The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Europe's Liberal Snowflakes In Meltdown As Renzi Says "Italy Has No Moral Duty To Take In Migrants"

The liberal mask behind which Europe's political, academic and financial elite hide their grand plan to undermine the solidarity of the working classes by flooding the continent with unskilled, illiterate, illegal immigrants from impoversished and conflict stricken third world nations took a massive hit on Friday, when Italy's Former Prime Minister and current leader of The Democratic Party Matteo Renzi, said his country has "no moral duty to take in migrants", sharply toughening his stance over surging numbers of asylum seekers being ferried to Italian shores by boats operated by political action groups masquerading as refugee charities.

Renzi's U-Turn follows a similar change of position by Angela Merkel, who infamously accepted nearly 1 million mostly Syrian refugees in 2015, only to see a surge in terrorist attacks across Germany and Europe, and a plunge in her popularity as a result of an angry social backlash, prompting her to quietly but forcefully end Germany's "open door" policy. It is now known that well over half those arrivals were not actually refugees from Syria but economic migrants from many parts of Africa, the middle east and south east Asia.

Now it's Italy turn to try anything that might stem the flow.

Last week we reported that with thousands of new arrivals each week in Italy (up 20% over on last year,) the government in Rome has threatened to close its ports to privately-funded aid boats - many of which are rumored to belong to organizations linked to the Hungarian - American billionaire financial trader George Soros, a self - styled Marxist who is on record as having vowed to destroy European and American civilisation and replace it with some kind of global, authoritarian socialist meritocracy.

Alternatively the Italian authorities may insist that funding be cut to EU countries which fail to help. Poland, Hungary, The Czech Tepublic and several other smaller EU nations are already making a united stand against Brussels imposed immigrant quotas. Italy's interior minister Marco Minniti said angry of the migrant traffickers: "They are sailing under the flags of various European countries. If the only ports where refugees are taken to are Italian, something is not working. This is the heart of the question."

One can see why Italy may be angry: with the Balkan corridor closed by non EU nations through which migrants must pass on the way to Germany, France, Netherlands, Austria and Sweden, the nations with the most liberal immigration policies and the most lax and generous welfare systems, Italy has emerged as the only available port of entry into Europe, although there are reports of migrants arriving on Spanish shores after that nation had not previously been troubled by the migration crisis.

More than 600,000 migrants have reached Italy over the past four years, the vast majority arriving by boat from Libya. About 85,000 have come ashore this year alone, accounting for the vast majority of European migrant arrivals.

As happened in Germany two years agoand is ongoing in Sweden (but glosed over by mainstram media in both nations), the popular reaction is one of growing anger and resentment at the way politically correct elitists of the EUare appeasing the religious prejudices of migrants by insisting onestablished population (assimilated migrants included) by allowing them to behave in ways which are totally unacceptable in European and American societies . However, the question has emerged: how does a "moral", liberal Europe square up to what is a growing undercurrent of resentment toward migrants, something traditionally associated with various loathed (by the establishment) populist parties? After all, if the same establishment admitted that what the "populists" offer is the right course of action, then a political crisis would ensue.

That did not stop Italy's former PM Matteo Renzi from saying that "we need to free ourselves from a sense of guilt. We do not have the moral duty to welcome into Italy people who are worse off than ourselves," the Democratic Party leader has written a book on the immigrant crisis, excerpts of which were released ahead of publication on the PD website.

"There has to be a fixed number of arrivals," he said, adding that Italy should help migrants in their home countries, and sounding suspiciously close like Italy's anti-immigrant parties.

Sure enough, underscoring the sensitivity of the issue - and just how hypocritical Europe's liberal crown is - Renzi's comments were swiftly removed from the website, but not before they had generated a backlash among some PD supporters, and glee in the right-wing camp

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Soros immigration scam

While Germany pursues its policy of replacing expensive German labour with cheap third woeld labour at act as fodder for its profit hungry factories, and the French government obediently follow their German masters while Britain stands aside, it is the poorer E U nations, led by Hungary, that have at last acted to stop the flood of unskilled, often illiterate refugees from third world nations flooding into EU nations

Sharia courts creating dual justice system in UK?

As if we did not have enough immigration problems to deal with as the inflow of illegal immigrants (or refugees and asylum seekers as our ruling elites insist on calling them) shows no sign of slowing.

