The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Doctors For Covid Ethics International Group Warns There Is No Scientific Justification For Introducing Vaccine Passports”


An international organisation made up of doctors who have concerns about the medical ethics of drug companies and healthcare providers have denounced the current campaigns to coerece people to accept vaccination for COVID-19,  force vaccine passports on the public and to introduce a regime of referesher jabs eveery six months as the vaccines only provide at best a few months protection. The group, Doctors for Covid Ethics, say studies on Covid-19’s closest-related virus to infect humans, SARS, revealed that  natural immunity to coronavirus infection is long lasting but fear people will be fear people will be bullied into taking regular top-up vaccines through fear generated by a prolonged and intense propaganda campaign to exaggerate the seriousness of the disease for the vast majority of us, or in order to re-access society when their Digital Green Pass expires after just six months.

                                                          Image source: Yahoo news

Doctors for C~ovid ethics report that people who acquired natural immunity to SARS in 2003 remain protected even now. They also contend that before the vaccine rollout programmes began most people had developed immunity to Covid-19, either through contact with the virus itself, which was seen off often without symptoms or with only mild ones, by their efficient immune systems, or due to cross-immunity conferred by other, commonly occurring coronaviruses. It should be remembered that coronavirus is not a unique pathogen, but a generic name for a group of viruses including Influenza and The Common Cold.

Doctors for Covid ethics wisely avoid getting into the political aspects of the pandemic but this blog, our sister publications, and thousands more alt_media news and comment websites have repeatledly warned that the hyping of a trivial infection  into an alleged existential threat to the future of civilisation, and as shouts of "Conspiracy Theorists" echo in our ears the European Union just published an  Article of Law Decree dictating that its proposed Digital Green Pass will have validity for just six months. Once thi term expires expires the holder would need to be re-vaccinated or produce evidence of having recovered Covid in the last six months or take a test every 48 hours in order to regain their freedoms to travel or engage in normal social activities with friends and family..

The group also highlights that vaccine companies have been exempt from legal liability for vaccine-induced harm, adding that, for the vast majority of people, SARS-CoV-2 is a non-lethal, typically mild to moderately severe illness. They said: “The overwhelming majority of people are not at risk from COVID-19 and do not require vaccination for their own protection.

“The vaccines have been touted as a means to prevent asymptomatic infection and, by extension, asymptomatic transmission. However, “asymptomatic transmission” is an artefact of invalid and unreliable PCR test procedures and interpretations, leading to high false-positive rates. Evidence indicates that PCR-positive, asymptomatic people are healthy false-positives, not carriers. A comprehensive study of 9,899,828 people in China found that asymptomatic individuals testing positive for COVID-19 never infected others.

 Arguing there is no scientific case for what constitutes an assault on human rights and civil liberties, Doctors for Covid Ethics point out that not only are the documents pointless as the makers and international medical authorities have admitted the vaccine does not prevent people either developing the disease or passing it on to others, but the only other country which currently requires citizens to have a passport for domestic travel is Israel, which is widely condemned for its human rights record by the very people who are most vociferous in support of introducing vaccine passports worldwide,

The Doctors for Covid Ethics statement said: “There is no scientific foundation to the concept of vaccine passports and no rational case at all for vaccine passports. To set a six-month cut-off is bizarre and arbitrary. Examining the time course of antibodies in blood samples is not a valid approach to the question of, ‘how long does immunity last?’.

“This is because antibodies aren’t the most important host defence mechanism in immunity to viruses. That’s considered to be T-cell memory (cytotoxic as well as ‘helper’ lymphocytes) and B-memory (antibody producing) cells. Antibodies naturally fall over time if you’re no longer constantly rechallenged with the infective pathogen. As community prevalence falls away, this re-exposure to the virus also diminishes.

“When durability of immunity to the closest known virus, SARS, was studied, those who had acquired immunity naturally, through infection in 2003, all retained immunity 17 years later. There is speculation that ‘variants’ of SARS-CoV-2 might ‘break through’ the immunity gained through natural infection or vaccination. There is absolutely no evidence for this at all.

“In fact, there is very strong evidence to the contrary – that no variant is sufficiently different from the original virus that it’s even possible for ‘immune escape’ to occur. Several groups of immunologists have shown convincingly that people immune to one variant have T-cells which recognise all the other variants tested. This isn’t a surprise, for no variant differs from the original sequence by more than 0.3 per cent.

“In fact, those who had retained immunity to SARS also possessed cross-immunity to SARS-CoV-2. These two viruses differ by approximately 20 per cent. Obviously, if our immune systems easily recognise two viruses which share 80 per cent similarity, it follows that differences of 0.3 per cent are completely irrelevant, from an immunological perspective.”


Vaccine sceptics and libetarian activists have pointed out that once imposed, the vaccine passports act as digital tracking devices and could easily be extended to become part of a social credit system similar to the one used in Communist China, to grant permissions or impose sanctions based on how obedient a citozen is deemed to be and thus suppress free speech and curtail social activity and thus to restrict access to information to only that which is approved by government. It is pure fascism, disguised as a project to protect people. How many of the propagandized citizens of European Union member states, the UK, USA and other democratic nations will be gullible or fearful enough to accept it is anybody's guess, but we believe that given the laughable track record of governments in implementing massive Information Technology projects 

Last week, Doctors for Covid Ethics wrote their third open letter to the European Medicines Agency, warning executive director Emer Cooke that cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) dominates the list of adverse reactions from the vaccines and is not as rare as the EMA suggests. They suggested that the number of unexplained deaths and serious adverse reactions rapidly following vaccination has long surpassed what would normally be considered an acceptable threshold yet governments and medical organisations continue to insist the vaccines are safe and pressure people to accept vaccination.



