The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Swedish Press Conceals Migrant Crimes Due to Loyalty to Government

by Arthur Foxake

A harrowing picture of a Swedish victim of immigrant gang rape. The point our breast beating, hand wringing, attention seeking, self righteous, politically correct contingent fail to understand is men from certain cultures in certain parts of the world have such hatred of female sexuality that they can't just rape (which is unforgivable of course), those shits like to destroy their victims mentally and physically. Still think we should welcome them and tolerate their charming, quirky culture? I couls show you much worse bictures than this. (Image source)

It has now been officially confirmed that Sweden's leading popular newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN) - one of the major country's media sources - colludedwith government officials to hide from the public the numerous cases of murder, sexual assault, rape and violent assault (including malicious wounding with firearms and knives) committed by migrants against native Swedes raises questions about European political leaders commitment to such principles as freedom of speech and expression, democracy, and equality under the law.

Numerous sexual assaults were reported to have taken place during the youth festival ‘We are Sthlm' in August 2015.

Dagens Nyheter, however, did not carry a report of this incident even though it was a major story, and the public were not given any information on the issue until new media journalism put it into the public domain. The newspaper tried to excuse its omission by claiming a lack of relevant data and the fact that the police thoroughly "silenced" the incidents.

The newspaper explained that it had only one source of information who wished to stay anonymous and could not get any additional confirmation from the police.

However, according to an investigation of another Swedish newspaper Nyheter Idag, Dagens Nyheter was unwilling to draw attention to such "sensitive" subjects because of its loyalty to the country's pro - immigrant, socialist government. An English language report on the story and other cover ups of migrant sex crimes can be read HERE. Nyheter Idag does not publish an English language edition but Google translates does a decent job of translation Swedish to English - sorry, I am to busy to do translation today - editor)

Nyheter Idag published the evidence confirming that the excuse with "the only source of information" was a lie.

It turned out that DN journalists had contact with a policeman, who was deployed during the festival and therefore were able to acquire any necessary confirmation "at first hand." Moreover, the policeman said he was willing to talk about the sexual assaults and even tried to initiate a conversation on the issue, but the DN reporter seemingly tried to avoid the subject.

Apparently, the newspaper was loyal to the government and did not want to cover the sensitive issue, fearing that it would "play into the hands "of nationalists and worsen the situation. Faced with Choosing between loyalty to socialist ideology and journalist ethics, the left leaning newspaper opted for the first and concealed important facts in order to serve a politcal agenda, Nyheter Idag concluded.


Swedish MP Does A Complete U Turn On Mass Immigration

Katie Hopkins Reports From Hellacious Sweden, ‘Where Females Fear to Tread’

A news feed filled with reports of the rape and assault of Sweden’s young women, some inexplicably streamed live on Facebook by the gang as they attacked. Other reports filed quietly away in a box marked unmentionable: the rape of a 12-year-old unaccompanied immigrant by a so called fellow 'unaccompanied minor' immigrant who later bragged he was 45.

Read more on: Sweden European >> Rape >> Immigrant

Muslim Migrants: We Burn Cars Because Swedes are Racist
Picked up this essential post at the lovely Pam Geller's site. Reblogged here for enlightenment of those idiots who are saying we should give Sharia Law equal status with British law and if that does not happen it proves the British are racist.That’s rich. The fact that Islam is not a race is seemingly besides the point.

Rotherham Council Helped Asian Grooming Suspects Win Lifelong Anonymity

Rotherham Council has allowed the names of four Asian men suspected of sexually exploiting a white teenager to remain secret by dropping a legal challenge to keep them away from her, it has emerged. The vulnerable girl, who is white and from South Yorkshire, was found in a hotel room with one of the men in August, surrounded by cannabis, alcohol, condoms, and female Asian clothing ...

Migrants Consider Quitting Violent Sweden To Return To War-Zone Homelands For Safety
The Swedish ruling elite's politically correct obsession with immigrants has turned parts of this once peaceful, civilised and safe country into a lawless hell hole and borderline failed state. Perhaps the clearest indication of how bad things are in Sweden now is the news that Sweden is now so dystopian even migrants from some of the most violent and chaotic areas of Africa and the middle east want to return to their homelands

Lawless Immigrant Chaos Accounts for Quarter of Swedish Police Resources
Police officials in Värmland, Sweden have revealed 25 per cent of their time and resources are consumed by dealing with the lawlessness of illegal immigrants, as the Swedish government yesterday announced a further two billion Swedish Krona for policing to 2020. Chief Superintendent Lars Serenander estimates that around a quarter of police time is spent dealing with issues related to migrants ...

Swedish Commentator: Migrants Enforcing Sharia Law, Bill Clinton ‘Evil’ For Wishing Same On U.S.

Swedish writer and news commentator Ingrid Kristina Carlqvist, speaking on an internet radio station, said that Islamists and migrants "have already succeeded in introducing Sharia law to Sweden". Speaking to Breitbart London Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam, she explained that, because Swedish girls are becoming afraid to go to certain places where there have been rapes and attacks, key tenets of Islamic law are effectively being enforced.

Sweden’s Mollycoddling of Rapists Blamed for Surge of Sex Attacks

Once know, as one of the safest and most orerly countries in the world, in recent years, thanks to an idiotic 'open doors' immigration policy, Sweden has now earned the unenviable title of 'rape capital of Europe.' The politically correct elite's view that they were being good 'global citizens' by allowing unvetted, undocumented, uneducated migrants to flood into their peaceful and pleasant land from many of the most violent, mysogynistic, racist, and sectarian trouble spots in the world, where western values are despised ...

A Mob Of 'Foreign Youths' Assault 35 Females At Swedish Music Festival"

The number of sexual assaults in Europe as a result of the refugee crisis has been something that we have covered extensively, notably the "monstrous" attacks by men "of Arab or North African origin" that occurred on German women in Cologne during a New Year celebration (that led to the members of left wing parties in Germany's ruling coalition actually trying to have the word "rape" removed from internal reports, because multiculturalism. Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.
We ask why it is, in Sweden, that when a Swede kills two immigrants it is an act of terrorism that shames the nation, but when an African immigrant kills a Swedish mother and her young child, in the eyes of the government it is somehow the victim's fault? The big concern is that, given the desperation of our Conservtive and Labour party leaders to make us more European, such politically correct insanity will be inflicted in Britain next

Latest Fashion Trend: European Women in Hijab
Europe's Immigration Crisis (October / November / December 2015

Europe's Immigration Crisis (July / August / September 2015
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