Merkel Finally Acknowledges German “No-Go” Zones, Vows To Eliminate
Following a vote by Germany’s Christian Democrat Union (CDU) authorising negotiations with the Social Democrats (SPD) on terms for a coalition government, German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke to Germany’s RTL Aktuell, acknowledging for the first time the growing number of “no-go” zones for white, Christian citizens. Amid soaring crime, and particularly sex crime, German officials have been slowly edging towards acknowledging the negative effect the uncontrolled flood of migrants taken in due to Merkel’s politically correct ‘open doors’ immigration policy ...

Thousands Flood The Streets In Germany As Fury Over Refugee Sex Assaults Reaches Boiling Point

What mostly news reports in English speaking countries initially believed was isolated riot by newly arrived migrants in Cologne’s city center now appears not to have been confined to the German city but was a bloc-wide phenomenon as women in Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, France and other places have come forward to report being molested

Boat Migrants Landing in Italy ‘at a Pace Exceeding Anything We’ve Seen Before’

Canada Passes ‘Blasphemy’ Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates 20,484 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea since the beginning of 2017, with numbers now averaging around 3000 per day and increasing as spring brings better weather. These numbers put Italian arrivals well ahead of the total for …

Quitaly Begins: Italy referendum: ‘People don’t trust establishment, want big changes’

The defeat of Italian Prime Minister Renzi’s in Sunday’s referendum on constitutional reform, though not a surprise in the way that Brexit and Donald Trump’s win in the US Presidential election, show that people are not happy with their government’s performance, don’t trust the elite and want more radical reforms, says Italian journalist, Marcello Foa. …

Italy’s Prime Minister Says Merkel Unilateral Initiative On Migrant Crisis Is Unacceptable

We have been reporting on the breakup of the EU for several years now. The immigrant crisis, the problems with the European Single currency system and its detrimental effect on the weaker economies among its twenty seven members, and the increasing encroachment of the Brussels bureaucracy on matters of national sovereignty are symptoms of a …

As Migrants Pour Into Italy ISIS Say: Overrun Europe with Immigrants and "Turn it into Hell’

Thousands of Africans every month are crowding onto flimsy boats like this one to make the three hundred mile journey from Libya to Sicily and the refuge of European territory*. (Image source – Malta Star) It is well reported that western intervention in Libya, for the purpose of overthrowing Gaddafi resulted in the North African …

Hungarian Government Minister Slams Down German Call To Show 'Humanity' To Illegals

A senior member of the Hungarian government accused a German Foreign Affairs minister of having lost his grip on reality after the German insisted that in order to stop further atrocities like the one in Paris, more open borders and less restrictions on movement were needed.German Federal Foreign Office minister of state Michael Roth yesterday insisted the Paris attacks showed Europe should move to integrate more fully ...

Muslim Only No Go Areas For Police And Emergency Services In Our Cities? - It Already Happened In Sweden.

Sweden continues to lead the way in surrendering its nation, culture and self respect to exremist Muslim dickheads, reasoning that the violent rapists and murderers of the relion of peace will thank them rather than kill them all. but the people all over Europe are waking to the betrayal of their elites.

Hungary speeds up fence building as criticisms of its 'no more migrants' policy mount

With the criticisms from Austrian and German leaders still echoing through the strets of Prague, likening their treatment of undocumented travellers who are trying to enter the country illegally to Nazi holocaust deportations, the Hungarians have been rushing to finish their razor-wire fence along ...

Mediterranean Immigrant Composite

The flow of undocumented migrants from Africa trying to cross the Mediterranean from the coast of Libya to Italian, Greek and Maltese territory seems unstoppable. Two factors in the problem however have been western (particlarly American meddling in the internal affairs of African states, and wester aid leading to a population explosion national infrastructures are unable to cope with. And of course European leaders haven't a clue how to deal with the problem.

p>The West Is Always To Blame For Africa's Troubles

It seems to us that according to the the political left of European and north American nation, we in the west are responsible for all of Africa's racial, economic and it was even the 'evil white man' who instigated tribal wars and genocides that took place before and parts of the continent was colonised. But excusing Africa's endemic problems is a parh to self destruction.

Europe's Immigration Burden

Immigration Omnibus - posts on Immigration problems

How immigration his European hospitals and schools
Immigration boat people

Populist Authoritarianism

Broken Societies

Equal Rights Campaigners Not Christians Are Imposing Their Belief On Others

Europe Unglues - is the union coming apart

Champagne Socialists

Corruption is the root of the EU problems
European Union stealing members' sovereignty

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