The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Saudi Royal Family Members Involved In Child Sex Slave Trade

Since the disappearance of four year old Madeline McCann, the daughter of a British couple on holiday in Portugal in 2007 many people have believed the little girl was kidnapped and sold to Arab human traffickers / slave traders. Such people have been dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Though there is absolutely no evidence to support another theory that the girl's parents were somehow involved in her disappearance, they have deservedly been excoriated for leaving three very young children sleeping in an unsecured apartment as they sat eating and drinking with friends fifty yards away.

While this blog holds the view that it is now unlikely the world will ever know what happened to Madeline we do not subscribe to any of the theories. The re - emergence of a slave trade across the Mediterranean since 2000 however, does make kidnap theories more feasible, especially when those profiting from the trade have connections powerful enough to make evidence and witnesses disappear.

And we should not forget that Saudi Arabia, where public executions by stoning and beheading are still common, where a wife or daughter who disobeyes her husband or father and where it is socially acceptable to keep slaves (just don't tell agents of western governments,) is part of a different world to the one we citizens of liberal democracies inhabit.

from The Times:

“Executions in Saudi Arabia are prescribed for murder, rape, drug smuggling and homosexuality, and carried out in public outside a mosque after prayers on Fridays.” If the Saud family abided by its own laws there would be many Saudi princes who would meet the fate of beheading. Hypocrisy is rampant in Saudi Arabia.”

Human slavery, in various guises, continues to be widespread in Saudi society even today. Saudi Arabia was among the last nations on earth to outlaw slavery in 1962, and only did so under pressure from United Nations,. However, only 10,000 slaves were freed in 1962 and remaining large number was kept captive. In 1965 the Saudis were reported to have kept hundreds of slaves for each member of the Royal family. (House of Saud family tree - image)

With respect to human trafficking, Saudi Arabia was designated, together with Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and some other countries as a Tier 3 country by the US State Department in its 2005 ‘Trafficking in Persons Report’ required by the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000. Tier 3 countries are “countries whose governments do not fully comply with the maximum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so.” In 2006, 2007 and 2008 Reports, the US State Department continues to designate Saudi Arabia as a Tier 3 country.

Organised crime networks in Africa and Arabia are deeply involved in the flood of illegal immigrants into Europe since 2011, which has caused political instability in several EU member states, was a large factor in the United Kingdom voting to leave the Union and now threatens to bring down the government of Angela Merkel in Germany.

In her semi - autobiograpical book Surreal in Saudi, former nurse at King Faisal hospital and Research Center, in Riyadh,, Mary Doreen writes:“In actuality, young women from Third World countries are purchased to serve in aristocratic households throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They come from the Sudan, Thailand, Ethiopia, India, Philippines, and many other countries and are frequently bought and sold in the Kingdom“.

Saudi Arabia’s involvement in an international slave trade has long been known by American and European governments but politicians and all but a few media commentators are afraid to expose the many crimes against humanity committed in the theorcratic monarchy for fear they will be destroyed professionally or will cause friction between their government and the oil rich nation, which could have economic repercussions. One whistleblower, after retirement has revealed on condition of anonymity the widespread knowledge within the State Department of Saudi child trafficking.

It is an open secret in Washington that the State Department has been highly sensitive to criticism of its actions regarding Saud Arabia and its princes (particularly in relation to the alleged involvement of the Saudi Royal family in the terror attacks of 11 September, 2001. There has been an unusual amount of personnel turnover at the Saudi Arabian desk of the US State Department where officials showing the slightest tendency towards ethics and morality are either transferred or terminated to make an example to others. Similar things have happened in the British Foreign Office?

There are things going on in Saudi Arabia which are so embarrassing to Western governments which the citizenry must remain in ignorance of, otherwise their worst fears about Islamic extremism would be corroborated.

Robot revolution improves efficiency – but there's a price for human society

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Government Scientists To Collect DNA Samples From All US Babies And Spy On Schoolkids

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The Robotification Of Human Society Is being Implemented

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Transhumanism - New Mind Reading Research Aims to Synchronize Humans

Do you fancy being made into something half human, half machine? A cyborg like The Terminator? Or how about having some of you DNA (according to scientists the stuff that makes us human) tweaked to make you half human, half gorilla, or hald crocodile? "Kewl", you may say, thinking you will have superhuman powers. Your brain however will be controlled via the internet so you will lose the ability to function as an individual. Not so "kewl". Join the resistance, always think for yourself

How many Parents?

Transhumanism: The Elite Total Control Agenda

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Government Scientists To Collect DNA Samples From All US Babies And Spy On Schoolkids

Slaves To The Machine

Will Humans Become Redundant In Your Lifetime

The “Social Contract” Won’t Survive The Robots

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Making Babies With Robot Lovers
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