The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Dutch PM: Hungary Has No Place in EU After LGBT Teaching Law, Bloc Should Force Hungary ‘to Its Knees’

 As Hungary's national assembly prepares to pass a bill outlawing the teaching of LBGT ideology (whatever that is,) in shools the Dutch Prime Minister and prominent Euro - federalist Mark Rutte delivered an astonishing attack on the sovereign rights of EU member states.

Because of this proposed laws Rutte claimed that Hungary has no place in the Europan Union after he condemned the Hungarian government for "not respecting European Union values. One is left to wonder exactly when love of turd burglars, pussy slurpers, chicks-with-dicks and men-with mammaries became part of the core values of Europe's common culture?

The Dutch leader made his comments in Brussels this week while attending an EU summit.  “As far as I am concerned, then there is nothing left for them )Hungary) in the EU,” Rutte said.

“The goal is to force Hungary to its knees regarding this issue. They have to understand that they are either part of the European Union and the community of shared values we are,” Rutte added, Euronews reports. Once again we see a Europhile national leader usurping to himself the power to speak for all citizens of European Union member states on a matter of personal opinion, regardless of that fact that many Europeans believe GayBLT "ideology" is unacceptable in schools while the majority take the view that issues of great concern to GayBLTs are irrelevant to those of us who live in the real world.

Rutte spoke to reporters before the summit and made similar comments saying that Hungary has “nothing more to do in the European Union” and that the new law on teaching LGBT idea in schools meant the country should be removed from the bloc.

The Dutch prime minister was joined by several other European leaders, including Luxembourg’s openly gay Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, who said he “will stay intolerant to intolerance and this will be my fight today”. Boggart Blog says it is time European people stopped tolerating intolerant, queer cunts like Bettel, whose primary goal is to impose his warped, leftie world view on everybody, by force of law or if necessary force of arms. Or maybe a society like that depicted in The Hunger Games is what "our New Unhappy Lords" want for our future.

Hungary values families and families should decide if they want to teach their children about the LBGTQ+ mental illness (which are not ideal for conceiving children let alone raising them). The validy of "LGBT ideologies" as a concept is queried above and must be queried again when the only visible ideological position in the so called LGBT lifestyle appears to be the notion that it is somehow better to pursue a selfish, decadent and often self destructive lifestyle that to follow a more rounded and fulfilling model for personal development.

Yet in spite of the vacuity of this pseudo - ideologyThe Alphabet People want to see their propaganda spread across teaching in all disciplines ("If Mathew takes the 09:10 from Paris and his husband takes the ....") , just like the Climate scaremongers have done with their bogus "existential threat to humanity." . This institutionalised indoctrination of our children must end . In all fairness, Hungarian values seem to be the last bastion of common sense in the EU. All the left-winger ideologies are destroying what identity is left of each country.



13-year-old fights school policy allowing ‘trans girls’ into girls’ changing room February 7, 2020 (Paul Smeaton, LifeSiteNews) – A 13-year-old UK girl is taking her local council to court after it issued guidance that would allow boys who identify as “transgender girls” to access girls’ bathrooms, changing rooms, and dormitory rooms on student trips.
The guidance was issued last year as part of the Oxfordshire County Council’s “Trans Inclusion Toolkit for School 2019” project.

London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Attacks Trump for LGBTQ Policies
London's Mayor Sadiq Khan, said yesterday, for no good reason because Trump's visit to the UK happened weeks ago and was successful despite the efforts of Khan and other left - wing nutters to disrupt it, (and the fact that most of us in Britain did not gove a flying fuck whether Trump was here or not,) his city should not roll out the red carpet for the U. S. president because of his LGBTQ policies ...

Oxford Academics Turn On Gay BLT Propagandists For Pushing Unscientific Claims
'More than 30 Oxford academics have blasted Stonewall for pushing 'tendentious and antiscientific claims' in the trans awareness training it gives to universities according to a report in The Sunday Times The professors and lecturers have taken issue with a compulsory training programme about permissible attitudes "towards Gay, Lesbian and especially Transgender rights ...

Swedish professor branded a bigot for saying men and women are ‘biologically different.' The first story of the week from The Daily Stirrer's Politically Correct Insanities desk concerns Germund Hesslow, a university professor in Sweden (Where else? OK, could be California, but this is European insanity.) Hesslow, who works in neurophysiology at Lund University, has offended the wankerati by suggesting during one of his lectures there are biological differences between men and women. (Shock! Horror!)

