The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Welcome To The World Of Alternative Food Brought To You By People Who Live In An Alternative Reality


Last week The Guardian ran an infomercial interview with Owenn Ensor, CEO of Meatly, the lab grown meat company that is perpared to work with any billionaire psychopath who wants to invest in making us eat fake meat. Among the pblic relations puff Ensor claimed “Cultivated meat is safer, kinder, more sustainable”

Just the next day The Guardian (again) reported on a “new study” that (shockingly) found “Plant-based meat alternatives are eco-friendlier and mostly healthier”.

Four days ago, another new study found proteins extracted from peanut shells could be used to supplement animal proteins.

And today a startup named Soylent Green Limited launched its product line of fake meat products synthesised from dead human beings, (Oops, sorry. That was a 1970s dysopian sci fi movie.) 

Good Food Magazine believes eating mealworms can cure diabetes. Medical journals are publishing pieces “investigating the health benefits of alternative proteins”

MSN is reposting articles from the Metro headlining: “Lab-grown meat is coming. Here’s why you might have no choice but to eat it”

It’s becoming pretty obvious that the ultimate objective is not to persuade us to eat insects of all kinds and protein made by processing toxic shite and sugar in laboratories , but to force us to do so by destroying real food produced by farmers and conventional agriculture. This process, using a combination of state regulatory coercion and/or taxpayer-funded bribes to farmers to destroy the agricultural sector, is already in full swing in the Netherlands, the US and other Western nations which currently feed most of the world.

 Thanks mainly to the fascistic manoeuvrings of globalist food corporations and their political puppets, food prices in shops and supermarkets are rising to the point where for the increasingly hard-up majority of people in the so-called developed world, meat, veg and fruit and dairy products will soon become unaffordable. Ultimately, it will be a case of “eat zee bugs” and drink the phony maggot-milk shakes or starve.

In the relatively poor nations of south-east Asian countries, it has historically been perfectly normal (and for many, economically necessary) to eat insects, grubs and creepy crawlies we Westerners would typically turn our noses up at, creatures including but not limited to snakes, small birds, scorpions and gastropods and of all kinds.

Mind you,I suspect even they might draw the line at maggot milk! 

If all this is making you wonder WTF is going on you are not alone. Many of us in the blogosphere and alt_news community are getting the distinct impresion that all this going green and 'net zero' bollocks is not really about saving the planet. To understand why we think this you first have to undertand how the billlionaire psychopaths make their money. It is not by manufacturing and selling products as in the past, b anut mostly by patenting and copyrighting anything that moves, breathes or farts and collecting licence fees, royalties, duties and franchises.

For years governments corporate businesses in the health and food production industries have been busy patenting parts of human, animal and plant genomes. This does not mean, for example, that before you eat a banana you must pay a fee to the organisation which holds a patent on the gene that makes bananas yellow, but that no other orgnisation can alter that gene to make bananas bigger and yellower without sharing thir profits with the patent holder. Patents are big business but biological entities are a problem for patent entrepreneurs.

An egg is an egg. Beef is beef. You can’t patent a cow or a chicken, and it’s quite difficult to prevent people keeping and breeding their own animals.

But when your product is a few thousand freeze-dried crickets or mealworms ground into a paste (including their eyes, intestines and faeces), mixed with chemical preservatives, thickeners and artificial flavourings to mimic real meat … well, you can patent the fuck out of that.

That’s part of the reason the edible insect and fake meat market is expected to grow to ten times its current size in the next decade.

In one of those ever-so-timely coincidences, the announcement of the new research project has just so happened to accompany  the launch of the UK’s new National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC), a £38million research project co-founded with Imperial College London (of Covid modelling fame).

Professor Karen Polizzi of Imperial’s brand new “Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein” (yes, that Bezos) described the new initiative thus:

Transitioning to healthy, sustainable sources of protein is a pressing global challenge. The National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre will help facilitate this transition by supporting researchers and industry in all parts of the process from product design through to consumer acceptance. At Imperial, we will focus on developing economical, sustainable processes for producing newly discovered alternative proteins on a large scale.”

The “alternative proteins” that are the focus of this  research being…

edible proteins that are derived from sources other than animal agriculture: from plants such as cereals, legumes, tubers and nuts; fungi such as mushrooms; algae such as seaweed; insects; proteins derived via lab-grown microbial cells or fermentation; and lab-grown meat.

It has also been widely reported that Bill Gates, the self appointed global vaccines Czar has invested heavily in fake meat and other fake food (maggot milk is one of his brainglitches, allegedly,) and you can be the rest of the usual suspects are in on the scam.

