The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

I Have Seen The New Normal And It Is Not Pretty


  The collapse of fascist ideological movements and tyrannical regimes is never pretty. The New Normal, the World Economic Forum / United Nations bid to establish global governance was never going to be any different.

After three weeks of non-violent civil disobedience outside the Canadian parliament in Ottawa by truckers and other Canadian citizens struggling to uphold their right to not be subjected to forced “vaccination,” Justin Trudeau unleashed the goon squads. Thousands of militarized riot police (and other unidentified heavily-armed operatives) swarmed the area, surrounded the protesters, started breaking into trucks and arresting people, and beating them with batons and the butts of their rifles.

In one particularly ugly episode, the New Normal stormtroopers rode their horses directly into a crowd of non-violent protesters, trampling an elderly lady with a walker. She had just finished saying something to the police along the lines of “you break my heart … this is about peace, and love, and happiness.” Then they knocked her down and rode their horses over her.

The brutal smashing of the Canadian protests was obviously meant to send a media-salivating message to all of us that dissent was futile – when,of course the opposite is true. The political system is broken and judiciary largely corrupt. Our only recource is to public disobedience, dissent and demonstration on a huge national and global scale, which history shows worked for Gandhi and the millions of literally downtrodden Indian peasants who stood passively but resolutely shoulder to shoulder against the might of imperial colonialists and their stooges, Remember, we are many, and they are few. We are right and they are wrong. United we stand. Divided we and generations to come face the prospect of neo-serfdom and a transhuman existence dictated by heartless technocrats.

COVID was merely the excuse to ramp up a multi faceted dystopian technocratic neo-feudal global reconfiguration to sweep away the vestiges of the collapsing current order and usher in the Great Reset/New World Order the oligarchs have been planning for and simulating for (Swine Flu, HIV/AIDS, 9-11, Bird Flu, Zika virus etc.) for decades. The same cast of miscreants is behind all this reengineering (the European blue bloods, the Rothschild and Rockefeller families et al) with new front men like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and a host of acolytes and flunkies like Fauci, Trudeau and Johnson to do their handy work. Australia, Germany Austria and now Canada are the prototypes of our future unless we put a stop to it.

Many of us around the world have been suspicious for years about the plans that were creeping into sight, the webs being woven by the unseen arse-end of… Them. Even so, now that we are in full swing with the many strands of The Great Build Back Reset Better, I’m fairly alarmed at the lack of real options available to halt it. I honestly won’t make it in Dystopia.

Surely this over-arching, malevolent subjugation has been in the pipeline for many decades, perhaps longer?


Fascism is a real problem in the US– I expect it to formally take over come the next election cycle and once its entrenched it will not be removed easily. It won’t be Stormtroopers on the street, at least no more than we’re used to anyway. It will be an ideology dominated by faith and country for the masses (the American equivalent of “Kinder, Kucher, Kircher”) and complete corporate freedom. Corruption and insider plays will be the norm, the political stage being dominated by showboaters who treat the trappings of government as a reality show since the real business of government will be business, it will be carried out administratively. There may be a fig leaf of opposition but it won’t be allowed to impact the course of government with any challenges to laws being shot down by the courts and any administrative friction being dealt with by summary firing of any administrator that fails to please the party hacks brought in to oversee the various federal administrations.

Many of us will know that we’re nearly there already. A second Trump term would have sealed the deal. Like a magic show its difficult to look away from the action to see what’s really going on — all these noisy diversions (and I regard the whole anti-vax thing as a diversion — sorry) are distractions from the business of consolidating power. There’s a lot of Astroturf out there because the stakes couldn’t be higher but I figure that come the change I’ll be all right, more or less (old, rich, white), its subsequent generations who are going to have to deal with the fallout (which, given the way things are trending, may be literally true).

About the only thing upon which I fundamentally agreed with Christopher Hitchens was his contempt for wishful thinking (in that context, he was usually speaking about religion).

I think anyone who is trying to rally our spirits in this horrible catastrophe owes it to us to back up any statement to the effect that ‘the covid narrative is collapsing’ with some credible evidence, and not just an anecdote about their grandmother having suddenly seen right through Justin Trudeau.

