Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Another Alzheimer’s 'Wonder Drug' Blocked By NHS Due To High Cost And Low Effectiveness

by Arthur Foxake _ 23 October 2024


The double - vaccinated, multi - boosted sheephead contingent went into meltdown yesterday in comment threads reporting that what is claimed to be the most effective drug yet for treating Alzheimer’s disease has been blocked for use on the NHS.

Ever eager to beliee any propaganda narrative the government - corporate cartel pumps out the sheepheads were quick to jump on the bandwagon and start accusing the NHS and the regulator of mass murder and planning to engineer a genocide of over - 70s as well as attacking anyone who suggested this drug might not be as good as the hype suggests. I have never been slow off the mark in criticising health tyranny when it is deserved but objectivity is called for so I researched the reseults of clinical trials of the 'wonder drug' and found that by any definition it falls a long way short of wonderful.

Regulators have declared Donenamab, the new treatment for the disease safe for use but the rationing body has immediately ruled that it is too expensive for NHS patients.

Reports in mainstream media stated the blatantly obvious in predicting the decision is expected to disappoint charities and campaigners who have called for better access to newly emerging drugs on the NHS. But as usual when corporate members of the Big Pharma cartel are hyping any new medical product, the propaganda did not tell the full story.

Donanemab has been described as game-changing and the makers claim trials show it slowed the progression of Alzheimer’s by 35 per cent. Scientists said it could mean patients were able to live at home with a better quality of life for an extra two years.

The decision on donanemab – the second drug found to slow the progress of Alzheimer’s disease – mirrors that taken in August, when lecanemab, the first breakthrough treatment for the condition, was licensed but also rejected by the NHS on very similar grounds.

The draft guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) means the drug will will only be available from private clinics, or if they are part of a clinical trial. Health insurance policies are unlikely to cover costs.

In trials, Donenamab is claimed to have slowed cognitive decline by 35 per cent, making it even more effective than Iecanemab, which slowed the disease by 27 per cent.

Almost half of participants on donanemab had no clinical progression of disease after a year, compared with 29 per cent on placebo.

Total misinformation from mainstream media. What is reported above shows the drug at best is marginally effective in a small subset, and its use involves regular MRI scans at enormous expense. Many patients with dementia cannot cope with MRI scans. In spite of all this Donenamab has been heavily marketed by the drug lobby.

Let's be realistic, results from clinical trials show it does not cure, does not halt the progress of dementia but 'slows' the progress by 35%. Thirty five per cent of what?

I spent many hours between 2015 and 2020 vititing my mother in a care home and was able to observe the different rates of decline among various residents. So to refer to slowing the rate of decline by a percentage is utterly meaningless and makes me think this drug is just another money grabbing scam by Big Pharma. 

Facts may be unfashionable when discussing the pros and cons of new 'wonder drugs' being pushed by the Big Pharma cartel propaganda lobby, but I've never cared muvh for fashion so here are a few facts gleabed from information released on the clinical trial results on this latest phramaceutical scam.

A Cambridge University team has reviewed the clinical trial results of this in a  sudy paper. The drug had a 0.45 out of 18 effect on individual participants, and the 35 percent slowing in disease progress was the relative comparison with the drug group against the control. 

In fact among the information not reported is that among the control group who were given the  placebo treatment, 29% saw no progression of disease after 1 year, thus the true figure for those who benefit from the drug is not 35% but 35% of 71%. 

 Many experts have already pointed out that Donenamab does not improve cognition, the delay in cognitive decline was at the maximum 5 months. It also has severe side effects - 20 percent participants experienced brain swelling and bleeding and there were 3 deaths (once again points not mentioned in mainstream media,).

The cost is estimated at £25,000 per annnum for the drug alone, without the cost of medical treatment and scans. Another random controlled trial, not financed by drug manufacturers, showed that life style interventions reversed early dementia and mild cognitive impairment more effectively in 20 weeks. (See,early%20dementia%20due%20to%20AD.)  

The AZ Soc, that is pushing this, gets funding from drug manufacturer Eli Lilly.  

Do not believe the clickbait headline, this is not a wonder drug, Only 20% of patients get a temporary benefit over the placebo, and many of the ones who fail to benefit will have severe side effects. Given the vast cost prescribing it, we we have to consider what other vital services would need to be sacrificed for benefits that are, in most cases, marginal however harsh that may seem.

So to the person who called me a murdering cunt for pointing out a few truths about this drug, consider how many people might have to die of cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, diabetes and a host of other conditions if funds are to be transferre in order to pay for an expensive, ineffective threatment that will enable a small number of people to endure the misery of dementia for a few weeks longer.


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