This goes a long way to explaining why governments are so keen to cover vast areas of prime food producing land with solar panels, or pay farmers not not grow food or produce meat, dairy products and eggs but instead let land 'return to nature,' (they call it 'rewilding' - we call it effing insane.) It is not about the money, but as always the real aim is to increase their power and control.

The Bilderberger WEF crowd, will keep flying kites in the media until they succeed in frightening us with another propaganda blitz to accompany their latest crisis or false flag Psyop; just like they tried to do with: Zika, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Monkey Pox or with a food supply problem they create so they can mobilize, intervene and resolve. Of course once they intervene with their social engineering plan things will never go back to full normal and we’ll be farther down the road to dystopia. Their playbook is extremely thin but they make incremental advances in their NWO agenda. The COVID panemic was just a trial run.


UPDATE 12 September 2024: 

Haitian Migrants show Remarkable Resourcefullness In Finding Free Food

While supporters of American presidential candidate Kamala Harris have been getting their knickers in a twist over her rival, former president Donald Trump saying during their televised debste last Tuesday that illegal immigrants from Haiti who have been settled in the rust belt state of Ohio have been stealing the pet dogs of local people and eating them.

"There is no evidence of this," claim Democrat supporting talking heads in mainstream media as if that proves Trump is lying to stir up anti - immigrant feeling. They obviously ned to be reminded that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. There have ben many allegations that incomoers from Haiti have taken domestic animals (not necessarily dogs,) for food and now a story has emerges proving Trump has a point even if he mis - speciesed the victims of the cime.

Although Harris called Trump a liar, triggering a pile on by leftist mainstream media as commentators trampled each other in the rush to label Trump insane and declare there is no evidence that Haitian migrants have taken any domesticated animals for food.

However, Ohio state Attorney General Dave Yost weighed in Wednesday in defense of former President Trump’s claims of Haitian migrants eating pets by saying there is a credible claim that they are capturing geese and ducks from city parks for food, the Daily Sceptic reports.

“There’s a recorded police call from a witness who saw immigrants capturing geese for food in Springfield. Citizens testified to City Council,” Mr. Yost said on social media.
He said those people “would be competent witnesses in court.”

Duck rescuer Lisa Montgomery, who has spent nearly a decade saving wild geese nd ducks in Ohio says an “unusual” number have disappeared recently and she “believes it to be true” that the birds are being “murdered for food” by Haitian migrants.

Lisa was shocked when she discovered the “unusual” amount of birds which have disappeared in the region, and now has “serious concerns” that they’re being “murdered for food”.

Speaking to, Lisa said the sheer number of birds disappearing of late has far exceeded past summers in the region.

“I have over the years had many people reach out from the Springfield area. Recently with concerns of ducks and geese being murdered for food,” she said.

“I do have serious concerns over the issue and believe it to be true.”

Read the full story in the Daily Mail

Whatever you think about Springfield Ohio and the Haitian migrant invasion, one thing is crystal clear: the Haitians know a thing or two about finding free food.

Average Americans, who are living on processed junk food from the grocery store, will largely be clueless (and will starve) once the predicted, globalist engineered food collapse and financial collapse hit society. Migrants from impoverished third world shit holes demonstrate a much higher level of survival skills than typical westerners.

The story mentioned above confirms  Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, are catching and eating geese caught in the city park, a snack also known as "wildcrafted meat." Almost all of mainstream media have denied this is happeninf and those far left political activist sites known as fact checkers unanimously declare it false. And as we all know, if an online fact checker declares a story is false, you can be sure beyond reasonable doubt, it is true.

When things get extreme enough, you may see widespread cannibalism in America's collapsing cities as the loonytoons policies of Harris and her team of far left extremists take hold. Yes, people will begin eating people. After all, it's a "food" source (although insanely toxic) that's local, probably walking right down your street. Cannibals in America don't have to venture very far to find another meal. 

Remember the Deagel predictions show 200 million Americans dying in the next 15 months or so. That migh seem a far fetched claim, but  Kommie Kamala has already promised to introduce price controls to limit profits, which will only provoke a backlash in which corporate food suppliers simply take goods off the shelvesif they can't get the profits margin they want.

This will actually assist the globalists agenda of replacing educated, organised western working classes with uneducated, semi literate third world migrants. Street-wise incomers are not going to be affected by price controls. The geese in the city park are free, as are the cattle, sheep and pigs in a farmers field, the deer and wild birds in national parks. Price controls only impact those who pay for food, not those who steal it.



Scientists Caught Out In Another Fraud, Red Meat Does Not Cause Cancer
It should not come as a surprise to regular readers but I think most scientists are idiots, they fill their heads with book learning and theory and lose tough with reality. And as for cosmologists and theoretical physicists, well their Reality Quotient only registers in the negative zone of the index. But it's the food fascism scientists that really make me angry

The Best foods for protien are not those you have been told.
Another group of scientists proved to be crooks and liars interested more in promoiting the profits or corporations that provide their funding? Well that's the way it looks as evidence mounts that intensively farmed produce, particularly meat and dairy goods are not as rich in nutrients as when our ancestors ate meat and milk or cheese from naturally grazed cattle or eggs from free range hens.