The whole point of the official narrative is that it is a story – like “The American Dream” – which we are supposed to swallow without a second thought, and those who concocted the story don’t care whether we believe it or not.

The believing bit is not required – it’s only the obeying bit that’s required.

From that perspective, this is a sheer battle of wills. The psychopaths say, “Just do it!”
And we say, “No!”
But just look at which side has the numbers!
We do – unless of course we are all becoming psychopaths too…

Just saying, “NO!” is where I believe a solution lies – not in an attempt to make truth-tellers out of liars, sighted people out of the blind, and hearing people out of the deaf.

“Let those who have eyes to see” is a perfectly good attitude to take, and a tacit reminder that our current persecutors do not have those eyes to see.

We must stop trying to convince ourselves – who are already convinced – of the value of truth, and we must stop trying to convince those who don’t want to be convinced.
We just have to stop this insanity. With an endless list of initiatives like the truckers, more ‘Occupy’ initiatives, more stubborn refusals to lie down and let the mercenaries to stomp on our heads, we can surely do it.

We, here, know that large numbers of us are meeting and protesting all over the world, but the world doesn’t know it, on account of Public Enemy No. 1 – the media.
So the media must be forced, by our sheer numbers, to do their only legitimate job, which is to report what is really going on, instead of inventing narratives on the orders of their owners.

Just imagine if those truckers had shown up outside the BBC, or the Guardian offices, and refused to budge until the media did their job… That’s probably not enough on its own, but something like it needs to become our general attitude to the traitors who presume to represent us today.

Even Jesus was silent when Pontius Pilate asked Him, “What is Truth?”, although it was certainly a deafening silence.
Until the time comes when the only choice is between Him and satan, we need to focus on what is actually effective – for the sake of our children and grandchildren, who will not otherwise get the education they need to know the difference.

I’ll wind up with a rather wonderful statement by Rudolf Steiner:
“A time will come when truth will be more a matter of experience than of proof”.
His focus was upon mankind’s further evolution – not exactly a popular concept today, but I think many of us here already know exactly what he was talking about, because we are experiencing it right now.


The BMJ has posted a few articles railing at some of the inconsistencies and monkey business surrounding this catastrophe (e.g., Facebook censorship) but who among the general populace goes to their website, let alone knows the publication even exists? As for the FDA, they are completely compromised and corrupted, and thus completely useless – we won’t get anything out of them except for more lies and obfuscation.

Reiner Fullmich finally got his grand jury hearing going but he had to create his own court (the “court of public opinion” as he refers to it) to do it since no offical court would agree to take it on. I’ve watched a bit of it so far and it seems they have it together. But I don’t think they’ll accomplish very much. It certainly won’t get any coverage from the stenographers of the MSM.

The power to stop this still lies with the people. But unless a vast majority wakes up from their hypnotic state and recognizes what’s going down, this thing will probably just play out to its logical conclusion.


We live in strange times. Many whom we had assumed would choose freedom are choosing fascism and calling it freedom while calling us fascists. I ventured into the eye of the #BlackfaceHitler twitter storm where many are disgusted but few have answers or ideas for how to end the tyranny. Trudeau is just one of many elected fascists, and so it is good to see protests spread to other countries. In NewZealand the protesters are determined to hold the line until the mandates end. The politicians and media along with their flock cannot seem to come to grips with that reality though, and so yes I expect Adhern to use brute force fairly soon. Climate activists were discussing how they could learn from the protest in terms of what 𝘯𝘰𝘵 to do without realising that the core lesson is not to go home at the end of the day.
One missing ingredient in the global revolt though is a replacement political and economic ideology or framework. One detractor insulted the protesters by saying they are living in a stateless moneyless borderless commune without a leader as if that is a bad thing and on account of the protesters supposedly being “alt-right”.
All nation states are essentially totalitarian on account of there being no clearly defined limits on government power, and democracy in its current form always results in the same kind of people getting elected:people who will abuse that power. Democracy cannot work without an informed majority and yet how can we prevent the filthy rich from owning politicians and the media? If we

try to structure our economies purely with money we will have capitalists pushing us around. If we try to curtail capitalism we end up with governments pushing us around.







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