The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Russia-Ukraine crisis will put more pressure on the global food supply chain, driving up prices around the world

  The escalation of what was a civil conflict Russias separatist rebels and the government in Ukraine, into what could become a worldwide conflict involving the USA, NATO and the European Union threatens to put even more strain on the global food supply, driving up prices of essential staples wheat, corn and sunflower oil. The UK has already sanctioned five Russian banks. The United States and the European Union are also getting involved with their own list of sanctions.  Worse, the USA and UK, having emboldened the Ukrainian government to embark on a programme of ethnic cleansing that has been top of their wish list since 1914 when the separatist regions of Lubansk and Donetz, which both have a majority of ethnic Russians in their population, unilaterally declared independence.

Due to the idiocies of being "led by science" throughout the pandemic, coupled with a global energy crisis resulting from loonytoons green energy policies, the world is now facing an energy crisis and a batch of food shortages due to chaos in distribution systems. As conflict  in The Black Sea region  escalates, the global food supply also now hangs in the balance.

In the vast weheatfields of Unkraine (Source: Wikimedia commons)

Russia and Ukraine produce for nearly 80 percent of all sunflower oil exported around the world. Approximately 29 percent of the global  wheat exports and 19 percent of the corn (maize) supply comes from the plains of Russia and Ukraine too. Wheat, corn and sunflower oil are common components of many everyday food products that populations depend upon throughout the world. Many smaller Middle Eastern nations rely on Russian and Ukrainian wheat for stability in their food supply. If Black Sea ports on Ukranian and Russian coastlines are cut off due to armed conflict, essential shipments of grain will not be able to leave their nations of origin.

Thus if the conflict escalates, as may well happen with the governments of USA and UK still indulging in sabre rattling and ofering pledges of military support to theauthoritarian government in Kiev,  food prices which are already spiralling out of control driving many low income families into poverty, are certain to increase further. After Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s R evenepublics and dispatched troops into those regions yesterday, U.S. wheat futures jumped 9.72 percent and corn futures spiked 9.34 percent from their recent low levels.

The regions that will be worst hit by food shortages, rationing, military conflict and port closures would include North Africa, Asia and the Middle East. These regions depend heavily on Russian and Ukrainian grain exports. 

Russian wheat exports are mostly sent to Africa and the Middle East; approximately 70 percent of Russian wheat was sent to these regions in 2021.

Historically Ukraine was known as 'the breadbasket of Europe' for their wheat supply. Now, with population changes, much of the middle east looks to Ukraine for grain supplies. Lebanon receives half of its wheat supply from Ukraine. Libya imports 43 percent of their wheat from the same source. Other countries that will be impacted include Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Egypt. These countries receive anywhere from 14-28 percent of their wheat supply from Ukraine, which would make a significant enough shortfall to trigger a humanitarian crisis in those regions..

Even though Ukraine hopes to export 56 million tons of grain in 2022, many of their ports and shipping routes will inevitably be disrupted should the crisis develop into a shooting war.. Most of grain exports are transported from the Black Sea which can only access The editerranean and the world's oceans via the narrow strait known as The Bosphorus. If military conflict continues in the region, a naval blockade of this shipping routes may cause The Black Sea ports be cut off for an unknown amount of time.

The threat of war in the region is already causing disruption of food supplies. Buyers in international markets are already competing to buy from different suppliers, forcing up prices.  A buyer from Singapore told Reuters:“Ships are avoiding entering the Black Sea because of the war risk, Supply disruptions are already taking place.”

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Germany News Mag. Spiegel Asks "Is Vladimir Putin Right?" About NATO Expansion
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As the COVID narrative crumbles under the weight of evidence that the vaccines do not work, masks are useless and lockdowns kill more than they save a new scaremongering narrative - or a revamped old one - is emerging as the threat of war with russia is the latest fear and panic vehicle to scare the people into compliance with tyranny. Continue reading >>>

Currency Wars - Now The Euro Challenges The Mighty Dollar
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Russia - Ukraine crisis: Western foreign policy failures
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Is The Russian Threat To Invade Ukraine Real Or A Globalist Conspiracy Theory?
Continue reading >>>While Joe Biden's handlers in Washington and Boris Johnson In London talk up the threat of war should Russia invade Ukraine as they claim Moscow is preparing to do,Ukrainian leaders are dismissive, accusing the west of ramping up hysteria in a bid to divert attention from oither problems.

British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine
The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>

British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine
The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>

One Of The Weaker NATO Members Goes Off Message To Prevent War With Russia
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Putin has got Biden over a barrel with Ukraine – and markets know it
We’ve had a number of armed kerfuffles in Europe fairly recently but these were mostly centred on The Balkans and were local affairs [...] The threatened bust up between Russia and the west over Ukraine is much more serious – potentially the worst inter-regional conflict since the cold war, with far reaching consequences for both geopolitical and economic stability if mainstream mediaeports are to believed.

Storm Clouds Gathering Over Ukraine - Or Just The Usual Geopolitical Games
25 January 2022: As the COVID-19 Killer Virus Pandemic narrative crumbles under the weight of evidence that the vaccines don't work and therefore vaccine passports are irrelevant, masks are useless, and lockdowns only trash national economies and destroy businesses, the elites are desperately looking for another scare story to distract public attention from the godawful mess they have made with their globalisation plans, green energy follies and open borders insanity.

Russia Responds To UK's "Very Dangerous" Coup Allegations
23 January 2022: Russia has blasted this weekend's allegations by the UK government that it's planning to install a pro-Kremlin puppet leader in Ukraine. "We have information that indicates the Russian Government is looking to install a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv as it considers whether to invade and occupy Ukraine," the UK statement published Saturday began ...

Europe's Energy Crisis Exposes Green Fraud
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Recommded real news: Back to business as usual on COVID - 19 (8 April 2020)
Today: COVID-19 Computer Models Continue To Deteriorate; Covid-19 drags French economy into deep recession the likes of which it has not seen since 1945; Oil Prices Tumble As Russia Balks At Proposed US Production Cut; Kissinger says ‘even US’ can’t defeat Covid-19 alone. His solution? Global NWO government,

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