Bansturbators Hidden Agenda - Abolish Meat To Make Way For Grey Goo.The bansturbators of Nanny State and the neo-Fascists of the New World Order are set on devivering us into the Brave New World promised a hured years ago by those who decided democracy would have to be superseded by a scientific dictatorship. Replacing natural meat in our diets with stuff made from grey goo grown in laboratories is the latest item on their agenda to go public.

Pasty Wars: Osborne's War On Pies Is War On The NorthThere is a growing cultural gap in Britain. When hapless Cancellor George Osborne delivered his budget for 2012 the effete southern media tried to stip up a controversty about the so called ganny tax. But here in the nothern heartlands, the true England, what pissed us off was Osborne's attempt to tax our hot pies.
Norwegians Rebel Against Fat PoliceWe frequently report of the activities of the Politically Correct Thought Police Food Fascist Squad and their incessant wars on tasty food, fat, salt and sugar. It is great for one to be able to report on a nation not far from us culturally of geographically that is staging a fightback against the control freaks.
Killer Red Meat Rport Was Faked By Health FascistsThe highly sensationalised research reported lkast week that identiufied red meat as a killer in our diet used manipulated data to distort the statistics, analysts have said. Good quality lean red meat in moderation (like anything else) does no harm. It is processed meat that causes problems. And who invented the processes that put the poison in our meat? Those conniving scientists of course.
Limp Wristed Vegetarian Nazi Scientists Want To Take Away Your SteakScientists Warn 'Red Meat Can Be Lethal', it is not only unhealthy but can increase the risk of death, according to a major US study.Now you quickly get to the nature of this science in the line above. "can increase the risk of death". Unscientific, scaremongering BOLLOCKS. We are all going to die, forget the delusional belief among scientists that they can immunise us against death, nobody lives for ever. So the risk of death is 100%, it cannot get any higher, it will not get any lower. Therefore you should read reports of this type of research with ...

Frying Pan FascistsNanny State and the food fascists who work for her have yelled at us about cigarettes, alcohol, sugar and idleness. Now these sad, busybody bansturbators are getting on our case about fat and fried food. But natural fat is not dangerous, only too much fat and the wronmg kind of fat is dangerous. And what is the wrong kind of fat. The highly procressed low fat spreads the bansturbators are always teling us is healthy. Science my arse.

The Best foods for protien are not those you have been told.
Another group of scientists proved to be crooks and liars interested more in promoiting the profits or corporations that provide their funding? Well that's the way it looks as evidence mounts that intensively farmed produce, particularly meat and dairy goods are not as rich in nutrients as when our ancestors ate meat and milk or cheese from naturally grazed cattle or eggs from free range hens.

The Mad Scientists Mania For Genetically Modifying Everything
Genetically Modified (GM) organisms? The science is setttled right, the only way to feed the world's growing population is to accept GM foods and hand control of the human food chain to some of the nastiest, most fascistic corporate busineses on earth, right? Well fortunately it is not as clear cut as that, independent research shows GM crops do not give increased yields and do pose very significant risks for humans, wildlife and the environment.

World Health Chiefs Say ‘Red Meat As Likely to Cause Cancer as Smoking’
Another way of looking at this article of course is to say that it is an admission by the WHO that cigarette smoking does not cause cancer, which while true is a dangerous thing to say because after non stop anti - tobacco propaganda for the past fifty years, such a statement would be open to being interpreted as meaning cigarette smoking does no harm.

Food health fascism: Salt, Sugar, Saturated Fat, Alcohol, Cheese, Fizzy Drinks, Chocloate, ... if you enjoy it, it will kill you - maybe.
We are all familiar with those health scare stories that seem to pop up in mainstream media at least once a week claiming this that or the other will kill us. Few people spot the irony in that a few days earlier the same sensationalist rag will have carried a story under a similar screaming headline, claiming that scientists have found the stuff being demonised is in fact good for us ...

After Cigarettes and Alcohol, The Government Plans Sugar Tax
The election may have put a Conservative government in power and consigned the pokenoses and busybodies of Labour and the Lib Dems to the political wilderness, but the bansturbators of the public sector march on, their war against pleasure, laughter, tasty food and anything that might put people at risk of enjoying themselves continuing unabated it seems.

Big Food Cartel Aims For Monopoly Food comtaminated with toxic chemicals by food companies Food crisis down to control freakery rather than shortages Food giants promote bad diets Food science fraud

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