The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, June 09, 2023

Tide Turning In Favour Of The Covid Conspiracy Theorists?



The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revoked authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid vaccine after it was paused over rare blood clot concerns, which sent demand plummeting. 

The move was not unexpected because J&J’s parent company Jannsen had requested that federal regulators at the FDA withdraw authorization for its vaccine after it was revealed that the last tranche of doses – about 12.5 million – had expired.

Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted on its website that the vaccine was no longer available in the US because the remaining government stock expired on May 7, 2023. According to CDC data tracking, about 31.5 million J&J vaccine doses had been delivered to states amid the pandemic, but only around 19 million were administered, leaving the remaining 12.5 million or so to expire.

The beginning of the end for the once-promising single-dose vaccine came just weeks after its FDA authorization on February 27, 2021. On March 13, 2021, the FDA and CDC paused the use of the J&J vaccine out of concern for an extremely rare clotting disorder, which was first noticed with a similar vaccine made by AstraZeneca. Both vaccines used an adenovirus vector-based design, though the AstraZeneca vaccine was never authorized for use in the US. The pause on J&J's vaccine lasted just 11 days, but the damage was done, and demand for the vaccine tumbled, never to recover.

As of year three of the Covid pandemic, nearly 231 million Americans have received either one J&J shot or two doses of an mRNA vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna.

Vaccination fatigue has swept the US, with millions of Americans frustrated by the fact that a shot does not guarantee immunity from the virus but rather protects against severe illness, and all those who had planned on getting fully vaccinated are believed to have done so by now.

With a renewed wave of demand for J&J’s single-dose vaccine highly unlikely, coupled with a beleaguered history of production hiccups and health concerns that severely eroded public trust, the pharmaceutical company has opted to step away from the Covid vaccine field.

Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine was plagued by controversy since it entered the market in February 2021. By that time, more than 2.1 million mRNA shots had already been administered and those from Pfizer and Moderna became the gold standard.

Less than a month after the J&J vaccine was granted emergency use authorization from the FDA, it became mired in controversy over a small but growing number of severe blood clotting disorders called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) in people who got the shot.

Meanwhile British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, currently on a speaking tour of Australia, has called for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines to be suspended until the risk of heart complications is better understood, saying prior vaccines “have been pulled for much less”.

Dr. Malhotra said it was a “no-brainer” and accused the medicines regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), of ignoring the clear safety signal from its own reporting system once the rollout was well under way.

“People can be forgiving if new information comes in, we know people make mistakes — but once you get that information back, them not acting on it… the problem is the cover-up is worse than the crime,”

Gradually, in baby steps we seem to be moving move closer to the the exposure of the pandemic and the mass vaccination programs as a hoax and a power grab by the global elites based on an unprecendented campaign of scaremongering propaganda. But while privileged idiots like King Charles III and President Joe Biden babble nonsensically about rich nations paying reparations to Africans for slavery, will there ever be any reparations for the millions of people harmedc by the ‘safe and effective’ Covid vaccine tragedy. It must be agonising for doctors who, like Malhotra, believed the jab would help protect patients against serious illness; for people harmed and bereaved by the jabs, and for researchers who have been telling us for more than two years (see here, for example) that vaccines based on preparing the body to deal with SARS-CoV-2’s toxic ‘spike’ protein might cause the same type of damage as the virus itself. Now, in a comprehensive nationwide South Korean study, an expert committee has confirmed 480 cases of vaccine-related heart inflammation (myocarditis), including 21 deaths, 12 of which were in young adults. Ninety-five of the 480 cases were classified as severe, most needing intensive care in hospital and one receiving a heart transplant. The whole 3 years of "Covid" has been nothing but a crime against humanity perpetrated by governments, the Big Pharma cartel, the medical professions and mainstream media. I am 75 years old, not vaccinated, never wore a mask or bothered with social distancing and violated lockdown restrictions in any way I possibly could, never had Covid or even a slight cold during the pandemic and perfectly healthy. In this county we were put under house arrest, discriminated and pressured worse than in any authoritarian regime but around 33% of us (according to Office of National Statistics figures) stood our ground and have not received one single dose of the dodgy vaccines. I, for one, am so happy we did because, with the unaccountable bureaucrats of the World Health Organisation and the billionaire psychopaths who sponsored the whole Covid hoax already talking about the next pandemic, it is a great enough number to dissuade our government from trying a repeat performance. Never can we let the bastards who forced these jabs on people, knowing they were not safe, nor the practitioners who did not care enough to advise their patients to avoid this injection, get away with saying “we didn’t know the harm they could cause”. We knew - they knew. Manufacturers admitted before their 'vaccines' would not grant immunity and it was known that the mRNA vaccines were unsafe because they were abandoned in the 1980s after tests on animals showed catatastrophic results. It’s very hard to keep your cool when you become aware of just how corrupt this whole episode has been and continues to be. It is unlikely there will ever be justice for the millions of people harmed by the vaccines or whose lives and businesses have been destroyed by lockdowns but we must never forgiv those who knowingly have done harm or those who nticipatedsupported measures which, would have been reasonably a to cause harm.And we must never again trust the drug and vaccine manufacturers, medical professions, scientists, politicians or the media. Question everything. RELATED:

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MORE POSTS ON THE COVID CRISIS [ Coronavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Covid vaccine harm ] ... [ Covid vaccine fascism ] ... [ Health Tyranny ] ... [ Covid Killer Vaccine ] ... [ Big Pharma Criminality ] ... [ Vaccine News ]

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