The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Soros, Political Corretness, Democracy, Syria,

Soros-Sponsored Social Justice Warriors Besiege Trump Tower - Live Feed

Seemingly unwilling to accept the results of the democratic selection of the nation's leader for the next four years, hundreds of grieving Hillary Clinton supporters - egged on by George Soros' - are laying siege to Trump Tower in New York City. Screaming "Fuck Donald Trump", yelling "Not My President", chanting "Pussy Grabs Back", and burning the American flag, it appears these young millennials are just the kind of deplorables this country should be proud of...

As NBC's Katy Tur exclaimed "It's surreal in NYC. People are walking around like zombies with thousand yard stares." released the following press release Wednesday afternoon:

Americans to Come Together in Hundreds Peaceful Gatherings of Solidarity, Resistance, and Resolve Following Election Results

Hundreds of Americans, dozens of organizations to gather peacefully outside the White House and in cities and towns nationwide to take a continued stand against misogyny, racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.

READ MORE: Zero Hedge

Orban: Trump Win Is Chance for West to Break Free from Political Correctness

Donald Trump’s victory marks the end of “liberal non-democracy” and will allow the West to break free from the “captivity of ideologies” that distort reality through political correctness, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has said.

The election outcome indicates a shift in popular thinking in the West, Orbán said in remarks made yesterday evening on a trip to London, and this morning at a conference organised by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

During his one-day official visit to Britain’s capital, the Central European leader commented that the Republican candidate’s big win represents a victory for freedom of thought in the Western world.

READ MORE: Breitbart London

The Will Of The People" Is A Myth

Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,
While it is rarely stated explicitly, the legitimacy of democracy under the American electoral system is founded on the idea of majority rule. Because of this, at the conclusion of each election, the victors claim the election reflected "the will of the people" and, in many cases, also claim a "mandate" to implement the victor's policy agenda.
This has always been a tenuous claim in every way, of course. Within the American electoral system, there is no reason to assume that a vote for candidate X is an affirmative vote for candidate X's policy agenda. The voter's intent may be to simply choose a less-bad option with the intent of voting against Candidate Y. In fact, it is impossible to know the intent of the voters without interviewing every single one of them. And even then, the voters themselves may not remember why they voted the way or they did, or may simply lie about their intentions.
Indeed, as recent polling data from Pew shows, voters routinely report voting against other candidates as a primary motivation, rather than voting for the chosen candidate. 
Even if a voter is voting for Candidate Y, it is impossible to know which aspects of that candidate's agenda meet the approval of the voters voting for that candidate.
Thus, we're forced to conclude there is no basis for the claim that a vote for candidate X means voter approval of that candidate's agenda.

READ MORE: Mises Institute

Syrian war is not receding, it is escalating

by Arthur Foxake

While Americans were obsessing over the election run off between Trump and the presidential election campaign in which, bizarrely, foreign policy issues like the civilian death toll in the Middle East from US military action were not discussed at all, the war in that unfortunate country as well as those in Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and South Sudan were escalating.

According to the Pentagon, 24 US airstrikes carried out during the last 10 months killed 64 civilians in both Iraq and Syria. Unofficial figures suggest the figures are much higher. The US Defense Department said all necessary measures were taken to prevent collateral damage.

The fact that they have admitted from between 24 and 60+ deaths in both Iraq as well as Syria indicates that the US military are not precise in their targeting of Islamic State. Yet they just backed an offensive against Raqqa in northeastern Syria. And of course, they have been carrying out these airstrikes in Iraq as well in Syria now for several months. Over the last two years, they have admitted to carrying out over 12,000 airstrikes in both countries.

This blog would not blame American military personnel on the ground for civilian deaths, the people in the firing line have to defend themselves. The blame lies with The Pentagon senior officers, the politicians and lobbyists for the military / industrial complex who have sold the myth of 'precision' bombs and missiles. The essential lack of precision of blast damage and shrapnel is just one of many reasons why a conventional army should not engage with guerilla forces in urbanised areas. Yet America's leaders do it again and again.

We must hope President Trump's appointees will keep in mind the words of CIA Contractor Steven Kelley:
"It is possible to minimize the death toll to a great degree and I think the Russian air forces had certainly demonstrated that, and I believe the American forces and coalition forces have shown quite the opposite – they have actually done a lot of strikes on purpose and used this claim of it being a mistake as an excuse. But 100 percent lack of collateral damage is impossible and I think Aleppo is a perfect example where we will have to expect collateral damage."


Democrats Russia Hacked Us and Failed Recount Campaign is Political Suicide.
The US Democratic Party’s inability to accept that they lost the Presidency to Donald Trump is turning into a slow polictical sucicide. The party that has always been quick to scream ‘conspiracy theorist’ to discredit critics of its dealings with oversreas governments and foreign billionaires like Soros has revealed in its efforts to overturn the result by claimING that Russian hacking influenced voters in favour of Trump.

MSM Admits Soros Donated $10 Million This Week… Guess Where It Went
What's going on in American political life now is beyond belief, I mean this is not some third world banana republic we are talking about, and yet some billionaire is trying to destabilise the rule of law and that cucksocker in The White House is doing nothing about it.
Why War Is Inevitable
A Special, Brand Boosting Song For The New President
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