The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Singer Seal Exposes Oprah’s Extreme Hypocrisy Over Harvey Weinstein Scandal

It seem that after the initial shock at Oprah Winfrey's gobsmacking Golden Globes speech when, in what can only be considered a symptom of early onset dementia she joined the chorus of screeching women competing to attack Hervey Weinstein having conveniently forgotten that for several decades she was not only a close friend of the disgraced movie mogul, but also an enabler of his sexually predatory behaviour towards women hoping for a lucrative part in one of his productions.

 Oprah whispers sweet nuthins to Havey at a Hollywood binge (source)
(or is she arranging to send a pretty young hopeful for a private audition)

Seal, a singer noted for the quality of his work and the longevity of his career has been one of the first to break ranks from the Hollywood politically correct mafia and expose Oprah's self serving double standards.

The singer has publicly criticized Winfrey for the extreme hypocrisy surrounding her speech at the Golden Globes and subsequent grandstanding in the wake of the Hollywood harassment scandal. The singer's post to Instagram Wednesday that openly showed Oprah actually sucking on Hollywood mega-predator Harvey Weinstein’s ear while another showed her actually introducing a young actress to him. The exposé has become a viral meme on the internet as public disgust at the Hollywood liberal's self righteousness in telling people who live in the real world not only how to vote, but how to think.

Seal added, commenting on Oprah's claim that in the decades she had known Weinstein she had not been aware of his reputation as a predator, “Oh I forgot, that’s right…’d heard the rumors but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young starry-eyed actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad,”

Keep in mind that Oprah stands accused of far more than “hearing” rumors.
Infowars reported:
At least one aspiring actress has accused Weinstein of using Oprah to seduce her with promises of advancing her career.
British actress Kadian Noble claimed she was raped in a hotel room by Weinstein, who had earlier greeted him with Oprah “swinging off his arm” at a London event in 2014.
“Harvey wasn’t acting alone. Harvey wasn’t allowed and enabled to do what he did to Kadian and other women without help,” said Noble’s attorney, Jeff Herman.
Weinstein was attacked while while eating dinner at an Arizona restaurant this week.
If the Democrats could ever have thought a self serving hypocrite like Oprah Winfrey would be their savior for 2020 the party has obviously learned nothing fom the humiliation of Hillary Clinton. Winfrey is the front woman of a TV freak show, that's all. Trump had at least built his business into a multi billion dollar global brant before he branched out into fronting a freak show.

All  Americans who love their country understand that a Hollywood elitist has absolutely NO CHANCE of righting America's ills. Some may vote for her vagina, others may vote for the colour of her skin, but most will refuse to vote for a hypocrite who slams the alleged 'rape culture' of which he has been an enabler when it suited her personal interests.


Cup - Bearer to the Celebs

So what does a regular sort of girl do when she goes into Starbucks? Well if she is in any way at all regular she does not take her cup-bearer along. You might think that cup bearing is a profession that died out with the Olympian Gods of Ancient Greece. Gods are too important to lift cups to their own lips of course, so they had Hebe* who had previously been a herder of Peacocks, another profession for which there is not much call down at the local job - centre,

Report Predicts Everyone Will Be a Sexy Millionaire by 2050

History is full of failed predictions from the Oracle at Delphi through Nostradamus, Mother Shipton and just about every twentieth century stargazer and futurologist who ever found an audience. This latest one looks even more likely to fail than most.

Paedophile Former BBC Chauffeur Implicated In Jiummy Savile Scandal Found Dead

The longer this Jimmy Savile paedophile case goes on the worse the stink gets. The establishment is as corrupt as a three month old plague pit.

Haunted Vagina Star Opens Up For Boggart Blog

The latest music business Hollywood celebrity MK Ultra meltdown comes from bubble gum music act Ke$ha who is boasting about having a haunted vagina ...

Lay Off Our Adele, Limpdick.

Here at the Accrington end of the Boggart Blog operation we love Adele. She is a talented and original songwriter, has a wonderful voice and comes across as a really fun person who is not up her own arse. OK she's not a bag of bones like ...

What The Death Of Michael Jackson Says About Us All

Michael Jackson’s last words, we learned as Conrad Murray his doctor was convicted of "Involuntary Manslaughter" and details of the trial emerged this week, were: “Please, please, let me have some milk.” That does not sound creepy in any way until you know that the emotionally crippled man-child was spoke in a kind of code, making everything that was deranged and sleazy in his life sound as if it was ...

Filth Is The Most Popular Thing In Suffolk

If you Boggart Blog readers, like us Boggart Bloggers Fatsally, Cleo Hart and myself, hate public relations campaigns and the whole industry that has grown up around telling us what we have to think and how we have to ...

Apprentice Speak: Talking Corporate Bollocks.

As the government tried to sell off last year's stock of swine flu by telling us the pandemic that did not happen last year had come back to not happen again this year. There is a pandemic running round at the moment though as evidenced by this year's UK run of The Appentice on television. If Lord Sugar's candidates were as good at getting things done as they are at talking management spek bollocks he's be on a winner.

Sexless In The City

The great success of the series Sex In The City has always puzzled Boggart Blog because only one (Kim) of the four sex bombs in leading roles is actually sexy. Some critics have suggested the series ties in with the aspirations of many young cosmopolitan professionals. Are there really so many sex straved screwed up, neurotic fuck brains in the world? Read this hilarious critique...