Trannies and Feminists fall out over changes to UK’s Gender Recognition Act Gay Pride – not as united as they’s like you to think (Photo: Reuters) Proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) which would make transitioning from one gender to another easier, which will make lefties who claim gender is a social construct happy, and encourage fuckwit schoolteachers who want to teach … Continue reading

Gay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure The Daily Stirrer has noted many times that sheeple on the left of the political spectrum get very confused on finding not everybody agrees with their world view. but rather than accept they are bigots they turn on those who dissent. No surprise then that gay activist working in the NHS are turning on African, middle eastern and east Europan colleagues who believe homosexuality is a sin.

Bakery Sued For Refusing to Produce Pro-Gay Marriage Cake A Belfast bakery has been threatened with legal action after its owners refused to accept an order for a cake with the words “support gay marriage” on it. Ashers Baking Company staff at first accepted the order but it was later reviewed by the owners who deemed the cake against their Christian beliefs.

Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses
We've been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I've met have been psychatrists and psychologists - perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are

How the gay-marriage campaign has unleashed a bureaucratic assault on people's identities
Do gooders, progressives and bleeding hearts hurl hatred at those who question gay mariage. But these politically correct fools have as usual wallowed in their own self righteousness too long without thinking of the social consequences of this law which will devalue mainstream society to set up the gay community as a precious little elite

Universities warned of ‘creeping segregation’ as Sheffield launches LGBT-only student halls UK Universities have been given a warning about an emerging trend of what is referred to as “creeping segregation” on campus as University of Sheffield became the nation’s first to offer student housing where only gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students are allowed to live. Sheffield University announced it will provide a number of LGBT-only … Continue reading Universities Far-Left Group Successfully ‘Bullies’ Newspapers Over Migrant, Transgender Stories Extremists who have been active campaigners against democracy and free speech are attempting to use legal trickery to limit what newspapers report about immigration, Islam, and transgenderism. They have also been found to have successfully “bullied” business into withdrawing ads from publications that defy their diktat and published honest reports on … Continue reading

Homosexuality: As a liberal society we have a duty to tolderate, not celebrate
Even though the government has accepted a very limited definition of same sex marriage the gay lobby keeps raving on about the greates non issue of all time. But in a free society should we be subjected to bullying if we do not show enough enthusiasm for homosexual and lesbian relationships? When did indifference become a hate crime?

Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.

Primary School Teacher Forced Out For Teaching It's OK To Be Gay
The thought police are well and truly embedded in the education system, the legal system, government and public services, everywhere you look in fact. Their dovtrines of multiculturalism and diversity and they sacred cows of human rights ad equality are suppressing freedom of speech and thought. But what do the politically correct thought police do when two of their sacred cows come into conflict ...

Trump Outs Politically Correct Hypocrites

So for several years we have been assailed by left wing screechers commanding us to be nice to Gay BLTs and Muslims because "multiculturalism and diversity". Well this blog along with many others that rely on common sense to inform their opinions has asked, "What happens when the interests of gays and fundamentalist Muslims clash. because as any moderately well informed person knows, in many Muslim nations homosexuality is a crime punishable by death.

Overeducated Elitist Snobs Go For World DominationWe have written many times with tongues in our cheeks of The New World Order but what are we talking about. Is it a conspiracy theory like The Illuminati, are there shape shifting lizards involved. We wish, but sadly it is just a concensus political movement that blurs the lines betwen old parties but hardens those betwee the political, academic and financial elite and the lowrer orders. Find out how it operates below ...
These stupid laws insult the public and threaten free speech When the law forbids us to insult or offend somebody, to insult or offend a religion, race, skin colour or sexual preference, free speech and other important democratic rights are under threat. When the law then goes on to say that anyone accused of these offences has no right to defend themselves and the word of the accuser is sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction then we have abandoned justice and are ruled by fascists.

Government Fails Jewish School Over Lack of ‘Correct’ LGBT Teaching
A Jewish girls' school in London has been failed for a third time by Education Department inspectors who claim it fell short of requirements set out in the Equalities Act to teach LGBT principles in general and homosexuality/gender reassignment issues in particular. The equalities act, you may remember is a pernicious piece of legislation pushed through by former Labour deputy leader and lobbyist on behalf of the Paedophile Information Exchange which at the time of Harman's involvement was demanding as part of its "equal rites for paedophiles" position

Doctors Back NHS-Funded ‘Womb Transplants’ for Transgender People Leading doctors working in the UK’s National Health Service have said they back taxpayer-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women and think a bit of surgery and a daily does of hormone tablets can turn them into real, child bearing women. Experts at parting the gullible and emotionally immature from their hard … Continue reading Doctors

Six-Figure Fines for failing to use the right transgender Gender Pronouns?
This story broke a few says ago, but I was so gobsmacked by the sheer stupidity of this latest idiocy from New Your liberals I spent a week verifying it all. It was a waste of time really, I should have known that no matter how stupid New York and Californian neo - fascist 'liberals' have been in the past, they can always find a way to be even more stupid in the future.

EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open

The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders.

University free speech society told free speech a 'red risk', external speakers must be vetted

Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk” and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty - sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by. Coninue Reading

Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.

Salvini Accuses Leftist Govt of Giving Away Italian Sovereignty to EUMatteo Salvini leader of the hugely popular Populist League (Lega) party, which, despite having a democratic mandate, was excluded from the government of Italy by a stitch up enigineered by the Euronazi EU Commission in Brussels, has accused Giuseppe Conte the Italian prime minister apponted by the EU, of handing over Italian sovereignty to the European Union bureaucrats

EU's Top Eurofederalist admits EU wants an empire
The leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE)
told CNN that plans to reform the EU and devolve power from Brussels back to the nation-state proposed by the populist paries that have spring up in member states, and led by Matteo Salvin's Lega (League) in Italy, Marine le Pen and her Rassemblement National in France and Hungary's Victor Orban, leader of the Fidesz party would mean that the bloc “will die inside.”

Little Donny Tusk The Polish Has-Been Tells Britain How To Vote.
Donald Tusk, who is the President of the European Council and was the centre-right Europhile Prime Minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014 made the remarks in support of his former Deputy Prime Minister, Anglo-Pole Jan-Vincent Rostowski who is standing as a Change UK candidate in London for Thursday’s election.

EU Dictatorship: German MEP says process of choosing Juncker successor a hoax as European elections near
The process of selecting the person who will succeed Jean-Cluade Juncker as European Commission President is a deeply flawed “hoax” dreamed up by “Eurofanatics” who want to create a United States of Europe, a German MEP said today. Hans-Olaf Henkel made his remarks as the prospective candidates – known as Spitzenkandidaten, in Germany, jockeyed for position.

Europe’s Nationalists Unite Behind Salvini Ahead Of EU Elections

With the EU elections due in May this year expected to deliver another body blow to the dream of a Federal European superstate, Europe's more conservative nationalist parties have today announced an alliance that is aiming to become the strongest group in the European Parliament, with a view to forcing to radical reform on the EU bureaucracy in Brussels, which dictates policy on security, migration, family and the environment, according to Euro News.

Harold MacMillan’s EU warning revealed
Harold MacMillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963 gave us a chilling warning about the EEC – (European Economic Community) – before Britain joined the bloc, claiming that Germany had planned on using the trading bloc, as an instrument to assert its supremacy across the continent once more. On Wednesday, 3 April, 2019 The House of Commons voted in favour of legislation which forces the Government to request another extension for 'Brexit', giving our current Prime Minister Theresa May more time to show us the comtempt the ruling elite have for the principles of democracy.

Leaked Document Reveals Unacceptable Demands Made By EU Ahead Of Final Talks Before Brexit Deadline
A Secret document has revealed concession the EU is demanding before beginning fresh talks on Brexit ahead of the 12 april dealine. According to a memo seen by the Sunday Times, Brussels is demanding the UK must continue to pay its share of the EU budget, must implement new measures on citizens’ rights, and sign a legally binding agreement to arrangements to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and The Republic.

Merkel: EU Members Must Cede control Of Their Border To Brussels
German Chanellor Angela Merkel sparked outrage today and pushed the EU cloers to its final disintegration when she stated that EU Member states would be forced to surrender on of their most important sovereign powers, control of their borders, to Brussels in order that the unelected bureaucrats of the European commission could 'manage' immigration (i.e. open the border crossings and let any criminally inclined bunch of fanatics enter Europe.

Spanish Socialist Budget Fails As Budget Rejected; New Elections Expected

We predicted last year when the socialist leader Pedto Sancjez usurped the Spanish government after the collapse of the minority government led by Mariano Rajoy collapsed, could not last. In a widely expected but destabilizing development, Spanish conservatives and pro-independence Catalonians voted to back a slate of amendments to a government budget on Wednesday by a wide margin of 191 votes out of 350,

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