left wing politician even went so far as to say to the women who had been raped and assaulted it was their own fault for dressing and behaving in way that were offensive to Islam. Can you imagine the outcry if a white, European rapist defended his act by saying, "She was asking for it."
Conscious to defend Hauisfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel's policy on mass migration and the ‘culture of welcome’ the left seems to think all Germany supports, many journalists and politicians tried to excuse the attacks, which ranged from rape, to sexual assault, and theft, by blaming German women and the racist attitudes of Germans while denying Cologne and the many other outrages involving rape and assault had anything to do with the migrant crisis.

One of those who spoke out most vigorously was Cologne’s staunchly pro-immigration mayor Henriette Reker, who denied there was any link whatsoever between the attacks and migrants. Even in January, this was contradicted by Cologne’s police.

Yet today German regional newspaper the Rheinische Post reports the eyewitness accounts were “largely consistent with the recent results of the investigations”.

The new statistics and facts confirm not only that the majority of men committing the assaults were not of “German origin”, but that most of them had been in the country less than twelve months. Despite their recent arrival to Germany, a remarkable two-thirds had already received the attention of the police for criminal behaviour.

The revelation that shows 70 per cent of the suspects of the attacks had been in Germany for less than a year totally discredits the previous line that those responsible were actually long-time residents from North Africa.
At the same time as the data release this week a spokeswoman for the German interior minister insisted despite the New Year’s attacks: “Immigrants are not as criminal as Germans”. Yet in just a matter of hours this assertion was too debunked.


Muslim Migrants: We Burn Cars Because Swedes are Racist
Picked up this essential post at the lovely Pam Geller's site. Reblogged here for enlightenment of those idiots who are saying we should give Sharia Law equal status with British law and if that does not happen it proves the British are racist.That’s rich. The fact that Islam is not a race is seemingly besides the point.

Multiculturalism Today: Child Marriage, Honour Killings, Sharia Law Zones, & ‘Punishment’ Gang Rapes

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