The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

USA, EU and Turkey are not going to like this Greece /Russia deal

It is common knowledge that Greece is on the way out of the EU. Though the bureaucrats of Brussels, increasingly paranoid about EU member states that challenge their authority will try to bully Greece into staying, the Greeks have a new best mate in Russia. It is logical therefore that as Turkey's increasingly unstable Prsident Erdogan continues to provoke Russia in any way he can, Members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Greek administrative region of Evros are floating proposals of trade ties with Russia and could offer their port city Alexandroupolis as an alternative route for Russian cargo to bypass the Bsophorous and Dardinelles, the narro straits that are the only route to the Mediterranean Sea from Russia's posts on The Black Sea.

“We could work together in different areas, taking into account that the city is home to one of the largest ports that allows to bypass Bosphorus and the Dardanelles,” Evangelos Lambakis, the mayor of Alexandroupoli, told the press. Alexandroupoli is the capital city of the Evros regional unit.

Professor Valentin Katasonov believes that this initiative could grow into a larger partnership, since Turkey severely damaged relations with Russia not just by downing a Russian bomber over Syria but because of its illegal oil trade and arms trafficking with ISIS.

“We indeed need access to the Mediterranean Sea bypassing Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, [the narrow straits that separate mainland Turkey from the Turkish enclave in Europe in which Istanbul is situated.] There is another alternative – a channel through Iran. This project, first conceived approximately a century ago, is now also on the agenda,” Katasonov said.

Russia has always feared, should hostilities break out with Turkey, the Turks would simply scupper ships in the Bosphorus and Dardinelles, blocking Russia's main trade routes.

Although Greece’s offer could help Russia bolster the security of its shipments, not all risks will be eliminated.“Not all transit countries are friendly towards Russia. We need to take into account risks that our land transportation could face. Land shipping does not require massive investment, so this is a viable option,” he added.Should Evros proceed with this initiative, it will have to abide by this commitment due to the tough economic environment Greece is dealing with, Katasonov emphasized.

NATO and the West will not be happy with the move. However, there is no alternative for Greece. Last summer the Greek government inked three-year deals with the IMF and the European Union, but the situation will heat up in mid-2016 (as I told you in another post, a major banking crisis is expected in Italy before the end of June. The issues that were discussed in 2015, like Grexit, will resurface.

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USA, EU and Turkey are not going to like this Greece /Russia deal
“We indeed need access to the Mediterranean Sea bypassing Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, [the narrow straits that separate mainland Turkey from the Turkish enclave in Europe in which Istanbul is situated.] There is another alternative – a channel through Iran. This project, first conceived approximately a century ago, is now also on the agenda,”
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