The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Julian Assange Confirms Sanders Was Threatened By Clinton Campaign Thugs

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has confirmed what we all guessed … that having repeately pledged to fight Hillary Clinton 'all the way', even as far as forcing a vote at the Democraric Party convention, Bernie Sanders cave in and appeal to his supporters to 'get behind Hillary' was a result of his being physically threatened.

During a recent interview with the highly respected Australian investigative journalist John Pilger, Assange said that Sanders was forced to drop out of the race due to threats to himself and his wife from the Clinton campaign.

Assange’s allegations substantiate claims by the Kremlin who revealed they had evidence that Jane Sanders was physically threatened in order to “get Bernie on board” with Hillary’s campaign.

Pilger, who is working on a documentary about Assange, asked:

“Julian, we [The BBC Andrew Marr Show] cut you off earlier this year when you were talking about what you felt were the most significant emails that you have released. Is there any last one that you’d like to mention? And also, do you have any thoughts on Bernie Sanders? I mean what is your opinion why Bernie Sanders drop out of the race?”

Assange responded:

“Look, I think you know, we know how politics works in the United States. Whoever, whatever political party gets into government is going to merge with the bureaucracy pretty damn fast. It will be in a position where it has some levers in its hand. And Bernie Sanders was independent candidate trying to get the nomination through the Democratic Party and if you ask me he did get the nomination, but he was threatened to drop out.”

(It has been widely rumoured that the Democrat National Committee was complicit in widespread voter registration fraud in the primaries campaign; had not thousands of Sanders suppoters' name been removed from the registers, and had all votes been counted, the Maverick socialist would have won the nomination easily, as we reported HERE and HERE.

Again, Assange has promised to release incriminating emails which are sure to result in Clinton’s indictment. He says he has evidence that Hillary made deals with an alleged Islamic state sponsor, as well as damning information about the Clinton Foundation.

The Clinton campaign knows he’s on to her, too, which is why a strategist called for an assassination of Assange on TV.

“Of course, we’re very interested in revealing the truth about any candidate and yes we have some material about Bernie Sanders that will be published,” Assange added.

This is the real face of Hillary Clinton folks! She wants to bully and threaten her way into the Presidency. However, WE THE PEOPLE, won’t sit and watch this happen.

Let’s share this article everywhere and expose Hillary!

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Latest Clinton Foundation Hack Shows Abuse Of Power For Personal Gain
Julian Assange was not bluffing it seems, although he appeared to back off from dropping the promised bombshell that would finish Hillary Clinton, a document dump by Goccifer2 contains stuff that is dynamite, revealing email exchanges between Clinton and associates that discuss the abuse of power and position for financial gain, in short giving preferential treatment in warding State Department contracts to people and organisations that made generous donations to the Clinton Foundation ...

FBI Drops Hints They Are Ready to INDICT Hillary Clinton

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Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
We've been chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton, from her seemingly unassailable position as the anointed successor to Barack Obama, whose path to first the Democratic Party nomination and then the Presidency itself had been carefully planned and all obstacles removed. The fixers and deal makers had reckoned without two factors however, Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton's poor image with voters, a result of her spoiled little rich girl arrogance and the incompetence she showed in office as Secretary of State.
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