The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Infant Twins Die Shortly After Being Vaccinated, Medical Board Rules ‘Just A Coincidence’

by Arthur Foxake

In this era of high tech health care and rapidly advancing developments of drug therapy, sudden infant death syndrome (cot death) is a rare thing in the developed world, around one per hundred according to World Health Organisation statistics. Given  that, you might think the sudden and simultaneous deaths of twins might cause somne raised eyebrows among medical professionals , especially due to the fact the had been recently vaccinated with multi - vaccine shots. In fact, if we think of the vaccine health risk controversies in recent years (primarily MMR and HPV,) it ought to warrant quite a bit of attention and a few banner headlines in the more sensationalist tabloids. However, this story went largely unreported. (In order for twins to meet the criteria for simultaneous SIDS both babies must have died independently and within the same 24 hour time period.)

PubMed reports that the twin girls, aged 3.5-months and delivered via c-section, were found dead in their crib by their mother, both laying face up. It is reported that both babies were healthy and had no serious medical history. Two days before their death, both of the girls had received their second dose of oral polio, DPT, and their first dose of hepatitis B vaccines. They had a fever the day after the vaccines and were given a teaspoon of acetaminophen.

All that and yet, “the death scene investigation, judicial investigation, parental assessment, macroscopic and microscopic autopsy findings and the toxicological analysis didn’t yield any specific cause of death.”

Because the case was so rare it was referred to a board of multidisciplinary medical professionals at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, in the Ministry of Justice, in Istanbul. And yet, the Board still decided that the data they had was consistent with SIDS.

Just reflect a moment on this: a medical journal is reporting that recently vaccinated babies both died, but it's nothing more than the luck of the draw. No doubt the sheeple scientists will resort to their tired, old and unscientific get out of jail car, "Corrrelation does not prove causation." Well no, it doesn't, but in many circumstances it is a pretty good place to start looking for a causal factor. That conclusion from the ministry in Istanbul makes about as much sense as pediatrician bell - ends who claim some kids “just get fevers all the time.”)

OH NO MEASLES, WE’RE ALL GONNA D— Wait, How Many People Died Of Measles Before Vaccinations?.

The vaccine controversy erupts again as governments, politicized scientists and profit hungry corporations step up the bullying of parents about getting children vaccinated against minor illnesses or problems that will never afflict them (vaccinating boys against cervical cancer for example). Scaremongering involving health and particularly children's health is a very potent weapon in the battle to suppress dissent however ...

CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism

One day the truth will be revealed about the MMR vaccine and its alleged link to autism as well as a host of other health problems in young children. One question damns the case in favour of MMR as propaganda. If it is as important as health authorities say to vaccinate children against MMR, why insist on the triple vaccine when there was never a problem with a separate measles vaccine? Could Corporate Profits have something to do with it?

Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health.
Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...

Opposition To Manadory Vaccinations Coming From Both Left And Right

If vaccines are so great that no doctor or scientist speaks against them why is there so much opposition from both the right and left of the libertarian political persuaion and so much enthusiasm from the authoritarian "progressives whith their love of big government and corporate fascism.

Vaccine Eugenics

We have been warning you about vaccines for years. Now at last people in the health industry are finding enough conscience to stand up and say that vaccine safety problems have been covered up and it is time to put childrens' health before corporate profit.

Vaccine Doctor's Conflict Of Interest

Dr. Paul Offit is a creator of vaccines. he is also a millionaire even though his vaccines aren't that successful at immunising people (so sue me Offit and let me destroy you), but what he is good as is scaremongering. Thus when the Offit propaganda machine gets going a mild illness that might mean a snotty nose for a few days, suddenly becomes a rampant killer responsible for mass deaths in places you have never heard of ...

Vaccine Propaganda Machine

As the government joins Big Pharma corporations in raising the hysteria level about the measles outbreak in Wales, The Informed Parent website has compiled some historic articles from The British Medical Journal showing that in the 1950s before Big Pharma had measles vaccines to sell, doctors did not consider the disease to pose a major risk ...

Vaccine Safety Data Faked

Cervical Cancer takes centre stage in this latest installment of Vaccine wars. Government, medical professionals and Big Pharma are pushing for manadatory vaccination of pubescent girls but the disease takes decades to develop and the vaccine immunity wears off after five years. It is another scam to steal taxpayers' money? Find out below ...

New Scientific Study Verifies Again That MMR Vaccine Causes Autism

Strangely (or perhaps absolutely predictably) little of this has been reported in mainstream media. And unfortunately I cannot link you to the site that broke the story (but I have linked to the legal rulings which are a meter of public record now) because their page has been down since the news started to go viral. Fortunately other new media publishers were onto the story by then and ...

In A Sane World This Should End The Vaccine Scam - but The Lies and Legalised Murder Will Continue.

Vaccine fascists Losing The Fight To Force Vaccines On Parents

We have been warning you about vaccines for years. Now at last people in the health industry are finding enough conscience to stand up and say that vaccine safety problrms have been covered up and it is time to put childrens' health before corporate profit ...

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