The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Chinese Lunar Rover Finds No Evidence of American Moon Landings

As the 'Science Squad' (Brian Cox, Dara O'Briain and assorted Star Wars fans) get hyper over Major Tim Peake 'going into space' I call for scepticism. He hasn't gone into 'space', the space station is in a fixed orbit 250 miles above the earth and that is within the earth's atmosphere, in the layer known as The Thermosphere, which is not even the outermost sphere of the atmosphere.

So having been pissed off yet again by the same people who screech that we should be spending more on the National Health Service and paying hgher benefits to illegal immigrants and homegrown useless fuckers and increasing our £56 million PER DAY payment to Brussels so we can stay in the EU and one day become part of the European Reich also demanding we flush £££billions in taxpayers money on 'exploring space' (the clue is in the name folks, there's fuck all there) I thought I'd piss them off too by sharing this post on a topic that always winds them up.

The American Media Didn’t Report on This One?! Chinese Lunar Rover Finds No Evidence of American Moon Landings
From World News Daily Report:


Beijing – Top officials of the Chinese Space Program have expressed their feelings that the American moon landings “were a complete hoax” reports the Beijing Daily Express.

200 high-ranking officials from the Chinese Space Program have signed a petition asking explanations from the American government and the release of classified NASA information concerning the American moon landings that would prove to the World that the moon landings were not an elaborately orchestrated hoax to fool the World about America’s space program capabilities.

These allegations have come up through recent analysis of pictures taken from the Chinese moon rover that allegedly found no traces of the American moon landings existing on the moon.

World renowned Russian nuclear engineer Yury Ignatyevich Mukhin has also signed the petition as well as a dozen other top Russian engineers and ex-KGB agents claiming the Russian Government “had always been aware of the situation since the early 1970′s”

science heads are asking how, if the 1969 moon landing was a hoax and it is impossible to make round trips to the moon (as NASA have recently admitted) how did the Chinese get there. This is not a manned mission however and my understanding is the Chinese have no intention of getting their Meccano kit (above) back from the moon.
And of course the two main problem areas are getting humans through the radiation belts and getting hardware back to earth. But as I find the whole topic of ‘space’ boring (the clue is in the name, there’s nothing there) I don’t really care. Just thought this story was amusing in view of all the excitement about our UK Astronaut guy going into ‘space’ (he hasn’t really, the thermosphere in which the Space Station orbits, is not even the outermost layer of the atmosphere).


The Truth Is Not Out There
The truth is out there, promised the voiceover man at the start of television cult sci - fi series The X Files. Well it might be but if it is we are no nearer to finding it. And since the X Files introduced us to cryptozoology and quantum weirdness we don't seem to be any closer to the truth. Maybe out there is the wrong place to look.

Has Nasa found another 'Earth' in corner of Milky Way?

The science clowns are going off their heads again, getting over-excited about the 'discovery' by the Kepler project of Earth 2, an earth like planet that it would only take twenty million ryears to reach in our fastest spacecraft id. What planet do these do these idiots live on.

NASA Engineer Admits They Can’t Get Past Van Allen Belts

Can it be that the conspiracy Theorists have once again been right all along. Or is there another explanation for the apparent contradiction. Thius one is going top have comment threads and social media going crazy.

New Physics Theory Proposes Time Is Disappearing From Our Universe.
I have never understood why we invest so much money in theoretical physics, which basically means blokes with pointy heads sitting around having intellectual wanks as they dream up constantly whackier theories to explain how our universe works. One idea they cling to fondly which I find crazy, is that time is somehow material than can be stretched, compressed, kicked around like a football and made to disappear.

Beam Me Up Brian* - Scientists Say Star Trek Style Teleporation Is Possible
It has become more and more obvious that the current generation of scientis ts are a bunch of OCD geeks who can't differentiate between science fact and science fiction. While scientists are increasingly seen to be certifiably insane psychotics who have completely detached themselves from reality, politicians are dupes who can be persuaded that colonising solar systems of stars so distant it would take our fastest spacecraft thousands of years to reach them is somehow a vote winner.

Infinity And The Myth Of Space And Time
There is a revolution afoot in the way we think of the universe and humanity's relationship with it. The materialist science of Isaac Newton, the father of modern physics was proving inadequate to deal with the infinitely small and the infinitely large and Albert Einstein's thought experiments floundered on the rock of infinity which defies mathematical enumeration. It looks as if the world's most ancient surviving religion is coming to our rescue.

Putin Says Russia Will Reach For The Stars.
President Vladimir Putin of Russia yesterday announced a massive new space exploration project, in a move that can only be seen as sending a message to the Obama administration in the near bankrupt U S A.

Quantum Soul: Is Each Of Us A Part Of The UniverseReligious and secular philopsophers have argued for centuries about life beyond death, the nature of the human soul and our relationshi[p with God, the universe or whatever. Modern militant secularists have tried to claim we are nothing more than machines, others say life is a chemical accident but experience tells most people there is much more to our existence than that ...

Alien Life? Who Needs Lizard Men There Is A Universe Of Ideas Out There
What If We Are Alone? Scientist insist we must spend $£€ mega on trying to contact alien life forms. But putting aside the thought that such aliens may be hostile and hungry, why do we need to. There is a uinverse of ideas we can explore right here in our minds. Sadly scientists lack the imagination to understand that.

Quantum Metaphysics or The God Experiments
The noise from militant atheists is becoming unbearable as they scream and shout about superstition and magical thinking. So what if science came up with something that turns upside down everything we thought we knew about the nature of the universe. Well it has, twenty years ago. Quantum entanglements, non - separability, oneness, once it enters the public perception we will suddenly have to see ourselves differently.

Not Intelligent Design But A Designer Universe.
At the risk of making to sciencyheads kick off about intelligent design we must enter the argument between science and creationism to pose the possibility that the universe did have a designer - not a god such as the creation myths describe but a race of intelligent (?) beings who, live ourselves could not resist meddling with things they did not fully understand thus incurring unforeseen consequences.

Radio Telescopes Photograph Nearest Galaxy To Earth

A spectacular new photo of our nearest galaxy lit up like a neon sign has been captured by European astronomers using state of the art space telescopes. Regular Readers of The Daily Stirrer will know we are somewhat sceptical about 'science.' Now there is a lot of good and valuable work done in research and development using those accumulated bodies of knowledge known as The Sciences. But when people start trying to pass off speculative research or even unsubstantiated and unproveable theories as 'science' it is a sure sign we are dealing with research grant bludgers, Nobel Prize phishers and ...
Infinity And The Myth Of Space And Time
part 2 - Space and The Universal Mind

Before Big Bang - part 1
Before Big Bang - Part 2

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