Evil Labour Government Helped Private Companies Profit From NHS
If you live in Heywood and Middleton and were thinking of voting for the greedy, paedophile loving, elitists' party, Labour because you have been taken in by the lies peddled at the Labour conference that the wicked Tories plan to privatize the NHS, think again.

The science of saturated fat: A big fat surprise about nutrition?
After years of being told saturated fat is a killer and we should avoid it in favour of Big Food products that are the nearest modern chemistry can get to packaging arterial plaque, yet another scientific meta analysis shows the sat fat scare was based of fraudulent science and there is no evidence your steak is harming you.

CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine
Vaccine, that great profit driver for the pharmaceutical corporations, are under the spotlight again. This time it is a link between polio vaccine and cancer which makers and medical science has denied for fifty years that has finally been admitted by the US Centre for Disease control. How ironic they have owned up just weelks after the Obama administration granted Pharma corporations immunity from legal actions.

Statins? Our Welfare Or Corporate Profits, Which Side Is Medical Science On?
The propaganda aimed at convincing us that if we throw enough money at medical science the boffins can provide drugs to prevent death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. The latest scam is to swing public opinion into accepting mass medication with drugs most do not need. It is just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers know is no good.

Another Pompous, Arrogant Bigot Slags Off Homeopathy. What Do They Hope To Gain
The argument about homeopathy is raging again. An article in a leading newspapers says oponents of homeopathic medicine must never tire of explaining that it doesn't work. But when these science fanboys come up against an articulate defender of homeopathy, they rapidly descent to trying to shout down any opinion that differs from theirs

Swine Flu Scam Exposed: Useless Drugs And Vaccines - Lying Science Whores
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. Five years after the even the lies and fraud that created the swine flu 'pandemic' of 2009 are exposed. It was just a scam to sell a drug the scientists and manufacturers knew was no good.

Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects Of VaccinesA few years ago anybody who questioned vaccines, whether the notorious MMR jab, swine flu vaccine, the HPV jab or the government's plans to make vaccination compulsory by law was subjected to a witch hunt. Recently U.S. courts and courts in Europe have awareded multi million dollar / pound settlements to those damaged by the MMR vaccine. Now we learn that several governments have admitted vaccines can have very serious side effects.
Everything They Said Is Bad For You Is Good For You.Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the pleasuredome Nanny State's Politically Correct Thought Police are now using CAll Me Dave's Dave's nudger try to nudge us towards being better citizens, eating more shite and refusing things we like, drinking less booze, smoking less ciggies, avoiding dangerous sports like bowls and tiddleywinks, driving less miles in a less cavalier fashion and being less idle (unless of course being idle is the alternative to driving, boozing, eating or enjoying yourself by doing things the Thought Police do not like.

<Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...

Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...

Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...

Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.

Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world? The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.

The New World order Pope Wants You To Pray For One World Religion The Marxist, globalist, Soros apparatchik currently posing as head of the Catholic faith wants to scrap the Catholic Church. He didn't say that in so many words but he has called on Catholics to pray for the creation of a world religion (because love and peace) which would embrace

Democracy Murdered In France
I'm hearing very disturbing news from the French regional elections, predicting that the Front National, comfortable winners in last week's first round of regional elections, hasve been routed in all regions. For that to happen, and to happen through a massive increase in turnout, suggests electoral fraud on a hughe scale. Or has France joined Britain in adopting the Islamic version of democracy, which is one man one vote, one Imam one thousand votes.

Who Runs America, The White House Or The Shadow Government?
Reports of President Barack Obama’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit over the weekend do not look right in the context of yet another blitz of provocative rhetoric from The Pentagon and the Department of Defence towards Moscow. In view of the USA's constant push towards all out war with Russia, one has to ask who is in control: Obama or the generals?

EU "Sounds Alarm" Over New US Sanctions On Russia; Germany Threatens Retaliation
Late on Friday (21/07/17), Congressional negotiators agreed to advance a cross - party bill that would punish Russia for its (alleged) interference in the 2016 election according to the Wall Street Journal. And while it seems improbable that President Trump would sign the bill if it reaches his desk, the loudest complaint about the bill to date has emerged not from the Oval Office, but from US allies in NATO and the European Union ...

Trump catches attention of CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral

Donald Trump is portrayed as a clown by mainstream media and his combover is the silliest I have ever seen. Still, he's a billionaie so I don't suppose he gives a flying fuck what The Daily Stirrer thinks of him. Not that we think he is all bad, anyone who attacks Obama's global naziism trade deals, TTIP and TPP mush have some good points.

Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario
An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenarion. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...

How Mainstream Media And The Major Political Parties Are Making Sure Voters Do not Hear The Voices Of Politics' Most Powerful Critics
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and loss of national sovereignty.

US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government. By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

The American Political System Is "Not A Democracy Or Constitutional Republic" - Thiel
The state of democracy in the USA has become a hot topic of conversation in American business circles in recent years. While President Barack Hussein Obama, not so much a man as an ego on long skinny legs, has increasingly been inclined to rule by executive order in the manner of a despot or tyrant, even Obama's fiercest critics have to admit the American electoral system seems increasingly capable of delivering only political paralysis ...

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