Thursday, October 24, 2024

Britain's Two Tier Justice System: Police Officer Was Prosecuted For Shooting Gangster Who Drove A Car At Officers While Trying To Escape Arrest

When London Metropolitan Police Officer Martyn Blake fired a single shot through the windscreen of gangster Chris Kaba’s Audi Q8 killing him as he tried to escape after being stopped by police in the South London suburn of Streatham on September 5th 2022 it was inevitable, due to Kaba's colour and ethnic background that the incident would become a big story.

Though the Audi driver's identity was not known at the time, the vehicle had been linked to two previous firearms incidents including a shooting outside a primary school the night before so it was perfectly reasonable for Blake and other officers dealing with the incident to assume the there was a high risk of violence.

Despite this Officer Blake, 40, who had an unblemished record with the Metropolitan Police, was charged with murder with prosecutors claiming his actions had not been “reasonably justified”. That decision to charge him followed a lengthy investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) and consideration by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

However following a three week trial at the Old Bailey, duing which Mr. Blake told the court he genuinely feared for the lives of his colleagues, when Kaba attempted to ram his way through a roadblock in a residential street and also tht he had not intended to kill Kaba but had simply wanted to stop the car driving at his colleagues. The jury took three hours to find him not guilty of murder. No doubt jury members were more aware of how ludicrous Britain's laws covering polivce use of firearms against dangerous criminals are. We all know about the role of guns in policing as used in the USA. However there is not one of the major European nations where an officer would be prosecuted for shooting dead a suspect who was trying to escape from arresting officers or otherwise resisting arrest.

The verdict was naturally greeted with relief by Mr. Blake’s colleagues, friends and family, but will lead to inevitable questions about why he was ever charged in the first place. Despite being cleared of the criminal charge, Mr. Blake could still have to face a gross misconduct hearing which could result in him being sacked. As a fully trained firearms officer, Blke is being punished for doing his job.

Following the verdict members of the black community and leftists of all races tried to equate the case to the killing of George Floyd in 2020, disorderly with street protests by Black Lives Matter supporters and claims by Kaba's family that the killing was racially motivated and that the known criminal had led a blameless life. A few days after the verdict was announced the trial judge finally lifted reporting restrictions he had imposed in order to prevent race baiters causing such an outcry with their demands for summary justice and assertions that members of minorities cannot be held accountable to the same laws as white people that a fair trial would have been impossible. Only then was it revealed that Chris Kaba was one of London’s most feared gangsters and the police officer who shot him had a £10,000 bounty put on his head. Martyn Blake now is having to live in hiding, fearing for his life and his the lives of his family after a Kana's criminal associates let it be known they are prepared to offer £10,000 for information on his whereabouts in order to kill him in revenge for the death of Kaba. Only now can it be disclosed that the 24 year-old who used a powerful car as a weapon was high on cocaine that night and still had gun residue on his sleeve and a balaclava in his car, providing “strong evidence” that je had carried out a gangland shooting in Brixton the night before, Mr. Blake’s lawyer Patrick Gibbs, KC, said. It was also revealed he was a leading member of the 67 gang, which police consider the most dangerous gang in South London. Just six days before his death Kaba brazenly gunned down a rival in the middle of a crowded nightclub during a bloody feud for control of a profitable county lines drug network. In the shocking attack captured on CCTV, the gangster started blasting at Brandon Malutshi chasing him outside the Oval Space Club in Hackney, with one of the bullets hitting him in the leg. So, the police officer who was named back in March had his life put in danger and has been into hiding – but the judge banned reporting on Kaba’s history, preventing the public having the full picture and allowing the family and community to portray the notorious gangster as an expectant father and aspiring architect with “so much potential” who had been trying to turn his life around. This is obviously no way to keep the public safe or respect the personal risks that law enforcement officers take to protect us. But it shows us once again that there is now a two tier justice system in operation. Leftists have infiltrated all levels of public life and are determined to advance their 'woke' agenda whenever an opportunity is presented, to the cost of the law abiding majority. RELATED STORIES:
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