The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Yet Another Study Shows Natural Immunity Provides Protection From SARS2-COV Virus Than Pfizer Vaccine


A few weeks ago this blog reported a Swedish study which showed that natural immunity provides much better protection against infection by the SARS2-COV virus which causes COVID (COrona VIrus Disease,) than the Pfizer vaccine which is currently hyped as the most effective on the market, though it is no more effective than the others at provinding immunity. The more responsible voices in mainstream media that actually reported the story  described by the news as “a bit of a bombshell”.

Picture: Zero Hedge

Many studies before the Swedish one, and several published since them have compared natural and vaccine-induced immunity at the cellular level. One found that infection-induced antibodies “exhibited superior stability and cross-variant neutralisation breadth” than vaccine-induced antibodies, suggesting that people who’d already been infected had better immunity against the then dominant Delta variant.

Now the problem that the vaccine pushers of the Big Pharma cartel and the Global Government party is that if us vaccine refusniks stay healthier than the double, triple and infinitupally vaccinated (boosters forever is the latest marketing ploy for the vaccines that do not immunise) then even the most compliant citizens, those who, in the words of Aldous Huxley' Brave New World, "Love their servitude," will begin to smell a rat. 

All research experiments need to be replicated before they can be acknowledges as scientifically sound. After all some scientific experiments or methods of analysis can yield outlier results, which fail when subjected to close scrutiny.

Encouragingly for those who have campaigned against the politically motivated mass vaccination program and authorotarian measures imposed by governments in reponse the the pimped up common cold pandemic, the findings now have been replicated – by a team of Israeli researchers, using a different experimental approach.

The Israeli study, conducted by Yair Goldberg and colleagues, and prompted by curiosity as to why, if makers claims about the efficacy of their vaccines are in any way credible, Israel now has the highest infection rate in the world when it is the most vaccinated nation, with 98% of the population reportedly fully vaccinated. Goldberg et al tracked all the individuals in their dataset (of people in Israel) who had tested positive or received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine before 1st July, 2021. They then compared the number of infections in previously infected versus vaccinated individuals from August to September of 2021.

The researchers also examined new infections among those with so-called ‘hybrid immunity’ – i.e., previously infected individuals who got vaccinated.  

For each of the three groups the number of infections and the number of days ‘at risk’ (i.e., the total number of people multiplied by the number of days on which they were ‘at risk’ of becoming infected), were counted. Adjustments were made for age, sex, ethnicity, calendar week and a measure of risk exposure.

Results are shown in the chart below (source: Zero Hedge ). Each bar corresponds to the infection rate per 100,000 ‘risk days’. The reason the researchers used ‘risk days’, rather than just ‘people’, is that the composition of each group changed over time. For example, some previously infected people chose to get vaccinated.

Notice that the labels for the horizontal bars are not the same for each group. Since we want to compare apples with apples, look at the bars labelled “Recovered 6–8 months” and “Vaccinated 6–8 months”.

This comparison shows that, 6–8 months after the corresponding event, infection rates were more than six times higher among vaccinated individuals – 89 per 100,000 versus only 14 per 100,000 among previously infected individuals.

And we should also remember that because somebody has never experienced COVID symptoms it does not mean they have not been in in contact with the virus. The auto - immune system of healthy individuals can in many cases deal with a viral or bacterial infection without the host organism showing any symptoms.

The above chart also shows that infection rates were lower among those with hybrid immunity, which is again consistent with what the Swedish study found. However, the difference between the hybrid group and the recovered group was so small as to be statistically insignificant. 

What the results from both studies suggests is that the important factor in having good immunity is being unvaccinated. This is entirely consistent with the views of experienced virologists expressed early in ther pandemic and now censored, that the Wuhan Coronavirus is a genetically engineered micro - organism designed to undermine the human immune system. To thus make us all patients for life would certainly serve the business interests of the Big Pharma cartel and the political agendas of globalist bureaucracies such ast |The United Nations, NATO and the World Health Organisation.



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In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
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A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us Continue reading >>>

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Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
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23 Serptember: France's 'Yellow Vests' protesters are back. Anti Macron activists rally in Paris
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Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
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21 Sepenber: "F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
23 September: Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the government's authoritarian measures which now have little to do with COVID and a lot to do with trying to crush the traditionally cussed spirit of Australians

New Anti - Vaccine protest in London as double vaccinated people continue to get sick with COVID
18 September : Thousands of Anti-vaccine protesters marched from Camden to Downing Street in central London this afternoon, calling on the government to scrap plans to present Covid jab to ychildren.Police in riot gear dispersed protesters after purple paint bombs were thrown over the black ironwork of the gates of Downing Street. The Metropolitan Police tweeted that two people were arrested for criminal damage and affray following an “incident”.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
September 17: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign

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Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks?
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