The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sweden's Euronazi PM Says EU Must Force Third World Migrants On Europe

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven is apolitically correct turd, that has been the accepted view of sane people for a long time. But having turned prosperous, civilised Sweden onto a third world shithole by opening the borders to hundreds of thousands of unskilled, semi literate, unemployable "asylum seekers" he now want to do the same for the rest of Europe. And he will be quite happy for the EU to use tactics favoured by a certain German gentleman, Herr Hitler, to do it.

Ahead of the summit meeting of EU leaders in Salzburg, Löfven angrily insisted he will argue for mandatory asylum seeker quotas, reportedly showing “anger” at current EU Presidency chair Austria’s declaring the policy dead. He's a strange person is Lofven, he gets very upset about what leaders of other EU nations are doing even though it does not affect Sweden, but doesn't give a flying fuck about the Swedish women who are beingEurope, EU molested, raped and murdered by his beloved migrants.

“I will continue to pursue the issue of compelling countries to accept a quota of refugees coming to Europe because all countries have a responsibility to receive asylum seekers,” Lofven told Aftonbladet.

“If we fail to implement this we will have another crisis, because the whole Schengen area is at risk unless there is cooperation [between member states] on this issue,” he said.

Responding to the suggestion that this would be pointless, as the newspaper pointed out resistance to mandatory migrant quotas has been “growing rather than subsiding” — not only in Hungary but now across other countries in Europe — Löfven insisted that the arguments for forcing third world migrants on unwilling nations were as strong as ever, thus proving he hasn't a clue what is going on outside the wealthier suburbs of Stockholm where the elite have their city homes.

Asked whether he agreed that attitudes in Europe were hardening towards illegal migration, to the point that people want to “prevent refugees from reaching the continent at all”, the Swedish premier told Aftonbladet that “makes it all the more important” that migrants are shared across the bloc.

“The more countries are receiving refugees, the less of a burden it will be for each country,” he said, giving an answer which ignored the argument of Visegrád nations refusing to take a share of asylum seekers, that Europe’s illegal immigration problem is made worse, rather than better, by sharing migrants around while failing to enact proper border control.

It seems he has not considered the option of rounding up the illegal immigrants, putting them on boats previously used to transport pigs and sending them back to whatever shithole country they came from. Most of the recent arrivals have not gone through the legal migration problem and so are criminals. We have to be willing to show that ignoring the laws of European nations will not be tolerated.

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Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.

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Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?

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Mediterranean Immigrant Composite

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