Sugar is Kosher; Stupidity and Michael’s Chicken Aren’t
I have not been able to get interested in this new television series of The Apprentice with a bunch of chavs trying to demonstrate their budding business acumen to Lord Sugar and his sidekicks. The usual crop of desperate wannabes on The Apprentice are aged beteen twenty and thirty and thus have had time to develop the unique and idiosyncratic personality flaws and disorders that make them such a repulsive and obnoxious bunch of...

Dangerous Musings of a Disturbed Mind

Boggart Blog's Star Reporter from the netherworld brings our readers the most private musings of Heather Mills McCartney as she contemplates her divorce, lawyer, injustice, prostetics and the burdens of celebrity.

[ Comedy & Humour ] ... [ celebrity ]

It's A Great Career Move, Britney.

What is poor Britney Spears to do. She's all out of comebacks, and everybody has had more than enough of her flirtations with madness and her star is fading fast. She has even worn out her victim status, her Dad having rid her of all the parasites who were sucking Britney and her bank accounts dry. Where Tiger Woods can repair his reputation by doing what he is good at, hitting little balls with sticks Britney's popularity depends on popularity. In the circumstances there is only one way forward for the fading celebrity, the fame junkie who is no longer famous. Fatsally reveals what in this article...

Britain's Biggest Gobshite

The Boggart Network News search for Britain's Biggest Gobshite is over. We have found a man so vain, so up himself he makes even Barack Obama seem modest.

Bread And Circuses TV (more reality from the celebrity jungle)

Has reality television gove too far with thje excesses of the latest run of I'm a celebrity get me out of here and its ritual humiliation of glamour model Katie Price?

Climate Change And The Tiger Woods Index

We are often accused by people who refer to themselves as scientists of taking the piss out of science. Well we run an equal opportunities journal and take the piss out of everybody in the news, celebrities, sports stars, politicians as they deserve. But we are happy to praise proper science when we encounter it as we did in the Tiger Woods index for measuring the importance of news stories.

Celebrity Couple Split - Bigger Shock Than Brangelina

All the mainstream celebrity gossip media coverage this week has focused on brangelina, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and their anticipated marriage break up. Ever the goats, going our own way, we bring you news of an even more poignant celebrity breakeup. SuBo and he cat Pebbles are no longer living together...

Heather Mills On A Mission

Heather mills is back and this time she's on a mission. The ex Mrs McCartney and unber mentalist aims to save the planet by turning us all into vegans

Schlock Celebrity Sex Tape Sounds Death Knell Of The Internet

No matter what depths web content sinks to the internet seems to go from strength to strength. But will a new celebrity sex video push back the boundaries of taste too far and bring about the backlash that will be the death of the world wide web

Michael Jackson - Genius Or Nut Job

Everyone has their own opinion of Michael Jackson. For my generation he was a squeaky little irritant who danced like an epilleptic on speed. For my daughter Cleo Hart his music was part of the soundtrack of her life.

Michael Jackson's Death Was Faked And We Can Reveal Why

It is inevitable that people would quickly start to claim Michael Jackson is not really dead. It happened with Buddy Holly, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin who all found it possible to be dead, dead famous and at the same time evade the all seeing eye of the media. But at Boggart Blog we like to go a step further and so we will reveal why Whacko Jacko and his handlers decided death was the only way left to salvage the singer's stalled career.

Let Her Breasts Satisfy Thee At All Times

A bitchy homosexual attacks a Chistian beauty queen, the religious right respond. The gay lobby hit back by revealing the young woman has very ungodly silicon enhanced breasts. What do the fundies do? They find a phrase in the Bible that justifys breast implants. Brilliant

Prisoner Cell Block H(ilton)

Would celebrity air-head Paris Hilton survive in Prison , the gossip industry asked. We think she might find her spiritual homeWould celebrity air-head Paris Hilton survive in Prison , the gossip industry asked. We think she might find her spiritual home

Shite And The City

When we heard the prducrers of cult TV series Sex And The City were suing everyone who infringed their "copyright" on the title, from a gym called pecs and the city to a petshop called Pets And The City, we though they needed putting in their place. After all, peddling the most seually repellant woman on the planet as a sex symbol has to be some kind of fraud related offence. OK Shite And The City, we wanna hear from your lawyers. BRING EM ON.

Ladettes To Ladies

One of the most bizarre and most entertaining of reality TV shows is ladettes to ladies. In this low budget schedule filler young slappers who habitually binge drink, shag around, piss in the street, get their tits out and projectile vomit are handed over to a charm school whose staff must attempt to turn the contestants from slappers into seductresses.

The Little Vegetarian Shoemaker of Barking.

One day the radio was playing in the Boggart Blog Office and we heard a news item about the well known celebrity amputee Heather Mills Medusa and the entourage she planned to take on her holiday. The travelling circus of sidekicks included the usual personal celebrity 's assistant, personal celebritity's chef, celebrity's trainer and personal hairdresser but some less likely hangers on, her interior designer, estate agent, private photographer and her vegetarian shoemaker" WTF is a vegetarian shoemaker you might think. The Boggart Blog certainly did, so sensing a backstory we sent our ace invisible reporter to investigate. What we uncovered was a tragic tale of infdelity, prostitution, sex, betrayal and steadfastness - with a happy ending.

TV Phone-in scams ? punter to blame

Many of the charges of cheating laid against phone in operators were grossly unfair a new report from the media regulator Ofstatingtheobvious reveals. In most cases where competitions were not won for many weeks the contestants were just thick. Take a look at these examples.

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