The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

In Ze Future You Vill Eat Bugs And You Vill Be Happy


Do you fancy a mealworm sandwich for lunch?

There have been any number of documentaries and exposés produced in recent decades detailing the dangers of this industrial farming system that we find ourselves beholden to, any number of activists ringing the alarm about these problems, any number of campaigns and marches organized to raise awareness about these issues. Yet still, nation after nation gets fatter and sicker as traditional diets based on fresh produce sourced from local farmers are displaced by the fast food pink slime sourced from the industrial farms of the Big Food oligopoly.

But as bad as things may be, they're about to get even worse. As crisis after crisis disrupts the food supply, the "solution" to these problems has already been prepared. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself. (Source: Corbett Report: The Future of Food )


Given the World Economic Forums avowed intent to feed us ordinary punters a diet of insects, grubs and recycled shite, and the recently announced EU policy of introducing young childredn to the idea of eating mealworms it seems appropriate to draw attention to the many downsides of eating bugs. James Corbett has written an excellent essay on the weaponization of food in the culture war being waged by the elites on civilised society. 

He looks at some historical examples of just how effective this approach is but also what the future may look like, highlighting some research that is going on currently. For instance, click on the link which explains how DARPA (The Unites States Defense Advanced Research Agency - aka the people who brought you COVID19,) are funding researchers to find ways to turn military plastic waste into protein powder. Yes, really.

“But if this food crisis is being knowingly engineered, the question is why? What purpose would governments have for creating food shortages for their own people?

The answer is simple. We are witnessing a controlled demolition of the food supply chain, one that is intended to result in the destruction of the current industrial farming system as we know it. But this changeover is not intended to return us to truly sustainable farming practices, with local, organic farmers producing crops in accordance with age-old agricultural wisdom. Far from it.

As it turns out, the “solution” to this food crisis being proffered by the billionaires of the corporate-pharmaceutical-medical-industrial-philanthrocapital-military complex is being engineered in laboratories and sold to the public via a bought-and-paid-for mainstream media.

One thing is for certain: the future of food will look very different from anything that we have seen in human history.

This extract of an article published in The Guardian gives us some idea of what is in store:

Fried crickets on the school menu, milk made from fly larvae and mealworm bolognese for dinner? These are the environmentally friendly meals we can look forward to. Bon appetit!

My first attempts at feeding insects to friends and family did not go down well. “What the hell is wrong with you?” asked my wife when I revealed that the tomato and oregano-flavoured cracker bites we had been munching with our G&Ts were made from crickets. “Hang on, I’m vegetarian!” cried our friend – which prompted a slightly testy discussion on whether insects count as meat, how many thousand arthropods equate to one mammal and considering almost all industrial agriculture involves the mass slaughter of insects, what’s the difference?

I then tried some Crunchy Critters dried mealworms on my seven-year-old. “It doesn’t taste of much,” he said. His friend wasn’t wild about his grasshoppers either. “The legs are weird.” But connoisseurs insist that dried specimens from a packet simply cannot compare to free-range, seasonal arthropods roasted in their own oils. “The fresh ones are much tastier, of course,” says Dr Monica Ayieko, senior insect researcher from the western region of Kenya – and one of an estimated two billion people who regularly eat insects. “I love the smell of roasting lake flies or crickets. It’s a nice savoury smell. This is one thing we pride ourselves on in Africa – we always eat fresh food.”

 Well eating insects may be a big deal in Africa but we have to remember every poor fucker in Africa is on the brink of starvation. And most people also have about a hundred deadly deaseases, some of which are probably due to eating creatures that feed on shit.





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