The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The role of cosmic electric currents in earth’s climate

A departure from our usual style today - but the original purpose of blogging was to spread ideas, we just hapen to have become bogged down with politics and world affairs since we started taking this bloc seriously a couple of years ago. It is to be hopes that post Brexit, post Trump and with more shocks for the globalist establishment looming in 2017 we can get back to being the diverse blog that looked at unorthodox and controversial ideas.

by Tapestry

If you’ve been following the growth of the Electric Universe movement, you know that this growth is due largely to the power of a new paradigm to explain things left unexplained by conventional theory. The greatest surprises of the space age are not surprises to researchers exploring the role of the electric force across the cosmos. Nor is it surprising to see the electric force at work close to home, both in the sculpting of planetary surfaces and in the evolution of life on earth. In particular, two resources have proven most helpful in orienting newcomers to this large subject:

The Beginner’s Guide to the Electric Universe introduces the behavior of charged particles—or plasma—in space. The plasma environment of the Earth, the Sun, distant stars, and galaxies now challenges the “gravity-centric” dogma of 20th-century astronomy. The new picture of space adds an indispensable component: the role of cosmic electric currents.

The Essential Guide to the Electric Universe takes the intermediate reader into the spectacular complex of electric currents, magnetic fields, and associated electromagnetic radiation that define so much of our celestial environment. In the space sciences, gravity alone is no longer king.

Supplementing this foundational material are two regular features at—”The Picture of the Day” (TPOD) and periodic science articles called “Thunderblogs,” highlighting the essential place of electrical knowledge in 21st-century science:

“Drought to Deluge” by Stephen Smith is the theme of the TPOD Pick of the Week. In this selection, he asks: Does the Earth-Sun connection play an electrodynamic role in “climate change”? As we take up climate issues in the near future, the electrical Earth-Sun transactions will emerge as a critical topic.

Yes, Andy Hall is back. In his latest Thunderblog, “The Maars of Pinacate, Part One.” Andy describes a volcanic field deemed “the most wasted of wastelands.” It seems this feature cries out for an electrical explanation.

Read more on this topic at The Thunderbolts Project >>>

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