23 September 2023
Microsoft co-founder, philanthropist, and climate alarmist Bill Gates has backtracked on 'climate doom' prophecies. The writing is on the wall for the political and financial elites, who have long championed imminent climate doom, realizing that the public sees through the charades.
In 2021 the self appointed global vaccine Czar Bill Gates was warning about the apocalyptic
consequences if the world does not achieve zero net carbon emissions by
the year 2050. He also promoted his new book, "How to Avoid a Climate
Disaster." Well fear sells and Gates knows how to make money.)
But now the Microsoft founder and former world's richest billionaire psychopath seems to have changed his tune on climate catastrophe just as he recently did on COVID vaccines when sold his stock in vaccine maker Bio-n-Tec shortly before admitting the jabs, the development of which he funded and from which he profited hugely, are not safe and do not work. On Thursday, Gates made a sudden U-turn on his climate doom narrative and now expects "No temperate country is going to become uninhabitable."
Gates spoke at a live event at The Times Center in New York and argued: "If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, 'I like climate but I don't want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living."

He also dismissed planting trees to save the planet, questioning: "Are we the science people or are we the idiots?" he said. "Which one do we want to be?"
Gates' latest comments are a stark difference from just a few years ago when he warned "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace:
"The migration that we saw out of Syria for their civil war, which was somewhat weather dependent, we're going to have 10 times as much migration because the equatorial areas will become unlivable."
Gates' U-turn comes as BlackRock CEO Larry Fink abandoned the term "ESG" (environment, social, and governance). And the 'green bubble' is imploding. The way 'green' investments have been losing money this year makes Fink's position understandable but why the change from Gates? Could it be that one of his money making schemes, that of persuading governments to pay one of his companies to block the sun's rays from hitting the earth by spraying clouds of reflective chemicals in the upper atmosphere has been met with the level of ridicule and derision it deserves.
In spite of this apparent change of heart Gates is still eyeing opportunities to profit to the tune of $hundreds of millions from climate changed. He told the New York Times sponsored event, "
“I’m the person who is doing the most on climate in terms of the innovation and how we can square multiple goals,” Gates said, (well nobody ever accused him of underestimating his own importance,) as he argued for a tech-driven approach to tackle climate change. His charitable organisation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a major donor to climate causes. And his climate-focused investment firm, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, backs more than a dozen startups developing clean energy solutions, all of which share the goal of making more profits to enable the Gates foundation to fund more for - profit startups which in turn will make even more profits for Gates' philanthropic ventures, all of which seem to make the foundation and Gates himself even wealthier.
Study: Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Causes “Turbo Cancer” in Humans
According to a disturbing new study, Bill Gates’ lab-grown meat causes cancer in humans who consume it. Gates and other globalist elites at the World Economic Forum say that lab grown cultures of fake meat and eating bugs are the solution to so-called climate change. However, this fake food has now been shown to cause “turbo cancer” via the immortalized cell lines used to manufacture it.
Bill Gates Developing Virus and Vaccine For Next Pandemic, Wants Global Surveillance Pact with W.H.O. to Track Vaccine Refusniks
Even though the efforts of politicians, the health industries and media doom mongers to keep up the fear factor over COVID looking increasingly desperate in the face of public scepticism, billionaire psychopath and wannabe vaccine messiah Bill Gates, whose 'charitable' foundation owns several for-profit biotech companies and who made $£€billions out of COVID, is already planning his next pandemic scam ...
Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster
A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments.
Forget The Hype About COP26 Saving The Planet, Here's The Reality
As mainstream media heaps praise on the delegates to the COP 26 climate conference because they have managed to agree to save the planet by repeating the same meaningless pledges and setting the same impossible targets as every previous climate conference in the past 20 years has, Boggart Blog brings you a message from a former colleague in Denmark, who tells us of the true condequences of 'gree' policy making in Europe's greenest nation.br>
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Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates? The latest backlash against billionaire psychpath and his 'philanthropic' organisation the Gates Foundation from government, media and society in India is the result of long - existing concerns raised by activists about the foundation's cavalier attitude to human rights and civil liberties.
Forget The Hype About COP26 Saving The Planet, Here's The Reality
As mainstream media heaps praise on the delegates to the COP 26 climate conference because they have managed to agree to save the planet by repeating the same meaningless pledges and setting the same impossible targets as every previous climate conference in the past 20 years has, Boggart Blog brings you a message from a former colleague in Denmark, who tells us of the true condequences of 'gree' policy making in Europe's greenest nation.br>
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Prof. Pilmer Is Going To Piss Off Boris, Biden, Bill Gates, theflat faced Swedish mini9 troll and the rest of the green Nazis
Professor Ian Plimer blew the!
How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.
Vaccine Evil Overlord Bill Gates Admits mRNA ‘Experimental’ Vaccine Will CHANGE Recepient’s DNA
Vaccine evil overlord Bill Gates, who has talked openly of using his Gates Foundation mass vaccination projects to reduce global population, has been caught on video in another uncharacteristically honest moment, admitting that his ‘experimental’ vaccine will CHANGE one’s DNA FOREVER.
Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
Two things we have learned (or should have,) from the Coronavirus "pandemic" of 2020, the government is not our friend and the billionaire philantropists of Silicon Valley never act in the interests of anybody but themselves. While Bill Gates plots to use the pandemic to advance his wet dream project of injecting everybody in the world with an RFID chip, Google, Facebook and Twitter are censoring the truth and promoting false information ...
Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
Two things we have learned (or should have,) from the Coronavirus "pandemic" of 2020, the government is not our friend and the billionaire philantropists of Silicon Valley never act in the interests of anybody but themselves. While Bill Gates plots to use the pandemic to advance his wet dream project of injecting everybody in the world with an RFID chip, Google, Facebook and Twitter are censoring the truth and promoting false information ...
Oxford Covid Vaccine Fails But Big Pharma Will Sell It Anyway
Many highly - placed members of the lockdown forever cult, Bill Gates among them, have been spreading the idea that lockdown must continue until a vaccine for COVID - 19 is available because only a vaccine can save us. More level headed types (i.e. those of us routinely dismissed as conspiracy theorists, have warned that as the virus affects the upper respiratory tract and nasal passages, where there can be no antibody response it is unlikely there will ever be an effective vaccine ...
Oxford Covid Vaccine Fails But Big Pharma Will Sell It Anyway
Many highly - placed members of the lockdown forever cult, Bill Gates among them, have been spreading the idea that lockdown must continue until a vaccine for COVID - 19 is available because only a vaccine can save us. More level headed types (i.e. those of us routinely dismissed as conspiracy theorists, have warned that as the virus affects the upper respiratory tract and nasal passages, where there can be no antibody response it is unlikely there will ever be an effective vaccine ...
Oxford Covid Vaccine Fails But Big Pharma Will Sell It Anyway
Many highly - placed members of the lockdown forever cult, Bill Gates among them, have been spreading the idea that lockdown must continue until a vaccine for COVID - 19 is available because only a vaccine can save us. More level headed types (i.e. those of us routinely dismissed as conspiracy theorists, have warned that as the virus affects the upper respiratory tract and nasal passages, where there can be no antibody response it is unlikely there will ever be an effective vaccine ...
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